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Name:______________________________________________ Block: ___________ Date: _______________

Introductory Physics: Midyear Review

1. Motion and Forces
Central Concept: Newtons laws of motion and gravitation describe and predict the motion
of most objects.
1.1 Compare and contrast vector quantities (e.g., displacement, velocity, acceleration, force,
linear momentum) and scalar quantities (e.g., distance, speed, energy, mass, work).
1. Which of the following is a vector quantity?
2. Which of the following statements identifies the main
A. displacement
B. speed
C. mass
D. distance

Answer and Explanation:

difference between vector and scalar quantities?

A. Only vectors have direction.
B. Only scalars have magnitude.
C. Only scalars have units associated with them.
D. Only vectors have units associated with them.

Answer and Explanation:

1.2 Distinguish between displacement, distance, velocity, speed, and acceleration. Solve
problems involving displacement, distance, velocity, speed, and constant acceleration.
3. The diagram below shows the path of a jet from
4. Jill drives from Newton to Boston. Her ending point
Washington, D.C. to Dallas, TX.

is 5 miles due East of her starting point but she had to

drive 7 miles total since roads dont go due East.
Which of the following best describes the
displacement Jill experienced?
A. Jill was displaced 7miles.
B. Jill was displaced 5 miles.
C. Jill was displaced 7 miles East.
D. Jill was displaced 5 miles East.

The trip takes approximately 2 hours and covers

approximately 1900 km. Which of the following best
describes the average speed and direction of the jets
A. 475 km/h southwest
B. 950 km/h southwest
C. 1900 km/h southwest
D. 3800 km/h southwest

Answer and Explanation:

Answer and Explanation:

5. Which of the following cars is NOT accelerating?

A. A car that is slowing down to a stop at a red light.
B. A car that is traveling at a constant speed around a
sharp curve.
C. A car that is speeding up as it passes another car
on the highway.
D. None of the above. All of the cars described are

6. The following table describes the distance a toy car

Distance (cm)
The car travels at a constant velocity for the first 2
seconds. If the toy car starts accelerating, which of
the following could be the next distance in the table?
A. 0cm
B. 3cm
C. 12cm
D. 15cm

Answer and Explanation:

Answer and Explanation:

1.3 Create and interpret graphs of 1-dimensional motion, such as position vs. time, distance vs.
time, speed vs. time, velocity vs. time, and acceleration vs. time where acceleration is constant.
7. The graph below relates distance to time for a rolling 8. The graph below shows a beetles movement along a

plant stem.

What is the average speed of the ball?

A. 2 m/s
B. 6 m/s
C. 8 m/s
D. 72 m/s

During which span of time was the beetle not

A. from 0 to 4 minutes
B. from 4 to 6 minutes
C. from 6 to 14 minutes
D. from 14 to 16 minutes

Answer and Explanation:

Answer and Explanation:

9. An object is traveling in a straight line. The graph

below shows the objects velocity over time.

Which line segment shows the object traveling with a

constant, positive acceleration?
A. segment W
B. segment X
C. segment Y
D. segment Z

Answer and Explanation:

10. The graph below represents the motion of a car as it

moves along a straight road for 20 s.

Which statement best describes the motion of the

car over the 20 s?
A. The car is initially at rest and then backs up for
10 s.
B. The car moves 20 m in the first 10 s and then
C. The car travels at a constant speed for 10 s and
then decelerates until it stops.
D. The car travels at a constant speed of 20 m/s and
then decelerates until it is traveling at a constant
speed of 15 m/s.

Answer and Explanation:

1.4 Interpret and apply Newtons three laws of motion.

11. You are driving along at a constant 20 miles per
12. The illustration below shows a 2-ton elephant
hour. Then you slam on the brakes. What happens
to your books that are on the passenger side seat?
A. The books stay on the seat.
B. The books continue moving forward and fall on
the floor.
C. The books fly up in the air and end up in the back
D. The books slide across the seat and hit the door.

balancing on a tree stump.

Which of the following statements must be

A. The weight of the tree stump is greater than 2
B. A 4-ton force on the ground spreads out in all
C. The tree stump is exerting a 2-ton force upward
on the elephant.
D. The downward force on the ground under the tree
stump is 4 tons.

Answer and Explanation:

Answer and Explanation:

13. A mosquito flies into the oncoming windshield of a

large truck. The truck exerts a force of 10 Newtons
on the mosquito. What can we say about the force
that the mosquito exerts on the truck?
A. The mosquito exerts a force much less than 10N
on the truck.
B. The mosquito exerts a force exactly equal to 10N
on the truck.
C. The mosquito exerts a force much greater than
10N on the truck.
D. Not enough information is provided.

