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ABCS of Kindergarten at Aurora

Ms. Rosell-Martin / Mrs. Solomon

After School Program

The Boys and Girls Club of Drayton Valley will offer a licensed program for children ages 512 years old that will operate after school until 6 pm Monday to Friday.
The program will offer include: skilled staff, minimum of 10:1 child staff ratio, regulated
healthy daily snacks, a variety of stimulating, developmentally appropriate programs and
activities and ongoing monitoring, feedback and evaluation.
The fee will be as follows:
Monthly fee (full-time): $310 (Subsidies will be available for qualified individuals including
families with more than 1 child in the program).
Shared spot monthly fee: $155 (Two children share a full-time spot in the program and
each pay half the fee)
Government subsidies will be available for families that qualify to help cover up to 100% of
program costs. Government childcare subsidy information may be found online
See more at:


Arrival and Dismissal

Kindergarten children come straight into the classroom in the mornings. Supervision
begins at 8:15. Please ensure your child does not arrive to the classroom
before 8:15. Class begins at 8:36 am. Students are dismissed at 3:16. An
important part of kindergarten is to teach children to become independent. This
includes getting prepared for the day and getting ready to go home. Therefore,
when you bring your child to school you can let them get themselves prepared for
the day. We will give them the assistance they require. At the end of the day the
door is closed until the children are finished preparing themselves to go home.
Parents who pick up their children at the end of the day are required to come to
the kindergarten door and wait until the second bell when your child leaves the
classroom. We will not let your child go with someone we do not know. Please let
us know if your plans change and someone different is picking them up. There is
paper outside our door for you to write down any changes in plans. At any time when
we are unsure of a childs afterschool plan, we will keep them with us at school. At
that time we will give you a call to let you know we have your child.

ABCS of Kindergarten at Aurora

Ms. Rosell-Martin / Mrs. Solomon
Aurora Watch
Please call the school when your child is going to be absent. If you know ahead of
time you can let the teacher know. If your child is not at school and we have not
been notified, a parent volunteer will call you to ensure that your child has been
accounted for. Late students need to be checked in at the office so that they are
not marked absent.

Balanced Lunch and Snacks

The children will be strongly encouraged to eat a nutritious snack in the morning
and to save the sweets for after lunch. We do not allow the children to share food
from their lunch. We have a morning snack, lunch, and afternoon snack.
***(Please note that we are a nut free school)***
Also, a plastic or metal water bottle is important to have each day since the
students will not always be able to go to the water fountain.
Each teacher will celebrate birthdays a bit differently. Often, parents ask if they
can send a birthday treat for the class when it is their childs birthday. With
severe allergies and Wild Roses implementation of the Healthy School Initiative,
we ask you to avoid sending treats and other food items into the classroom.
Kindergarten celebrates several special days throughout the year and we will sign
parents up for food items on those days.
Brigance Testing
A test is administered to students during the first week of school. It takes about
30 minutes to complete. We use this information to guide our instruction for the

ABCS of Kindergarten at Aurora

Ms. Rosell-Martin / Mrs. Solomon

When the children are in Kindergarten, they are actively involved in their learning.
We advise you to send your child in comfortable play clothes. We also ask that you
send a spare set of clothes in a plastic bag to hang in their locker. This should
include an extra pair of underwear and socks. Please label the bag because your
child may be sharing their locker with another student.

At this age, positive reinforcement and praise are often enough to keep children
following the rules and expectations of the classroom. However, when it is required,
we operate on the firm but fair policy. The children are given many reminders and a
lot of support to help them learn all the rules involved in being a member of a class
and a member of the school. Time outs are short in duration and are most often
used as a reminder to the child. If we have any serious concerns we will contact you.
If you have any concerns, please let us know right away. Often we are unaware of an
incident and time doesnt always provide the students with the opportunity to let us
know of a problem. Open communication is essential.

