Rattle Them Bones

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Warhamms Ship Names:

Black Wren (Karl Franz, House Franz)

Arrow of Terra (Geral diCaprice, House Capriz)
Nemesis (Halljard Hardrad, Independent)
Astral Endeavor (Markus Anders, Independent)
Ejnhar Hertzprung (Ivan Gorskovich, House Siminov)
Vehement (Marcellan Schenk, House Schendler)
Paragon (Mordecai Kennoch, House Bannoch)
Stalwart (Dorote Legro, House Legro)
Malachar (Nadine Braun, Independent)
St. James of Maccabia (Karl Hisenberg, Independent)
Flames of Nocturne (Lucius Pyrrhic, House Pyyrhic, House Head)
Hell-bane (Augustus Hellebore, House Hellebore, House Commandant)
Bane of Blades (Antonia Hellebore, House Hellebore, House Consort)
Slaughter of Vraks (Admiral Bastille, Imperial Liaison)
Light of His Grace (Ecclesiarchus Markavian, Ecclesiarchal Liaison)
Litany of Hate (Estaban Morez, House Morez)
Blade Dragon (Caeliran Drakozozh, House Drakozozh, House Protector)
Skull-Shredder (Adolphus Carolus, House Carolus)
His Shield (Xavier Cheval, House Cheval)
His Sword (Alexandrea Cheval, House Cheval)
Chaos-Breaker (Sigurd Seigfreid, House Sigismund)
Vanguard (Gustavus Rex, House Carolus)
Inexorable (Wilhuff Tarkin, House Tarkin)
Indomitable (Ranulph Tarkin, House Tarkin)
Major Rogue Trader Houses in Order of Power:
House Franz (War Transport)
House Tarkin (Trade Lane Policing)
House Carolus (Privateer)
House Sigismund (Close ties to the Navis houses)
House Cheval (Currently in IN employment, fighting Greenskins)
House Schendler (Specialists in the Cold Trade)
House Hellebore (Player House, Explorers)
House Pyyrhic (Transport of Raw Ores, want Hellebore navigation data)
House Siminov (Ammunition sales, close ties to House Hax-Orthlack)
House Bannoch (Shipyard protection)
House Drakozozh (Protection of planet Nirn IV)
House Capriz (Luxury Trade)
House Legro (Equipment and other manufacturing materia)
Independents (Up to the Independent)

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