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‘iio Revised March 6, 2006) For New Applicants Republic of the Philippines SUPREME COURT Manila In the Matter of the PETITION TO TAKE ‘THE 20 |) _ BAR EXAMINATIONS, BE. No. OR.Ne Amt. Pd. 4 SumameGivenName——~=~SCOMiddle Name Petitioner. PETITION COMES NOW the undersigned petitioner and to this Honorable Court respectfully states: 41 Helshe is (civil status), Filipino citizen, _ years of age, having been bor on —_ a to spouses and who are citizens of the Philippines, and attaches for this,purpose the original or certified true copy of the petitioner’s birth certificate, marked as Annex [Notes:(1) If born outside of wedlock, state so: Ww fA (2) if not a natural-born Filipino citizen, hhow and when citizenship” was acqiired and aliach pertinent documents: fine ee Ni en @) ifa married female, attach original or certified true copy (of marriage contract] 2° He/She is a person of good moral character, and attaches for this eth 0) testimonials, each executed by a member of the Philippine Bar, marked as Annexes CD; 4: He/She has not been charged with any act or omission punishable by law, rule or regulation before a prosecutor, judge, public officer or administrative body of any crime or offense involving moral turpitude; nor has he/she any pending case or charge; Ea: eee ly pending or ed eh, eral a minivans ccm cant ve sl sect pertinent documents: ‘He/She finished his/her high school education in 19 at the (school); and completed his/her pre-law course at the (school) for calendar years with a bachelor’s degree in ——_____cowrse), major and submits for ‘this purpose the original transcript of records, as Annex € and the Special Order isp by the Commission on Higher Education(CHéD), when applicable, marked as Annex < _HelShe regularly studied law for ““__ calendar years (semestral/trimestral) and satisfactorily “completed all the requirements for the prescribed law course at a law school officially approved and recognized by CHED, ‘when applicable, and attaches for this purpose the original copy of his/her transcript of law school records (bearing the corresponding certification of the Law Dean or School Registrar concerned and duly ‘authenticated with the school’s official seal), marked as Annex }—_; and the original copy of the certification (C-2) of CHED, marked as Annex kK 3 He/She has no derogatory record in law school where he/she graduated; and attached for this purpose the original copy of the Certification of No Derogatory Record executed by the Law Dean, marked as Annex quirement in BM, 1161) 7. This is the first time that he/she is taking the Bar Examinations; 8. _He/She attaches herewith three (3) copies of his/her latest un-retouched photograph’ (7¥7"21'4), marked as Annexes +f; and NOT 9. He/She ig related by consanguinity or affinity within the fourth civil degree to a member of the Supreme Court or official of the Office of the Bar Confidant. [Note; If related to any 4 tices oF tal ‘mentioned above, state name of said Justice or official and his/her relationship: WHEREFORE, petitioner respectfully prays that he/she be allowed to take the 2022 Bar Examinations. 7. , Philippines, _— ped “Signature over Printed Name = ‘Thumbprint (Right Hand) - “ress & Te, No. while Preparing Tor ‘and taking the Ba Examinations Mobil, nw. L Permanent Address VERIFICATION Republic of the Philippines} Mhbari City 18s. LZ , after being sworn in accordance with law, depose and state; that I am the Petitioner in the foregoing petition; that I prepared the petition; that the allegations contained therein are true of my own knowledge. SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this __ day of _ee es affiant having exhibited bishher omy Fo Gesie issued at __— cageaat at — No. Notary Public IMPORTANT REMINDERS 1. Petition will not be accepted under any of the following instances: (a) If any of the blank herein is not properly filled; [Note: Write “N/A" on lines which are not applicable.) (b) If not accompanied by the required documents or papers, including proof of payment of the Bar Examinations and other fees; (©) If it does not strictly conform with the above form; and (@) If filed beyond the deadiine set by the Court. 2. A self-addressed and stamped letter envelope (long) must be attached to the petition to be used in sending your Report of Rating in the Bar Examinations. TESTIMONIAL OF GOOD MORAL CHARACTER TO WHOMSOEVER THESE PRESENTS MAY COME: Upon my oath as a member in good standing of the Philippine Bar, I hereby CERTIFY that: 1 Lf Name an applicant for the 20) Bar ‘Examinations/is personally known to me to be a person of good moral character; 2, He/She has not been charged with any act or omission punishable by law, rule or regulation before a prosecutor, judge, public officer or administrative body; nor found culpable by any court or administrative body of any crime or offense involving moral turpitude; nor has he/she any pending case or charge; and, 3.41 agp in a position to state the foregoing facts because I have known said Nana since or a period of “years now. WITNESS MY HAND this day of Philippines. 20__, at ‘SIGNATURE OVER PRINTED NAME. DATE OF ADMISSION & ROLL NO. ‘ADDRESS,

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