To Calculate Stiffness of Bolt and Plates

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to calculate stiffness of bolt and plates

kb =

= EA/L = 2*10^5*113.09/20 =1.1309*10^6

k p = EA/L = 2*10^5*100*50*/20= 50*10^6

P = Pb + P p

= Pb / k b = P p / k p

k b +k p = 250 N

P= 100*113.09 =11309.7N
P p= 11059.5N


= 250.15/113.09 =2.2 N/mm

since bolt is subjected to tensile load in x direction

= p/A
P = *A =11309.7N
Since ultimate strength of bolt made of mild steel is 841 MPa
The design is safe

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