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DaQuanya King!

English IV
28 April 2015

Illegal Abortion
Abortion is the most controversial issue that is debated by Americans. Abortion is the
medical process of ending a pregnancy so it does not result in the birth of a baby. It is also
sometimes known as a termination or a termination of pregnancy. Depending on how many
weeks you have been pregnant, the pregnancy is ended either by taking medication or by having
a surgical procedure. Some woman think its okay to have abortions but after its done the
women have all sorts of things going on in with their body that can harm them. Considering
American ethics and values, murder is morally wrong. Therefore, the killing of unborn fetuses is
morally wrong as well. Abortions, this unethical practice of terminated unborn fetuses should be
outlawed because no one should die at a young age just because the parents dont want their own
child, Some people think that its very moral for women to have an abortion, and then young
women uses abortion as birth control. (FOSTER, SERRIN M.)

A Child Should Have their Ability To live their life --the parents dont want their own
child , within 1.5 million American families wanting to adopt a child, there is no such thing as an
unwanted child. Some parents have the ability of they cant make it with a baby, they struggle to
do their school-work, then jobs and etc. Nearly 46 million childrens were unwanted, society
thinks that having an abortion especially for young adults it is very cruel and a complete social

failure. In the year of 2003 nearly 1 million was neglected and abuse because of their parents
dont want them. ( Jones, K, and C Chaloner).If Young woman know their situation and if its
hard for them to make it with it just being them, why even have the mind set of wanting too have
a baby, that they not able to take care of and in having the choice of choosing abortion. It would
be a crime if woman have an abortion, thats why people think its not fair too get away with
having abortions. (FOSTER, SERRIN M.) Three out of four women who have abortions say that
having a baby would interfere with work, school or the ability to care for a dependent.
Some people think when young women have abortion its very moral,some people want
to know what are the parents ethical obligations on their religion. Some womens also have
ethical obligations on the fetus, also its very moral under their religion that its wrong to have an
abortion in the first place, most people have big dis agreement on an abortion. (Knapp, Lynette.)
It all comes down too killing an innocent human being in a legitimate way to drive population
numbers down. No civilized society permits one human to intentionally harm or take the life of
another human without punishment, and abortion is no different. Abortion should not be used as
another form of contraception, abortion frequently causes intense psychological pain and stress.
(Knapp, Lynette.) Many people abortion is a difficult issue no one approaches it lightly or makes
a decision about whether to have an abortion lightly, but abortion causes very harmful things like
when I had stated before. Then more people think that it leads to the position that abortion is
generally acceptable depends upon a capitalist view within their ownership. Most challenging
aspect of childrens surgery is the treatment those congenital defects that are incompatible with
life, but nevertheless it can be corrected by the proper surgical procedure carried out shortly after
birth. Most arguments that hold abortion to be an ethically acceptable choice depend on the

assertion that a fetus is not a fully human person, so some people feel like its okay to kill an
innocent person. ( Jones, K, and C Chaloner). They see nothing wrong with it because they
basically saying that its not a fully human being yet so it dont matter in other people case think
thats very wrong killing someone that deserves to live a life. Many people object to abortions
later in pregnancy because they intuitively feel that there is something too human about a fetus
which looks so much like a baby.
In the community most young people - young women uses abortion as birth control. In
2011, 1.06 million abortions were performed, down 13% from 1.21 million in 2008. From 1973
through 2011, nearly 53 million legal abortions occurred. Each year, 1.7% of women aged 15
44 have an abortion.Half have had at least one previous abortion. The reasons women give for
having an abortion underscore their understanding of the responsibilities of parenthood and
family life. Three-fourths of women cite concern for or responsibility to other individuals; threefourths say they cannot afford a child; three-fourths say that having a baby would interfere with
work, school or the ability to care for dependents; and half say they do not want to be a single
parent or are having problems with their husband or partner. Having abortions for birth control,
it can really harm a womans body. In October 2014, President Obama told an interviewer:
"Ultimately, I think the Equal Protection Clause does guarantee same-sex marriage in all fifty
states". 60% of the world's 1.55 billion women of reproductive age (1544) live in countries
where abortion is broadly legal. 42 million abortions take place around the world each year.
About 20 million are unsafe and virtually all of those occur in developing countries.(Common
Objections.) The population of Women having abortion is that most women having the effect
because they cant take care of that child but most people think that its really wrong for any

women to have and abortion, because it dont just affect the child it also effect that women body
it makes them have issues within her body. Between 1995 and 2003, the global abortion rate
dropped by 17%. Africa and Asia saw a 12% decline during the same period, and Latin America
and the Caribbean experienced a drop of 16%. Some people believe that having an abortion and
ending a childs life will solve their problems. And the truth is better than a lie, when a lie would
cost an innocent persons life. 44 percent of all abortions are performed on college-age women,
so they not able too take role of being a mother. Just because its legal doesnt make it right, And
just because its often a hidden choice doesnt mean it wont stay with you forever. This does not
justify killing an innocent person. (Common Objections.) Of the approximately 42 million
abortions that do occur worldwide, almost half are performed by unskilled individuals, in
environments that do not meet minimum medical standards or both. President Barack Obama
also say On the same day Obama issued a veto threat against a pro-life bill that would ban lateterm abortions after 20 weeks, he said in his State of the Union address tonight that Americans
can disagree about abortion. (Common Objections.) Abortions have declined to record lows
because of a massive number of pro-life laws and closing abortion clinics, not by anything
Obama has done in office. A November 2014 poll from Quinnipiac found that 60 percent of
Americans support legislation limiting abortions after 20 weeks, including 56 percent of
Independents and 46 percent of Democrats. (Common Objections.) So also the President is not
happy about women having abortions because its very harmful to the not just the President but
to the parent of the child. In October 2014, President Obama told an interviewer: "Ultimately, I
think the Equal Protection Clause does guarantee same-sex marriage in all fifty states". He
praised the way the U.S. Supreme Court had addressed the issue. The Almanac of American

Politics (2008) rated Barack Obama's overall social policies in 2006 as more conservative than
21% of the Senate, and more liberal than 77% of the Senate (18% and 77%, respectively, in
2005) I have repeatedly said that I think it is entirely appropriate for states to restrict or even
prohibit late-term abortions, as long as there is a strict, well-defined exception for the health of
the mother, That prompted a few complaints from feminists, including some who questioned
Obama's pro-choice voting record during his years in the Illinois State Senate. (Piehl, Norah.) So
as the conclusion A real, living, irreplaceable child has been killed, and the parents and siblings
are damaged no matter how hard we try, we can never erase what abortion does Abortion takes it
kills an innocent human being. Time does not erase murder or ease the reality of what it is.
Abortion is a cruel tragedy, but it is also a choice that should never be made. (Piehl, Norah.) A
child did not decide that his parents would have sex or that they would use ineffective
contraception. So every child should have the right to Live their Life, so abortion should be
illegal because its like an crime within the State in Killing a human being.

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