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Art Production

By: Taylor G.
When I create works of art there are always meanings
behind them. For my piece, Mixed Reality, I wanted to create
something that is meaningful to me while using fantasy and
reality. The top half of the piece was inspired by Alice in
Wonderland. Alice and her tea party set have fallen into a hole,
creating the fantasy theme of my piece. Below the fantasy them
is a modern day girl that has fallen into a hole of procrastination.
This girl represents me, because I also have the habit of
The element of color was demonstrated by using a pastel
color scheme on the top half and a darker color scheme on the
bottom half. I did this to create more of a sense of contrast
between fantasy and reality. The geometric shapes in the
background brought on a sense of positive and negative space.
Equally distributing the falling objects created asymmetrical
balance and movement by leading the viewers eye through the
artwork. Pattern came into play when I used repetition with the
shapes, and that supported the downward sense of movement
through the scene. Movement was a very important part of my
piece that helps make you think the girls are falling. Outlining the
objects in black created emphasis. The unifying factor of my piece
is the story behind it. The path your eyes follow lead you through
the story and makes the whole thing unified.

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