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Google Project Proposal

Brittany Bisese, Rachael Celia, Abby Diamond, and Ashley Lyon

Title of Project:
Step into Nature- Taking Learning Outdoors

Needs and Opportunities:

Currently one of the greatest questions amongst educators is how to make learning
more interactive and hands-on in order to improve academic achievement. Research shows
that extending learning outside the classroom and into nature is a hands-on style of
learning that improves academic performance in language arts, math, science, and social
studies, increases childrens ability to focus, and also supports creativity and problem
solving (Natural Learning Initiative, 2012).. From our observations, it seems that the nature
trail was not being used to its full potential. Thus, in order to enhance the effectiveness of
Trace Crossings Elementary we propose that teachers should be given quality resources
that allow them to take learning outdoors. To do this, our team has created an online
resource log in order to transform Traces nature trail into an interactive outdoor
classroom that will increase student achievement in grades 1-4.

The users of our website will be the teachers at Trace Crossings Elementary School.
We designed the site with their convenience in mind. It can be difficult enough finding the
time in a busy school day for science, and teachers can easily become overwhelmed with
trying to find quality, standards-based, effective resources.. The created site is organized
by grade and within each grade, there is a tab for each content topic. This convenient
organization will allow teachers to access quality resources quickly so that they can focus
on incorporating outdoor learning and improving student achievement.


Feb. 6, 2015

Decided as a group that we were passionate about nature being

incorporated into the classroom. As a group we recognized a need
to revitalize the Nature Trail at Trace. Therefore we developed a
plan to best utilize the nature trail in the best way possible.

Feb. 10, 2015

Met at Starbucks to discuss our thoughts, ideas, and direction for

the google project as a whole.

Feb. 11, 2015

Met briefly with Mrs. Stone about the trail and received a contact
for the Boy Scouts.

Feb. 13, 2015

Contacted Billy Curtis (head of Boy Scouts in the Birmingham

district). He seemed very positive and receptive of our ideas for the
nature trail and was very willing to help. He gave us the contact
information of the man over scheduling with the Scouts. Our next
step would have been to find a date for us to work along side the
scouts to fix up the trail. I left a detailed voicemail with the second
contact.. However, I did not receive a phone call back.

March 2, 2015

Within the next week our group was shocked to see that the nature
trail had been fixed up. The broken railing and dangerous walking
path was cleared up and repaired. This was not our doing and we
were unaware that it was going to be fixed up. So it was back to the
drawing board for our group.

March 11, 2015

Found that teachers seem to not often utilize the nature trail.
Therefore, our group decided it would be valuable to teachers and
students alike to collaborate and create a compilation of helpful
resources for different grade levels and standards that would
encourage teachers to take learning outdoors. With this online
resource log, teachers would be able to focus not on finding
resources but implementing the ideas found in the log to make
content standards come to life through interaction with the nature

April 12, 2015

Met with as a whole group to discuss the logistics and individual

responsibilities for the online website of resources.

April 21, 2015

Decided to have all grades and standards completed by the

individual responsible for that area.. Every area needs to have
lessons, activities, and additional resources for that standard
posted to the online resource log.

April 24, 2015

Each person will have their individual responsibilities of the

proposal written up and completed online.

April 26, 2015

Met to finalize our proposal and practice our presentation as a


May 8, 2015


Our finished product is an online resource log, which is a compilation of helpful,
quality resources for specific standards that are connected to the Nature Trail for grades 1-
4. We chose standards from these grade levels because they cover topics related to nature
and can be addressed and incorporated using the nature trail. There are multiple standards
for each grade aside from fourth grade. The fourth grade standard is very in-depth, and
teachers can use the resources to go very deep into the standard. There are three different
categories addressed for each standard which include, lesson plans, activities, and
additional resources. Within these sections there are links to lesson plans, PowerPoints,
videos, games, worksheets, crafts, and engaging materials that can enhance and guide the
teachers lessons. All of the standards selected can be addressed and supported by using
the nature trail as a hands-on resource to connect students first-hand to the standard..

Reality Check:
The main equipment and resources that we needed for our project was access to the
internet, a weebly account, knowledge of where to find quality resources, and a computer.
Our original idea of fixing up the nature trail would have required many resources and
equipment like manual labor, wood boards, nails, screws, etc. However, once the nature
trail was fixed, we decided instead to change our focus to create an online resource for the
teachers at Trace. Thus we used the resources above to create our online resource log.

In order for teachers to use our project, they will need both access to a computer
and internet access. Teachers will also need to purchase or acquire a limited amount of
cost-effective basic materials (ex. plastic bottles, computer paper, etc.) that are specific to
each lesson or activity,

In conclusion, we believe that this project will directly impact student learning by
providing the teachers at Trace Crossings Elementary School a high- quality resource to
utilize the nature trail at Trace Crossings and to take learning outdoors. The website we
created provides teachers with a plethora of activities, lessons and resources to assist them
in using the Nature Trail at Trace Crossings Elementary School. The activities, lessons, and
resources are conveniently linked to College and Career Ready Science Standards. The
website can be used for students and teachers in 1st-4th grade. We feel that this project
will make a significant impact on student learning because learning outside the classroom
offers enormous opportunities that teachers can not find in the confines of the classroom
walls. It makes learning more engaging, relevant, and real to students and provides a
tangible way for them to see and experience what they are learning about. This, in turn, will
get students more excited about learning and which directly impacts student achievement.
Research finds that extending learning outside the classroom and into nature improves

academic performance in language arts, math, science, and social studies, increases
childrens ability to focus, and also supports creativity and problem solving (Natural
Learning Initiative, 2012). By providing the teachers at Trace Crossings with an online
resource log, the nature trail can now be used to its full potential. More importantly,
student achievement will be directly impacted through providing teachers with the
resources to take learning outdoors.

Works Cited:

Benefits of Connecting Children with Nature. (2012). Retrieved April 15, 2015, from of Connecting Children with

Link to Online Resource log:

Link to Presentation:

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