Human Rights Are Not Optional4

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Consumer Rights

Consumer rights and protection law provides the way to people to fight back
against corrupt business practices. Consumer laws are constituted to hold sellers of
products and services responsible when they want to make profit by selling the
products to consumers without right information or bargaining power. Though
there are several laws addressed to consumer rights but they are unfair. Consumer
rights laws are needed to be enforced effectively by government agencies,
parliament, attorneys general, and through the people and class action complaints
filed by victims.

Child Abuse
Children are the future of any country and they have some fundamental rights
according to constitution and law of International Human Rights. But a large
number of children in developing nations are facing troubles against education,
violence, labour bond, punished by cruel inhumane methods, pornography and
some other types of child related issues. Millions of children under 18 have been
affected by inhuman activities and violence at school, institutions and at homes.
The cases of child abuses have been increasing in the last few years. The UHRF is
committed to help the associations of the world to prevent any type of inhuman
activities against children and keep them safe.

Human Trafficking
Trafficking in persons is a serious crime and a grave violation of human rights. Every
year, thousands of men, women and children fall into the hands of traffickers, in
their own countries and abroad. Almost every country in the world is affected by
trafficking, whether as a country of origin, transit or destination for victims. It refers
to the sale of children and adults for commercial sexual activities or bonded labour.
This usually refers to the modern-day slavery and human trafficking is also fastest
growing crime industry across the world. The 60 percent of all victims are girls or
women who slave for enforced sexual activities. The United Nations General
Assembly has insisted to prevent, suppress and punish Trafficking In Persons,
especially women and children marked a significant milestone in international
efforts to stop the trade in people.

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