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Little Red Riding Hood Remix

Hi my name is Brittnee Hood. You know my granddaughter little

red riding hood. Thats my granddaughter. OK OK you all know her
Blah Blah Blah. NOW onto me I am little red riding hoods
grandmother oh oh oh you people are so mean you yell and
scream for little red riding hood but not me. OK heres the plan
the delivery guy is going to dress up as the wolf. He will meet
little red riding hood.
He is going to race her to my house I will answer the door and he
will come in and I will put the suit on. We are trying to trick her so
here we go. Blah Blah Blah stuff happen. Then, the delivery guy
came I will put my suit on here she comes hide Ill lay in bed
(knock knock) come in its me grandmamma I brought you some
flowers OK come in here OH how big blah and how big blah like
that happen.
Then the woodchoppers came in and tried to hurt me. But then
the right wolf came in and everybody was suppressed. I wasnt
though. Then we all screamed and the right wolf left and we sat
down and calmed down we ate dinner I got to talking I talked
about how this was all planed out to teach little red a lesson
about not talking to strangers but this is how it goes the delivery
guy was in the costume that met little red riding hood he got here
I got in the costume.
Little red riding hood came she came in my room and I was
dressed up as the wolf she got scared and called the
woodchoppers they came and tried to hurt me but then the right
wolf came and we all scammed and sat down calmed down and
now were here. WAIT where are your parents little red riding
hood? Oh I dont know where can they be I will go look.
WOODCHOPPERS GO WITH HER. Yes mama. Ah I found them. Here

they are. Where were you? You better answer. We were umm
where you were. Where were you? We were in the woods bad,
bad, bad, you know better than to go out to the woods. OK we
know now. Yeah you do. They left and Blah Blah Blah. Im done
talking im wondering did you like it cause I liked telling it? I hoped
you liked it. Bye Bye I will miss you JK JK I wont miss u but I will
still say Bye Bye

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