Flaws of Education System in Pakistan

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Education is the simple process of learning and knowing. It is not restricted to the schools
only. Educaion starts from the mothers lap. Parents and family inculcate good manners
and make responsible citizens out of their children. Home is called first school of the
children, but the formal education starts from the school, where they are taught, how to
behave and understand what is going on around them. Education is the most essential
ingredient for the development of a nation. It is a global fact that nations who have
reached the heights of the development and prosperity have done it by using education
and information as a tool to do it. Education is simply an investment to achieve both
human and economic development. But unfortunately it is one of the biggest problems in
Pakistan. The education system of Pakistan is rotten to the core. The literacy rate in
Pakistan is recorded as about 55% in 2012-2013.Following are the major flaws in our
education system. In Human development Report Pakistan is placed at 136th position for
having just 49.9% educated population. In addition to that, Pakistan is ranked at 113th out
of 120 registered UN members according to the research conducted by UNESCO.
1. Mediums of instruction: The educational system of the country is based on
different mediums which divides the students in two segments. Mostly private
schools are English medium while the Government schools are Urdu medium.
Regional differences are also a major cause for a poor educational system in
Pakistan. The education system of Pakistan is based on unequal lines. Medium of
education is different in both, public and private sector. This creates a sort of
disparity among people, dividing them into two segments. Such a distraught
infrastructure is a basic cause of high illiteracy rate in Pakistan and high dropout
rates in rural areas and public school.

2. Gender discrimination: Gender discrimination is very common in Pakistan.

People are very conservative and they dont want their girls to go to school and get
education. Due to this, the ratio of boys and girls in primary schools is 10:4.

3. Provincial Differences: Thirdly regional disharmony and problems are also a

major cause. The schools in Baluchistan (the largest province of Pakistan by Area)
are not that much groomed as that of Punjab (the largest province Of Pakistan by
Population). In FATA, the literacy rate is deplorable constituting 29.5% in males

and 3% in females. In Pakistan, the education system varies from province to

province. Each province has different culture and different government, so they
have different education policies which affect our education system.

Teaching Quality:
Moreover, the quality of education in most of the public schools and
colleges is well below .The teachers in government schools are not well
trained. People who do not get job in any other sector, they try their
luck in educational system. They are not professionally trained
teachers so they are unable to train a nation. Quality of teaching needs
special attention in rural areas where the teachers lack in all

Poverty factor:
Poverty is another factor that prohibits the parents to send their children to private
school where the quality of education is high. Poor people get their children
admitted to Government schools. The teachers in Government schools are not
professionally trained. They even dont take lectures and waste the precious time
of the students. These days the university fee is so high that a layman cant afford
to put his children in a good education institute. Not only at the university level, at
the school and college level also we have very expensive education.


The allocation of funds for education sector by the government of Pakistan is very low
and it is around 2 % of the total GDP. Government should increase this rate to improve
the quality of educational system. The government has been claiming that it has given
importance to education sector and that the education budget has been increased, it is just
a game of figures. In real terms, the federal education budget, announced on June 3 has
been decreased by over Rs1 billion. Considering inflation, it is surprising to note that the
education budget has been decreased by 11 per cent. Due to this, it seems that the

allocation of four per cent of gross domestic product (GDP) for education will remain a
distant dream, Dawn has learnt. It is pertinent to mention that an estimate of Rs 80 billion
was announced for education in the fiscal budget of 2013-14. And during a revised
estimate, a budget of Rs 87.8 billion was allocated. According to Economic Survey 201314, the inflation was 8.7 per cent. So, if inflation rate is deducted from the education
budget, an overall decrease of 11 per cent will be observed and the budget becomes equal
to Rs 78.9 billion in real terms. The education budget in real terms has been reduced by
11 per cent, however if the federal education budget for last year is examined, it would be
interesting to know that 73 per cent of the budget has been allocated for Higher
Education Commission (HEC) ,9.38 per cent of the education budget has been estimated
for the Capital Administration and Development Division (CADD), 5.1 per cent budget
has been estimated for the Ministry of Education and Training, while 4.62 per cent budget
has been allocated for educational institutions working in cantonment areas.
Curriculum Issues:

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