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Primary research:


Gathering focus group information

Feedback from my focus group:
What is your genre? My genre is teen drama.
How can I use drugs and alcohol if my film is rated
certificate 15?
I need to moderate the amount of drugs and alcohol used
in my film.
How do you plan to fake the look of cocaine?
I will crush paracetamol tablets to enable the look of
cocaine to occur. Therefore, less ethical issues will arise
due to my actors not actually be harmed.

Creation/results of questionnaire
I created my questionnaire on Microsoft Word and
distributed this to my AS Level Media Studies class, as
they fit my primary target market.
I have attached it on the next slide:

Results from my questionnaire

Question 3

Question 2

Question 1

Four Hours Is Enough Sleep

And Other Lies I Tell Myself



Question 5

This Too Shall Pass

Question 4

To an extent




To an extent


To an extent

What I have learnt and need to

From my feedback I have found out that I may need to limit the
usage of drugs and alcohol as my film will be certificate 15.
From my feedback I have found that the title Four Hours Is Enough
Sleep, And Other Lies I Tell Myself is a very long title, and may not
attract my entire target audience. Therefore, I have decided to go
with the title This Too Shall Pass as from my feedback it is the
preferred title. Moreover, I believe the title This Too Shall Pass has
a much better reflection of the plot and themes which will be in my
film. This is because my film shows the effects of social anxiety on
a teenage girl (Olivia). Therefore, the main motive of the film is to
inflict hope upon my audience, as the film shows a positive
progression in Olivias life as she attempts to tackle her anxiety.

How is it specific to me?

As I have decided to work alone, I will have the
following roles and responsibilities:
Costume designer
Hair and makeup

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