14. You punch a wall. Afterwards your hand hurts so

you know that the wall must have exerted a force on
your hand. The wall didnt move or react. Did you
exert a force on the wall?
A. Yes, I exerted a force on the wall. Forces always
occur in pairs. The force that I exerted is equal in
magnitude and opposite in direction to the force
that the wall exerted on me.
B. Yes, I exerted a force on the wall. Forces always
occur in pairs. The force that I exerted on the
wall is much smaller than the force that the wall
exerted on me which is why the wall doesnt
C. No, I didnt exert a force on the wall. If I had
exerted a force on the wall, the wall would have
D. No, I didnt exert a force on the wall. You cant
exert forces on solid objects like walls.

Answer and Explanation:

Answer and Explanation:

15. A ball has a mass of 0.1 kg and an initial velocity of

20 m/s. The ball is given an acceleration of 30
m/s2 for 5 s.

16. A tiger football player with a mass of 100kg is

running down the field. A player from the other
football team exerts a force of 500N to the left on
the tiger and the tiger experiences a friction force of
100N to the right during the tackle. What is the
magnitude of the tigers acceleration?
A. 1m/s2
B. 4m/s2
C. 5m/s2
D. 6m/s2

What is the net force on the ball during

A. 0N
B. 3N
C. 10N
D. 15N

Answer and Explanation:

Answer and Explanation:

1.5 Use a free-body force diagram to show forces acting on a system consisting of a pair of
interacting objects. For a diagram with only co-linear forces, determine the net force acting on a
system and between the objects.
17. The forces acting on a skateboarder moving at a
18. An elastic cord made for bungee jumping is being
constant velocity along a sidewalk are shown in the
figure below.

Which of the following is the net force on the

A. 0 N
B. 70 N
C. 670 N
D. 1270 N

Answer and Explanation:

tested. A weight of 800 N is attached to one end of

the bungee cord. Then the weight is released from a
tall tower and it moves downward. When the elastic
cord is fully extended, it exerts an opposing force of
900 N on the weight. Which of the following is an
accurate free-body diagram for this situation?



800 N



900 N



900 N


Answer and Explanation:


800 N

1.6 Distinguish qualitatively between static and kinetic friction, and describe their effects on the
motion of objects.
19. You place a block on a slide at the park. The block
20. An object that you are pushing with a force of 10
stays at rest on the slide. What force keeps the block
in place?
A. weight
B. static friction
C. kinetic friction
D. normal force

Answer and Explanation:

Newtons is sliding at a constant velocity. What do

you know about the friction acting on the object?
A. 10 N of kinetic friction are acting on the object.
B. 10 N of static friction are acting on the object.
C. Less than 10N of static friction are acting.
D. Less than 10N of kinetic friction are acting.

Answer and Explanation:

1.7 Describe Newtons law of universal gravitation in terms of the attraction between two
objects, their masses, and the distance between them.
21. One 7.0 kg bowling ball is lifted to a storage shelf
22. On Earth, Johanna weighs 100 lbs. She calculated
1.0 m above the floor. A second 7.0 kg ball is lifted
to a storage shelf 2.0 m above the floor.
Which of the following best explains why the
measured force of gravity on each ball is nearly
A. The final potential energy of each ball increased.
B. The amount of work required to lift each ball is
C. The distance of each ball from Earths center of
mass is almost identical.
D. The gravitational force of each ball on the other
cancels out the force of Earths gravity.

what her weight would be at several other locations

in the solar system. The results are shown in the
table below.

Which of the following statements is best supported

by the information in the table?
A. Venus has more gravitational force than Earth.
B. Mars has less gravitational force than the Moon.
C. Earth has four times the gravitational force of
D. Jupiter has more than twice the gravitational
force of Earth.

Answer and Explanation:

Answer and Explanation:

1.8 Describe conceptually the forces involved in circular motion.

23. The diagram below shows a ball tied to a string. A
24. The diagram below shows an object traveling at a
student is swinging the ball in a horizontal circle.

If the student releases the string, in which direction

will the ball travel?
A. W
B. X
C. Y
D. Z

Answer and Explanation:

constant speed in a circular path.

Which labeled arrow represents the centripetal force

acting on the object?
A. W
B. X
C. Y
D. Z

Answer and Explanation:

2. Conservation of Energy and Momentum

Central Concept: The laws of conservation of energy and momentum provide alternate
approaches to predict and describe the movement of objects.
2.1 Interpret and provide examples that illustrate the law of conservation of energy.
25. The diagrams below show a man swinging a golf
26. A ball is thrown straight upward. The balls initial

speed is 30 m/s and its mass is 0.05 kg, resulting in

an initial kinetic energy of 22.5 J. If the initial
potential energy of the ball is 10 J and there is no
frictional force, what would be the balls total
energy while it is moving?
A. 0.0 J
B. 10.0 J
C. 22.5 J
D. 32.5 J

The kinetic energy of the golf club at point Y is

more than the potential energy of the club at point
X. Which of the following statements best explains
why this fact does not violate the law of
conservation of energy?
A. Gravity is constant from point X to point Y.
B. Air resistance is greater at point Y than at point
C. Acceleration due to gravity is greater at point Y
than at point X.
D. Energy is added by the man to the golf club from
point X to point Y.

