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Justine Van Koeverings

Lesson Plan
EDU 262

Title/Subject/Grade: Comparing and Ordering Two-Digit
Numbers/Mathematics/1st Grade
What do I want my students to learn/be able to do?
Standard(s): From Common Core Standards (Math and ELA), or GLCEs/HSCEs, or
National Standards for your content area (Music, Art, PE); with reference in APA format.
Understand Place Value
Compare two two-digit numbers based on meanings of the tens and
ones digits, recording the results of comparisons with the symbols >,
=, and <.
Objectives and Learning Targets:
Objective 1: The Student will choose which number is largest in a set of
two-digit numbers.
Learning Target 1: I can tell which number in a set of two-digit
numbers is the
Objective 2: The student will rank two-digit numbers from greatest to
least and least to greatest based on the meaning of the tens and ones
Learning Target 2: I can put a set of two-digit numbers in order
from the
biggest to the smallest and the smallest to the biggest.
Objective 3: The student will compare two-digit numbers using >, <, and
Learning Target 3: I can use greater than and less than symbols to
point toward
which number is bigger or smaller.
Learning Target 4: I can use an equal sign to show when two
numbers or
values are the same.
Purpose of Lesson:
I want my students to learn how to confidently work with two-digit numbers. I want them
to be able to recognize quickly which number is larger, I want them to get to the point
where ordering two-digit numbers becomes natural and obvious to them. Because they

Justine Van Koeverings

Lesson Plan
EDU 262

will need to understand and know how to work with two-digit numbers before they can
do 2nd grade math.
How will I know they have learned it?
Assessment Plan: Plan for informal and formal Formative Assessment(s) and
Summative Assessment(s)
Assessment FOR learning (Formative):
Formative Informal:
Two-Digit Whiteboard Comparisons I will write two two-digit numbers on the board. I
will have students write on their small, personal white boards which number is either
bigger or smaller. Or I might ask them to write down both numbers and have them
compare the numbers using <, >, or =.
Which is Largest? Each student will have a piece of paper that has an arrow on both
sides (so that they can see the direction of the arrow on the side of the paper facing them,
and I will see the arrow pointing in the same direction on the side facing me). I will put
up on the board or the screen two different two-digit numbers and the students will hold
up their arrow to point toward which number is bigger or smaller depending on what I
ask of them.
Formative Formal:
Ordering Two-Digit Numbers I will pass out a worksheet with six problems that need to
be solved. They will all give students practice with ordering two-digit numbers. Each
problem will have a list of five two-digit numbers and students will have to order them
from either smallest to biggest or biggest to smallest depending on what is specified in
the question. I will have students write their name on the paper and pass them in so that I
can see how everyone is doing with their ordering of two-digit numbers.
What is my plan for those who get it and those who dont get it?
Differentiation Considerations (Accommodations): What will you do for students
who get it the first time?)
For my students that dont get it, I will have them work with a partner who does
get it. Sometimes it is easier for a student to understand a concept when someone who
has a similar vocabulary explains it to them. Peers often learn from each other by sharing
their explanations in their own words.
The students that do get it the first time will not only have the opportunity to
learn more by helping their classmates, but they will also have the opportunity to try an
even harder worksheet to give themselves a challenge.
Assessment OF learning (Summative):

Justine Van Koeverings

Lesson Plan
EDU 262

Summative Formal:
Build Your Own Worksheet I will have the students create their own worksheets. They
will have to come up with two-digit numbers to compare and also write an answer sheet
for it. They can only use an = one time and they must use < and > two times each.
They will also have to come up with two different sets of two-digit numbers. One set will
have to be ordered from greatest to least and the other from least to greatest. This way I
can test their knowledge of the subject and see what they learned, I can collect these and
assign a grade to it, and they can show me how well theyve grasped the concept in a fun
and unique way! Their grade will show how well theyve done on this particular lesson.

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