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Senior Syndicate

2015 Home Learning Challenge Guidelines

These challenges are ADDITIONAL to the ESSENTIAL Home Learning Tasks (Reading, Maths and Spelling).

Minimum number of challenges to be completed:

Year 3 & 4 - 6 Challenges

Year 5 & 6 - 8 Challenges

But remember, it is
quality not quantity
that counts so take your time to do each challenge with excellence!

It is up to you to meet with your teacher and show that you have completed each challenge (self check,
parent check and some evidence).

You have total control over how you choose to share your learning, it could be taking photos, making a
movie, making a presentation etc.

You must complete at least one challenge from each category.

HPS Values

Key Competencies



Participating and
Relating to Others

Help plan and prepare a special meal for your family.

Participating and
Relating to Others

Care for our younger children.

Organise a series of six lunchtime games or activities for the
Year 1 and 2 students.

Relating to Others
Participating and

Organise something like a fun day trip for your family to do


Relating to Others
Participating and

Join a community group: Show how through this you have

helped others e.g. scouts, church group, kapa haka,

Design your own challenge (discuss with your parents and teacher first)

HPS Values

Key Competencies



Relating to Others

Participate in a cultural festival of a culture that is different

from your own.

Relating to Others

Improve your study skills: Local Iwi research

or research the history of Puketepapa. Why is the area
important to Mori?

Using language,
symbols and text

Create a presentation or a movie that highlights the value

and importance of having values
(you might want to start by

Relating to Others
Using language,
symbols and text

Improve your understanding of another culture: Research or

interview someone from another culture. What are the
similarities? Differences? Share something interesting with
your class.

looking online for the NZ Curriculum core values)

Design your own challenge (discuss with your parents and teacher first)

HPS Values

Key Competencies



Participating and
Relating to Others

Give to others in need: In groups of 2 or 3 find a way to

help others in need (food collection for Salvation Army,
SPCA, Food bank)

Participating and

Help out around the school: Find an area that needs tidying
and tidy it. Check it out again for the next few weeks is it
still tidy?

Relating to Others
Participating and

Discuss with your family 2 jobs you can regularly do for a

term e.g. hanging out the washing, making breakfast for
the family in the weekend, mowing the lawns...

Design your own challenge (discuss with your parents and teacher first)

HPS Values

Key Competencies



Managing Self

Learn something new (e.g. how to code, knitting, building,

juggling, etc)

Managing Self

Improve your fitness: Over a four week period complete a run

or walk of a total of 40km or cycle 80km.

Participating and

Improve your confidence and skill: Prepare and present a

speech on a topic of your choice at assembly.

Managing Self

Improve your swimming skills: Increase the distance you can

swim by 30%

Managing Self
Relating to Others

Explore the outdoors: With a family member or a friend,

complete a challenging walk such as walking up One Tree Hill.

Managing Self
Participating and

Undertake and complete an endurance event: Participate in a

triathlon, duathlon or cycle race.

Design your own challenge (discuss with your parents and teacher first)


Key Competencies



Using material that you have found at home or school, create

an animal of your choice.

Using language,
symbols and text

Improve your science and technology skills: Design and build

a craft that can fly.

Using language,
symbols and text

Create a movie on a topic of your choice that shows

your skills in ICT.

Managing Self
Using language,
symbols and text

Improve your research skills: Pose an open question about a

topic that interests you and research it. Share your findings
and present to your class

Design your own challenge (discuss with your parents and teacher first)

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