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Planning and preparation for learning

Lesson Type:

How to

The teacher arranges the students to
sit on the carpet and give them some

Teacher start the activities, she count
at the first then the students start to
say with her.

What do the students do?)

Time spent

Children listen to the instructions and

they are ready to start the activities.

Children start counting from 1-20 and
the teacher was repeating with them.



Part of the Lesson
Bridge In
Outcome (Learning Objective)
Participatory Learning

What your teacher did

Introduce the lesson

Teaching them the numbers

She makes 3 groups and each group has different
learning styles.

HCT Bachelor of Applied Science EDUCATION

Practicum Booklet 1a 2015 Semester 2 jl

Observation mini interview (general questions) related to planning

and preparation for learning.

Question for the MST:

How do you plan? Do you plan weekly, daily, and as part of a team or individually?

Do you follow a lesson plan exactly? Why or why not?

What do you do when the lesson does not go according to the plan?

Do you ever do anything you havent planned to do?

At the beginning of the year they have view team, and each person of the team has a different
area to do it.
Exactly to the point that the learners understand if not I change it, so it depend to the class.
I change it.

Yes, depend to the class mood and the children.

What is important to you when planning a lesson?

To follow the curriculum that the children learn it.

Do you plan to do the exact same thing with all the children in the classroom?
(Why/Why not??)
No, its always-different lesson, dependability of the kids.

Three other questions you ask your teacher about lesson planning that you want to
1. What are the most things you focus in it when you teach?

Whether the children understand the lesson or no, and figure out what is wrong.
2. Do you ever encounter a problem when you dont plan for the lesson?
Yes sure and its very difficult, so I try to change it with something in mind
3. Do you think that you can teach the students without planning for the lesson?
No, unless make a change.

- Arrange to attend a planning session with the teacher/team, When is it:

Already plant with the teachers from the beginning of the year.


Why is planning and preparation for learning so important?

What do you have to think about before you begin to plan for learning?
What steps does a teacher go through to be prepared for teaching?
What do you know now about teaching and planning that you did not know before?

HCT Bachelor of Applied Science EDUCATION
Practicum Booklet 1a 2015 Semester 2 jl

When the teacher plans and prepare for the lesson the students will understand it carefully,
because the teacher will be teaching them clear information in order, also she can prepare for
them more activities in different learning skills. Before planning the teacher must think deeply
about the object of the lesson, she must focus on the message that the students must know
and understand at the end.
There are many steps the teacher must go through it to be prepared, such as the BOPPPS and
Now I understand that the teacher should know about different learning skills when she plans
and prepare for the lesson because there are different abilities in each student.

While theyre doing

math activities

HCT Bachelor of Applied Science EDUCATION

Practicum Booklet 1a 2015 Semester 2 jl

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