Emergency Fire and Lock Down Drills

ABCS of Kindergarten at Aurora

Ms. Rosell-Martin / Mrs. Solomon

Throughout the school year, we will have practice fire and lock down drills. We will
be discussing fire safety in September. Expect your child to tell you about a drill
some time in September!
Eye Exam
Aurora school is supported by the Eye See- Eye Learn program. It provides free
eye glasses for kindergarten students. Alberta Health provides free eye exams for
children 0-18 years old. It is important to have your childs eyes checked this year
since it is free of cost and their eyes can go through some great changes at this

Hand Washing
We understand it is very important for the students to thoroughly wash their
hands. We have the children take two pumps of soap when they wash their hands.
Please inform your childs teacher of any special circumstances which may affect
your childs health. Allergies are very prevalent. Occasionally we do food activities
to compliment lessons and we will need to know of any allergies. Please let us and
the office know if there is any medication that must be taken at school, including
asthma inhalers and epipens.
Home Reading
The school runs a school wide reading incentive program. More information will come
later in regards to this home reading program. We will also be sending leveled,
classroom reading books home each night later in the year for our Kindergarten
Home Reading Program.

ABCS of Kindergarten at Aurora

Ms. Rosell-Martin / Mrs. Solomon

Inside Shoes
Your child requires a pair of inside running shoes (They must be suitable for
running and playing in the gym and have non-marking soles). They will be
encouraged to put them on by themselves, so please help by getting a type of shoe
that your child can manage on his/her own. The shoes should also be tight enough
that they dont fall off when the students are participating in gym. Since the
students take their shoes off many times a day, we ask that they have inside shoes
without laces.

Independence When Getting Dressed

Your child will be getting ready to play outside 3 times a day. Our goal is to have
the students zip, button and tie their coats with some independence. Please try to
send you child in articles of clothing that are easy for them to manage so they can
get out the door quicker. In the winter months, it takes a great deal of time to get
dressed so if you are investing in new snow clothes, you may want to consider a onepiece snowsuit. They are super easy for the students to get into with full
Please remember that we will be going outside at the end of the day even when it is
quite chilly. Students will always require appropriate clothing for the weather.

The children have one library period a week. Please make sure their book is in their
backpack on their library day. Your child will bring it home in a baggie designated

ABCS of Kindergarten at Aurora

Ms. Rosell-Martin / Mrs. Solomon

for their book. Please return it in the same baggie. This helps protect the book
from any spills in their backpack.
Lunch and Milk Tickets
Lunch and milk tickets can be purchased ahead of time at the office. Please put
them in your childs pouch or folder and write on them what your child would like to
Cost: Strips of 5 tickets for $10
Strips of 5 tickets for $5

Your child will get classroom information each month to outline special school or
classroom events. Mrs. Solomon sends out a newsletter and Ms. Rosell sends out a
brochure each month.

Parent Volunteers
In Mrs. Solomons class, parents can sign-up on the schedule outside the classroom.
Ms. Rosell will send home a sign-up sheet for certain roles. However, our doors are
always open for those times you can stop in for a short visit. Parents who are able
to volunteer to assist the teacher must have a Criminal Record and Social
Services Check handed into the office. It only needs to be handed in once and is
then good for as long as your children go to Aurora School. Please be aware that

ABCS of Kindergarten at Aurora

Ms. Rosell-Martin / Mrs. Solomon

volunteers are bound by our policy of confidentiality. Please carefully read over
Auroras volunteer policy which is at the office.
Parents are welcome to bring their child and siblings to school to watch
performances on the days their child does not attend kindergarten (part-time

We will be keeping a portfolio of the children's work in individual binders which we
will use to show their progress throughout the year. You will view these binders at
conferences in November and March. They will be sent home at the end of the year.

Parking at Aurora continues to be challenging. Morning and afternoons become very
congested and there are a few things that we ask you to avoid so that these times
are easier and safer for you and the students. Please remember to drive very slowly
and be mindful of crosswalks. Please avoid parking in staff stalls and making Uturns. We advise you to avoid making the loop because often, you become stuck
behind the buses and it is very difficult to get out in a timely and safe manner. The
best option is to park a bit farther away from the parking lot.

