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In our Land bullets are beginning to flower.

Olivia Figueiredo.

Wars are poor chisels for carving out peaceful tomorrows. This quote has is
complex and relates to he poem In our Land bullets are beginning to flower. This
poem really touched me because not only sometimes i considered myself
Mozambican, also its about war, and war is every bodies History. The poet
conveys the impression of war that goes beyond the literal and this is done
through theme, language and imagery.
The message that the author was trying to transmit was deep. Also how beautiful
his words were to try to explain what happened. It feels like the author is Calling
his friends to show how something that was a tragedy can pass through
generations and turn into something beautiful. Come tell me these dreams
become war Some people don't have the same point of view as the author, who
has a positive point of view. Not only does this quote show you what the whole
poem was about, in these 4 words, it shows you that he's writing needs to be
positive, to transmit through the generations.
bullets are beginning to flower Do YOU think thats these words put together
are unusual? The language used includes many devices. or do you think that
metaphor is only used when the author uses wise words? In my opinion this
author, used the right words at the right time. like the wind and fall like red hot
embers on our peoples souls This quote is a simile for The harsh work loads and
cruel treatment changed their culture and themeless for years to come.

A strong thing in this poem was the devices. How the devices made the poem
more intriging. The most Important thing about a poem is that the author can put
a image in our heads. here my hands have been crushed because they defended
the land which they own. What the author was trying to explain was, that they

had to fight for they place that is now theirs. The thing that go my attention in
this quote was that we can relate, not everything falls i our hands, we need to
fight for it. The reputation in the poem was Come brothers And that ment we
was calling his friends and brothers to tell the story. And the author wanted to
transmit that people went through that and those people must be known for the
truth heroes they are.

in conclusion the poem in Our Land Bullets are beginning to flower is in fact an
excellent example that Words can convey an impression of a situation, a nation
and a person that is beyond the literal. through theme, Language and imagery.

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