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Blooms Level of Questioning

Knowledge questions

Comprehension Questions

Test Questions
1. Sunny, she said. Lets
go, hey. Who is Sunny?
a. a waitress
b. a prostitute Holden met at
the Edmont
c. a woman on the street
d. an old friend of Holdens
2. What did Allie keep in his
baseball glove?
a. baseball cards
b. poems
c. pictures
d. baseballs because he caught
all the balls
3. He was with some
gorgeous blonde, and the two
of them were trying to be very
blas and all, like as if he
didn't even know people were
looking at him, from this
context, what is the best
meaning of the word blas?
a. important
b. nonchalant
c. interested
d. caring
4. What is an example of
Holdens use of symbolism?
a. the foils he lost at Pencey
b. the red hunting hat
c. his gloves
d. his typewriter
5. And they had this
goddamn secret fraternity that
I was too yellow to join.
What does the word yellow
mean in this section?

Skill Addressed
Quote #1

Word choice #1
Quote #2

Rhetorical element #1

Word Choice #2
Quote #3

Application Questions

a. apathetic
b. cowardly
c. eager
d. discouraged
6. Why does the carousel
symbolize Holdens obsession
with youth?
a. Holden enjoys round things
b. the carousel functions as a
representation of youth
c. the carousel represents the
circle of life
d. Phoebe wants to grow up

Rhetorical element #2

7. How is Holden
a. He runs away once he is
expelled from Pencey
b. He demeans everyone else
for acting like a phony
while acting the same way
c. He avoids returning home
d. He loves his older brother
D.B. and hates his younger
sister Phoebe
8. Describe the tone from the
following passage. I took her
dress over to the closet and
hung it up for her. It was
funny. It made me feel sort of
sad when I hung it up. I
thought of her going in a store
and buying it, and nobody in
the store knowing she was a
prostitute and all. The
salesman probably just
thought she was a regular girl
when she bought it. It made
me feel sad as hellI don't
know why exactly.

Tone #1
Quote #4

a. sarcastic
b. compassionate and cynical
c. humorous and joking
d. uninterested

Analysis Questions

9. What rhetorical device is

utilized from the following
section? Boy, did she hit the
ceiling when I said that.
a. metaphor
b. idiom
c. zeugma
d. simile
10. How does Holden describe
himself as different from the
rest of his family?
a. very skinny, unlike his
b. bad at school, unlike his
c. hes taller than his family
d. his foot are small while his
the feet of his family members
are large
11. The ducks. Do you
know, by any chance? I mean
does somebody come around
in a truck or something and
take them away, or do they fly
away by themselves go
south or something?" What is
the meaning behind the ducks
in Central Park?
a. Holden is interested by
b. the ducks are lost, like
c. Holden loves the park and
birds in general
d. the ducks represent the
theme of cynicism

Quote #5

Meaning #1
Quote #6

Quote #7

12. What inference can be

made from the following
passage? "Well take me to
the Edmont then, I said.
Would you care to stop on the
way and join me for a
cocktail? On me, I'm loaded."
a. Holden likes to drink
b. Holden is lonely and
desperate for attention
c. Holden likes talking with
cab drivers
d. Holden likes to treat people
to drinks
13. What is the motive behind
Holden wanting to talk to
a. Phoebe is his older sister
and often gives him advice
b. Holden sees Phoebe as wise
and listens to what she has to
c. Phoebe is Holdens old
classmate and understands
what hes going through
d. Phoebe represents Holdens
cynical personality

Tone #2
Quote #8

14. Analyze the tone of the

following passage. Youre a
very good conversationalist, I
told her. You know that?
What? I let it drop. It was
over her head, anyway.
a. serious
b. sarcastic
c. excited
d. nervous

Meaning #2
Quote #9

Synthesis Questions

15. What is the meaning of the

following quote? I got
pretty run-down and I had to
come out here and take it
a. Holden went home and
b. Holden was sent to a mental
c. he visited his brother D. B.
in Hollywood
d. he went on vacation
16. Anyway, it was the
Saturday of the football game.
I remember around three
o'clock that afternoon I was
standing way the hell up on
top of Thomsen Hill. You
could see the whole field from
there, and you could see the
two teams bashing each other
all over the place. You could
hear them all yelling.
Holden is portrayed as a loner.
In what ways does he alienate
himself society to protect
himself? (Answer the short
answer questions in the
available space.)
17. How do characters from
the Deads Poet Society
compare or contrast to
Holden? How does society
view or treat them?
18. The novel ends abruptly
with an open ending, Its
funny. Dont ever tell anybody
anything. If you do, you start

Quote #10

Compare/contrast #1

Quote #11

Evaluation Questions

missing everybody. How

would you modify the ending
of the novel?
19. How does the tone from
the beginning of the novel
compare or contrast to the
tone of the end?
20. It was playing Oh,
Marie! It played that same
song about fifty years ago
when I was a little kid. Thats
one of the nice thing about
carousels, they always play
the same songs. Using this
quote, examine why Holden
has an affinity for things that
remain the same.

1. B
2. B
3. B
4. B
5. B
6. B
7. B
8. B
9. B

Compare/contrast #2

Quote #12

10. B
11. B
12. B
13. B
14. B
15. B
16. Answers will vary
17. Answers will vary
18. Answers will vary
19. Answers will vary
20. Answers will vary

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