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Level 2 Music Practitioners Certificate

End of Unit Evaluation

Name: Nathan Brown

Unit No: 213

SWOT Analysis


I described the lighting setup at a music venue to include; use of PAR Cans, gels
and colours; use of special effect lighting; positioning and lighting balance; manual
controls, including dimming and chasing.
I presented the written sections of this unit in a clear and professional manner.
I was able to identify Health and Safety issues. This included manual handling and
positioning while setting up the lights. Safe Cabling and electrics were monitored
too, including protection from liquids, and ensuring cables are secured.


I had a basic lighting plan for the colours used in the performance, so it ended up
being impromptu.


I had the chance to work with the ChamSys Software used to operate lights.
I had the opportunity to understand how tight the time schedule was during the night
of the performance.


One member of the team did not attend the practice sessions or performance we
had organised.
Some artists had stage fright during the practice session.
I was extremely tired by the end of the set up process, meaning I might not be
focussing properly during the performance.

I believe that, overall, I have achieved a merit for this unit because:

I gave a detailed description of the lighting setup at a music venue, which demonstrated
my good evaluation of: use of PAR Cans, gels and colours, the use of special effects
lighting, positioning and lighting balance, and the manual controls, such as dimming and
I clearly identified the Health and Safety issues with regard to setting up, using, and
dismantling a lighting setup which demonstrated my good broad knowledge, which
included: manual handling, potential hazards, safe cabling and electrics.
I created a basic lighting programme for a specific performance of a song/track of at least
three minutes.

I described the strengths and areas for development showing a good understanding of
progress, with a self-assessment style approach.

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