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Jeffrey G.

1980 Brookhaven Pl.
Atwater, CA. 95301
February 19, 2015
To Whom It May Concern,
I am excited and pleased to recommend Karen Gonzalez for the Academic
Scholarship. I have known Karen for nearly two years. In the time that I have
known Karen, I have found her to be a very conscientious person with
tremendous leadership skills. She has exhibited a determination to succeed
at the goals she sets and is extremely self-motivated. Karen is a valuable
asset to her school, youth organizations, and the community.
Karen has demonstrated an outstanding level of performance in her
involvement in providing service to the community. She has shown great
strength of character to her peers as well as others in whatever activities she
chooses to become involved in through volunteering and providing service.
She as completed over 265 hours of volunteer service at Mercy Medical
Center. In addition, through her involvement in a local youth organization for
young women, she has volunteered in harvesting grapes that are used for
humanitarian aid throughout the world. She has also provided unselfish acts
of service by visiting the elderly at assisted living centers.
I worked closely with Karen at a fundraising event to raise money for the
Alzheimers Association. The even consisted of a multicultural dance and
fashion show. I found Karen to be dependable and reliable throughout the
event. She went above and beyond what was asked and was ready and
willing to provide assistance to make the event a success. She carried this
attitude of service through her support in participating in the Walk to End
Alzheimers event.
Karens attitude towards self-improvement and completing goals has helped
to define her as a person and a strong community member. Her strong
personality and personal drive for personal success has helped her to excel
in her academic pursuits, participation in sports, and other youth
organizations. She has excellent leadership skills and has a tendency to
reach out to others and provide guidance and counsel to them. I am
personally aware of her efforts to reach out to a fellow youth, who was a
victim of bullying, and provided support and friendship through their difficult
In summary, Karen is a highly capable leader and a self-starter. I highly
recommend Karen for this scholarship and any academic institution that she

Jeffrey G. Wilson
1980 Brookhaven Pl.
Atwater, CA. 95301
chooses to pursue. She would be a valuable asset to any organization and
program. She is highly deserving of this scholarship.
Jeffrey G. Wilson

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