Answer and Explanation:

Answer and Explanation:

2.2 Interpret and provide examples of how energy can be converted from gravitational potential
energy to kinetic energy and vice versa.
27. Which one of the following objects has mechanical
28. An astronaut drops a 1.0 kg object and a 5.0 kg
energy (KE +GPE) that remains constant?
A. A crate being lifted vertically upwards at a
constant velocity.
B. An apple in free-fall.
C. A car accelerating on a level(flat) highway.
D. A sky-diver falling to Earth with his parachute

Answer and Explanation:

object on the Moon. Both objects fall a total

distance of 2.0 m vertically. Which of the following
best describes the objects after they have fallen a
distance of 1.0 m?
A. They have each lost kinetic energy.
B. They have each gained the same amount of
potential energy.
C. They have each lost the same amount of potential
D. They have each gained one-half of their
maximum kinetic energy.

Answer and Explanation:

2.3 Describe both qualitatively and quantitatively how work can be expressed as a change in
mechanical energy.
29. An archer pulls back the bowstring to prepare to
30. Work is performed on an object by raising it 2 m
shoot an arrow as shown below.

above the floor. Which of the following types of

energy must change in this situation?
A. chemical energy
B. magnetic energy
C. mechanical energy
D. thermal energy

She uses an average force of 40 N, moving the

bowstring 0.2 m. How much energy is stored in the
A. 8 J
B. 16 J
C. 24 J
D. 36 J

Answer and Explanation:

Answer and Explanation:

2.4 Describe both qualitatively and quantitatively the concept of power as work done per unit
31. At a weightlifting competition, two competitors
32. The table below provides information about the
lifted the same weight to the same height. The
second competitor accomplished the lift 2 seconds
faster than the first competitor. This demonstrated
that the second competitor had more
A. energy than the first.
B. inertia than the first.
C. power than the first.
D. work than the first.

daily use of some typical appliances.



of Use




air conditioner



laptop computer



clock radio


Which appliance uses the most energy?

A. dishwasher
B. air conditioner
C. laptop computer
D. clock radio

Answer and Explanation:

Answer and Explanation:

2.5 Provide and interpret examples showing that linear momentum is the product of mass and
velocity, and is always conserved (law of conservation of momentum). Calculate the momentum
of an object.
33. You are at an ice skating rink and are gliding
34. An object with a mass of 3 kg has a momentum of
towards a friend who is initially at rest. When you
reach your friend, you grab your friend around the
waist and the two of you continue gliding forward.
Which one of the following is true:
A. Your speed after the collision is greater than your
speed before the collision.
B. Your speed after the collision is the same as your
speed before the collision.
C. Your speed after the collision is smaller than
your speed before the collision.
D. Not enough information has been provided.

Answer and Explanation:

75 kg m/s. What is its velocity?

A. 0.4m/s
B. 7.1m/s
C. 25m/s
D. 72m/s

Answer and Explanation:

Open Response: Please complete on a separate sheet of paper.

Show all your work (diagrams, tables, or computations).
If you do the work in your head, explain in writing how you did the work.
1. A person is driving his car to a store. The store is 800 m north of the persons starting
point. After traveling north 1200 m, the person realizes that he has passed the store. He
turns the car around and drives back to the store. Altogether, the trip to the store takes

a. Determine the distance traveled by the car on this trip to the store. Show your
calculations and include units in your answer.

b. Calculate the average speed of the car on this trip. Show your calculations and
include units in your answer.

c. Determine the displacement of the car for this trip. Include units in your answer.

d. Calculate the average velocity of the car upon arrival at the store. Show your
calculations and include units in your answer.

2. A book is on a table. A student pushes it for a short time. Initially the book moves, but
then it comes to a complete stop.

a. Identify the forces acting on the book before it is pushed. You may include a labeled
diagram in your answer.

b. Explain why the book moves and then comes to a complete stop. Use the laws of
physics in your answer.

c. The student wants the book to move at a constant speed in one direction. Describe
the physical conditions needed for this to occur.

3. Students in a physics class are studying the energy changes that objects experience as
they fall. The students plan to drop a metal sphere with a mass of 0.05 kg from a height
of 20.0m onto a bed of sand. They predicted the results shown in the table below.
Time (s)
Speed (m/s)
Distance Fallen (m) Height (m)
a. Using the predicted values in the table, calculate the kinetic energy of the sphere just
before it contacts the sand at 2.0 s. Show your calculations and include units in your
b. Using the predicted values in the table, calculate the gravitational potential energy
at 0.0 s. Show your calculations and include units in your answer.
c. Describe what happens to the gravitational potential energy and the kinetic energy
as the sphere falls.
d. After the sphere is dropped, the students find that the results of the experiment are
slightly different than they predicted. Assuming the students performed their
calculations correctly, explain one possible reason for the difference they observed.

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