Questions and Concerns

Our goal is to have open communication between school and home. If you have any
questions or concerns, please feel free to set up a time to meet before or after
instructional time. Because we do not have program aides this year, we will not be
able to discuss issues during class time but will always be happy to set up a time
before or after school.

ABCS of Kindergarten at Aurora

Ms. Rosell-Martin / Mrs. Solomon

Reading Buddies
Kindergarten students will be matched with partner in grade three. Once a week,
the students will meet with their partner to read or complete a special activity.
Both students benefit from this program.
We will be sharing the morning and lunch recesses with the rest of the school. At
the end of the day we will go out by ourselves so the children can play on the
equipment in the back of the school. This gives us the opportunity to help them
develop gross motor skills. Your child must have the right type of clothing for
the weather because we go outside every day.

Report Cards
Report cards go home in November, March and June. In November and March we
will be running student-led conferences. We will also be sending home progress
reports around the end of September and January. If at any time you have
questions or concerns please feel free to make an appointment to discuss them.

SMART Learning
SMART Learning is a term you will hear quite often this year and will continue to
hear as your child moves on through the grades. SMART learning is an approach
designed to develop high level thinking skills in learners and therefore deepen their
understanding of learning. The SMART Learning tools teach students about how
their brain works and empowers them to think about how they learn best. In the
classroom community children practice respectful listening and powerful speaking
skills. Attached to the back of this package, is a list of terms you will likely hear

ABCS of Kindergarten at Aurora

Ms. Rosell-Martin / Mrs. Solomon

this year and it will provide you with a better idea of what SMART Learning will
look like in a Kindergarten setting.
Student of the Day
Mrs. Solomons class celebrates Student of the Day. A form will come home that
you and your child will fill out together. Make sure you and your child discuss what
they would like to share with the class. They are allowed to bring one item from
home to share with the class. Student of the day gets to tell the class about
themselves, share information about what they brought, and they get to be line
leader for the day.
Ms. Rosell chooses a Special Person at school each day. This person is responsible
for important tasks throughout the day.
Mrs. Flewell

School Pictures
Pictures will be taken on September 23rd in the am for the TT classes. The MW
class will have their pictures taken on September 24th in the am. Mrs. Solomons
class will have pictures on September 24th.

Speech Assessment
In kindergarten, students will be assessed on their speech language abilities. It is
not uncommon for kindergarten aged students to require a bit of intervention in
this area. Often, parents are surprised to learn that their child may require a bit of
assistance correcting a certain sound (or using the correct tongue placement to
make that sound). Please do not be alarmed if you receive a note home about your
child requiring some speech language assistance. Kindergarten is the best time to
work on these skills.

Bus students will be shuttled from Aurora to Eldorado School. They will then go on
their transfer bus. Please clearly mark your childs backpack with both bus
numbers. We try to match kindergarten students with a bus buddy if they do not

ABCS of Kindergarten at Aurora

Ms. Rosell-Martin / Mrs. Solomon

have an older sibling. Students will be closely monitored during the first few weeks
of school until we feel confident that they can manage this task on their own.
Please make sure that you know which bus numbers your child will be on before the
first day of school by contacting the Transportation Department.

Visitors & Volunteers at Aurora

If you are visiting or volunteering at the school during the day you must sign
yourself in and out at the office.

Water Bottle
You are encouraged to send a plastic or metal water bottle for your child every day.
Brain research shows that when we are learning our bodies need water. Students
will not always be able to leave the classroom to go to the water fountain but if
they have their own bottle, they can always have fresh water available. Please make
sure their name is on it. We will try to send it home daily to be washed.
What Did You Do at School Today?
This is the typical question parents ask their children at the end of the day and
nothing is often the response. They may even say, We just played!.
Kindergarten focuses on Play-Based Learning. We provide opportunities for
students to play and interact for many reasons. We know from brain research, that
children who engage in quality play, are more likely to have well-developed
memories, language skills, and are better able to regulate their behavior. It also is
important for the development of motor skills. Things that we do in our program
that may look like play, is actually connected to the curriculum and has an important
purpose. To invite your child to talk about their day, you may want to ask the
question in a different way: Did you ask a good question today?, What made you laugh

ABCS of Kindergarten at Aurora

Ms. Rosell-Martin / Mrs. Solomon

today?, What was the best center?, What did you get to play with today?, Did you
make/build something?, What story did you hear today, who was in it and what happened?,
Who did you play with today?, What was the letter of the day? Did you learn a new word
that starts with that letter?

