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Lewis Waters
Mr. Jason R. King
Pre-AP English II
10 March 2015
June 9, 2005: Today I get to hang with the boys and Im pretty certain that our best
friend trouble is going to show up. Theres Wayne, hes a good friend, hes short and very skinny,
with dreads. Theres also Sean, hes the oldest out of our group, and hes usually the one to get us
into trouble. Lastly, there is Joey, hes my best friend out of the group, and we both have the same
nappy braids. I could wish for a better setting than the heat of an OKC summer but Im sure
well find something to do.
Run! Sean yelled as we bolted down the block. We can see them catching up in the
distance. Usually we werent this scared but these guys were packing some serious heat. As we
were running it seemed like it got some much hotter like the sun was chasing us too. I catch up
with them and tell them Guys cut through the next backyard we arent that far from home,
guys! We cut through a backyard and jump the fence and were back on the block. We slow
down and we know that were safe now. Sean, why do you always do stuff like this? asked
Wayne and he was panting. Hey, dont put all the blame on me, Jermaine and Joey were talking
some smack too? Sean responded while laughing Youre right, youre right! Wayne laughed.
Man, I didnt know you could run like that, boy. You always have your head in those books. I
added. Man, shut up! Wayne said as we all laugh. Oh! Guys, Ill see yall tomorrow I got get
home. I said as I turned to run towards home.

Im finally home. I sneak into the house so that my Uncle Marv wont go off on me but,
to my luck he was sitting right in front of the TV in the living room. He didnt even look in my
direction before asking Who was chasing yall this time? Nobody. Just lost track of time
thats all. I responded. Whatever, just go get ready. He commanded. I went got ready, I
usually wouldnt get ready this fast but this time was different than most. I was going go see my
older brother Lamarr. I havent seen Lamarr in a couple of months even though he lives in the
uptown of OKC.
It was a quiet ride over to the restaurant. We walk into the restaurant, as Uncle Marv talks
to the waiter I look for Lamarr. Then walks in this tall, athletic, black man with short hair. I
barely recognized him without braids but, it was still the same Lamarr. Bro! I called out as I
signaled him over. How you doing young blood? Lamarr joked. So, how are you doing,
Lamarr? asked Uncle Marv. Im good, I started working at the uptown community center.
Lamarr responded. After an enjoyable dinner we headed back to our car my Uncle Marv and
Lamarr were still talking. Uncle Marv said You think Jermaine could stay with you for part of
the week? I think it would be good for yall to spend time together. I think it would be a good
idea, too. Said Lamarr. Its been two weeks since we ate with Lamarr. Lamarr decided that it
would be best if that I go to his house this week. Its going to be real nice being with my brother
again. I remember when we were young we used hang out all the time. We used rap, get in
trouble and do everything together.
June 20, 2005: The time I spent with Lamarr over the past four days was great, it was
just like the old times. Lamarr and I are riding out to the youth center for Lamarrs job. I never
really get to into uptown OKC. The buildings look like giants up close but, it still feels like home
because of the gangstas standing on the corners and bums in the alley ways.

In the car Lamarr turns over to me and says Maine, I think youre really going to like
this. Why? I ask. Call it clich but, I see a lot of you in these kids. I know how you are and I
know that you dont want to be told that youre like anyone else but you are. You are because all
of you grew up in the same broken system, called the ghetto. I havent ever been this deep with
you before but I need you to promise me something. He added. What it is, Lamarr? I
answered. I couldnt tell if something was wrong or not but weve only talked like this once
before, the last time we did it was when Mom died. I have a bad feeling in stomach as he goes
on. Maine, you have a good thing going for you with your raps, I need you to remember to
focus on content. I need you to show people the struggles of the ghetto in a way that doesnt
glorify it. He said. Oh. It seems like were here. Im going to go park the car. Ok. Lamarr said.
I waited outside the parking garage for Lamarr. It felt like years waiting for Lamarr to come out
of the parking garage. I was listening to music but all I could hear was do-do-do-do-doot!
September 14, 2005: He was only 27 years old. It has been 3 months since Lamarr
passed. Im back in school now. I spent the rest of the summer in my room, I occasionally says
the guys but they knew to stay away. Usually, when the school year starts I start writing to have
some new bars to spit at lunch or something like but I havent. I havent really done anything, I
havent really talked to anyone, I havent really been anywhere. Its fall now everythings dying. I
just feel empty. All I can think of is what Lamarr last said to me.
Yo, Jermaine! yelled Joey. I turned around and saw the boys headed toward me. Hey
whats up guys? I responded. We know youve been down about Lamarr so, we got you these.
I looked down and saw four tickets to Lamarrs favorite group The Roots. Where did you get
these? I asked. Dont worry about that just be happy, were going tonight. Sean said. I was

excited for once but, that excitement quickly went away. I wish I could but I dont think my
Uncle is going to let me go. I said. Dont worry we got it covered. Joey said.
Later that night, as we were standing in line I felt like my old self, joking around with the
boys. As we walked in all I could think about was how packed it was. The show was awesome
but, the middle of their set is when it hit me. My deep thought felt like I was plunging into the
void of space. In that void all I could was the music and Lamarrs voice. It took me this long to
figure out how Lamarr wanted me to fulfill his wish.
October 20, 2005: Ive been writing and recording for about a straight month. Ive been
pushing around names for the mixtape with the boys. I decided to go with Wishes because that
being the reason for the tape. Ive been telling people around the neighborhood and school
about it and they seem pretty excited. Today the boys planned a release party.
I had really bad nerves as I was in the other room. I could hear almost 30 people in the
other room. Joey walked over to me and said. Hey, calm down, bro. You and I both know that
people are going to love and respect this tape so, you have no reason to be nervous. Thanks,
man. I tell Joey as we dap up. I walk into the room and get on the stage. I can hear people
cheering. I take the mic and say Thank you everyone for coming. This means a lot to me and
my big brother Lamarr. I point up towards the sky as I say This is for you, the rose that grew
from concrete. I turn over to the CD player and press play.

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