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Radio Script

Intro: Song to alert the citizens about this Breaking News flows out.
DJ Seyun: Hello and welcome to UA (United Alliance) Radio! Weve got urgent news
for you people today and that would be about the German Furhur, Hitlers speech
today to his grand army!
Cue track: Tan tan tan tannnnnnnn (3 seconds)
DJ Seyun: Today in the Central Hall of Belgium, Adolf Hitler stood infront of his
approximately 1 million soldiers and gave his encouraging speech to them. As they
were listening to his speeches, Adolf Hitler mentioned how weak the allies were and
the German army was way more powerful then all of them combined together!
Cue track: Boooooooooooooooooo!! from the crowds. (5 seconds)
DJ Seyun: Now now, please all settle-down and let us invite our special guest to the
stage. Todays special guest! Mr. Vandanderich Bon Schwatts, he is the current righthand officer of Adolf Hitler and he is here today to explain more about Adolf Hitlers
Cue track: whistling from the crowds. (4 seconds)
DJ Seyun: So, Mr Vandanderich, how is the nazi concentration camp doing?
Mr. Vandanderich: Excuse me sir.?
(silence for 5 seconds)
DJ Seyun: Alright, moving on to So Mr vandanderich, what can you say about
Your leader, Adolf Hitler?
Mr. Vandanderich: Well, hes a really great dictator. Sir Hitler cares for us, and our
holy land. Also, Sir Hitler doesnt rest as much as we do, for he is so concerned
about Germanys future. His love for the country can never match anyone alive!
DJ Seyun: Well well well, I never thought there would be such a fan of Hitler
(laughs). Ok now, Mr. Vandanderich, we have prepared a speech for you to listen,
this speech was made by Adolf Hitler. After hearing this speech, can you give us
your opinion on this speech?
Mr. Vandanderich: Yes, I would love to!
(Mr. Vandanderich listens to the speech very carefully and starts to cry)
DJ Seyun: I believe Mr. Vandanderich will have lots of things to say about this
speech everyone..
(Mr. Vandanderich wipes his tears and coughs abit)
DJ Seyun: So, Mr. Vandanderich, are you ready to give us your opinion?
Mr. Vandanderich: yes, I surely am.
(Mr. Vandanderich clears his throat)




Radio Script
Mr. Vandanderich: Just like the Furhur says, we, the germans, had unfair, unjust
treatments from the allied countries. We are aware of the situation that the Allies
are putting us on their blacklists for elimination. But we were just angry and
frustrated by this unjust to us Germans. Also, the Furhur was trembling on the stage
indicating that he is finally saying what was in his mind and what he wanted to
express, and I believe this speech was truly motivational to us, soldiers, for no rulers
around the world would dare to show who they truly are.
DJ Seyun: Well, Mr. Vandanderich, do you realize that other people like me think that
speech is somewhat non-sense. Cause we believe that Hitler broke all the treaties to
maintain the peace and he tried to rule the world.
Mr. Vandanderich: Each people have their own points of view and ideas. Plus, world
is full of deceives and lies. Mr. Seyun, believe what you believe in and I will believe
in what I believe.
DJ Seyun: Well, thank you for your opinion Mr. Vandanderich. Now it is time for us to
close. This was DJ Seyun from UA Radios. Thank you for listening.




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