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All About Honey Bees

By Mrs. Tufnails Grade Ones


Honey bees have 4 wings

Honey bees have golden stripes
Honey bees have 6 legs
Honey bees are black and yellow
The queen honey bee has an extra-large abdomen


Honey bees live all over the world

Honey bees live in hollow trees
Honey bees live in hives
The cells have 6 sides

Making Honey

Bees make yummy honey

The wax covering needs to come off for the
honey to come out
A brush removes the bees
A spinner removes the honey.

Good Things Bees Do

Honey bees make beeswax

Bees take pollen on their legs to other flowers
Bees help more flowers grow


Bees talk with antennae.

Bees fan their wings to cool the hive.
Bees will swarm to look for a new home
Bees dance to tell where flowers are.

Roles of the Bees

Queens fight to control hive

Drones die before workers
Drones are boys.
Worker bees are girls
Queen lays more than 1,000 eggs in a day

Other Interesting Facts

Beekeepers wear white to keep the bees calm

Stingers are used for protection
Many honey bees are dying
Bees recognize each other
Bees can smell flowers a long way away
Honey bees are insects
Pollen and nectar are food for bees.

The End

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