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Diagnostic: In what ways will I find out what students prior skills, understandings and misconceptions are about

the topic?
-Brainstorm/mind map
-See/Think/Wonder? Chart
Formative: In what ways will I use formative assessment to support learning throughout the instructional
sequence? How can I use the Performance Standards and the 6 Big AFL strategies to help me do this?
-Thumbs up/down check ins
-Discussions/Conversations with students
-Sharing of learning intentions
-Pictures of students doing science experiments or working at the science discovery centre
-Observations: Made on chart
-Bulletin board
Summative: How will I evaluate whether or not students have achieved the learning intentions/outcomes?
(consider a balance of representations of learning write/say/do)
-Worksheets (cut and paste, labeled diagrams, etc.)
-Review of observational notes
-Teacher Check-in
Reporting: How will I communicate the evaluation to students/sponsor teachers/parents?
-Parent/Special Person Showcase: Students will share their learning with parents or a special person (Aunt,
grandpa, etc)
-Notes and observations will be looked over, synthesized, and handed to the teacher

Assessment plan for a unit of study/instructional sequence

Topic: Science-Plants&Gastropods

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