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May 11, 2015

Dear Northeast Families,

By now you have probably heard about the devastating and
terrible earthquake in Nepal, an earthquake that measured 7.8 on
the Richter scale. Apart from a death toll of already more than
6,000 people, many survivors are now facing extreme hardship.
They are in urgent need of many basic supplies, such as shelter,
medical supplies and food. We all can help.
Our 4th grade class is organizing a fundraiser to help the victims
of the Nepal Earthquake. We humbly request that you consider
making a contribution. There will be donation containers set up in
every classroom from Wednesday 5/13 through Friday 5/22.
Students can bring in coins or bills - any amount is greatly
appreciated. Once the money is sorted we will donate the total
amount to The Nepal Youth Foundation which has launched a
major relief effort to provide immediate help for those most in
need as well as long-term rebuilding.
We would like to thank you in advance for your help and
kindheartedness. We hope that our efforts will make a real
Payasa Manandhar, Julia ODonoghue , Grace
Lim, Lily Yang, Erin Hanson,
Ms. Darcey-Martin, and Mrs.

For some reason I am having trouble accessing the fundraiser plan page so I
am adding some possible aid foundations to this document for now. Payasa,
ask your parents if they have suggestions!

Here is the website where I did research on different organizations. You can
add in the letter that this site was used to find an organization that has a
good reputation (or however you would like to write this). If we are going
with the Nepal Youth Foundation, I would write one sentence about what the
organization does or believes in in the the letter.
-Ms. D-M
Dear friends,
I am going to say that i do not like number 3.
I do like number 1 and 2! I like that both have to do with kids!
Number 1 gets a higher vote from me!!!
Also i think that we should, if we send an e-mail to the NE parents we should
put the link so they can look. I was also realising that some might have
already given to Cornell or another place!
Cornell and some other places are also doing fundraisers,
Julia. : )
Ms. Darcey-Martin,
If you want to talk to my parents about this fundraiser, please feel free.
My father can talk to you in person on Tuesday. I dont know what time,

OK by me!!!

im ok with that
- Gra
I vote for the first website!
The 2 and 3 ones don't make too
much sense to me!

I vote for





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