You Are Invited

There will be special days marked on your calendar for Parent Presentations. On
these days, we invite you in to join us at 11:30 so that we can do a short
presentation. The purpose is to show off what we have learned and to teach you
some strategies that you can use at home to help the students learn.
Wishing you a fun and successful year,

Ms. Rosell, Mrs. Solomon and Mrs. Flewell

What is SMART Learning and what will it look
like in the Kindergarten classroom?
We are aware of current brain research and use it to
deepen student understanding in the Kindergarten
classroom. This is what we know to be true:
Standing and Moving: mobility, even simply
standing up, can boost learning,
It allows more blood flow to the brain and increases
neural firing in the brain.
Standing increases attentional arousaland the brain learns more.
Play- Is a profound biological process that shapes the brain. It fosters empathy,
creativity and motivation. Most learning in Kindergarten is play-based with a
learning objective in mind.
Students Use Images and Think in Pictures
Your brain is divided into two hemispheres. One side thinks in words and the
other thinks in pictures. We learn best when we are activating both sides of the
brain. Therefore, there needs to be more of a focus on thinking in pictures or

ABCS of Kindergarten at Aurora

Ms. Rosell-Martin / Mrs. Solomon
Image based explorations directly engage reflective thinking (thinking in
pictures). This makes learning more meaningful and fulfilling and thus is
remembered longer and recalled quicker.
Students Use Powerful Speaking and Listening Skills
Often we have the students engage in A/B structured partner talk. When we
systematically invite students to notice, talk about, and reflect on similarities and
differences we can double the learning.
Cognitive development is supported when students are encouraged to verbalize
their ideas and questions.
Discussions allow students to think critically and to consider multiple
Conversation builds ideas, facilitates comprehension of text, encourages cognitive
development, and fosters growth in expressive language abilities.
Partner and small group talk is a way to give students control over the pace and
focus of their learning.
Students Set Personal Learning Goals
If a students attention is on a clearly defined goal, they know what must be done
and how it should be done.
Goal-setting is an effective enhancer of achievement.
Students build criteria for what powerful learning, listening and speaking looks
Involving students in developing criteria will dramatically increases achievement.
Students Learn About Their Brain, How it Works and How They
Learn Best
Your brain is divided into two sides. The left side of your brain controls the right
side of your body; and, the right side of your brain controls the left side of your
body. The left side thinks in words and the right side thinks in pictures. We learn
best when we use both sides of the brain as much as possible.
Terms we will use in Kindergarten
The brain needs water and exercise.
If our hearts are hurting, our brains cant learn.

ABCS of Kindergarten at Aurora

Ms. Rosell-Martin / Mrs. Solomon
Standing and moving makes your brain smarter.

New ideas: growing new branches in your brain

Make connections: this reminds me of something
Send an image to your partner: think in pictures and describe the details
What do you want your brain to notice: goal setting
Stretch Goals: making a learning goal that is going to be difficult or take
time to master. It will grow the brain a lot
Story Detectives: looking for details and clues in stories
Tuck it in your brain for another time: when a child has a story or idea to
share that is off topic
I Wonder: This is for when you have a question.
I Notice: This is for when you notice a detail
A/B Partners: students work with a partner and are both responsible for
listening and speaking. Students learn what it means to be a powerful
listener and speaker and are responsible for reporting what their partner
said. This increases accountability and teaches them to be good listeners
and speakers.
Set a Learning/Listening Goal: students develop criteria as a class to
know what powerful learning, listening and speaking looks like. They set
goals each day to focus on and improve on.
You will also see us using these images
throughout the year. They encourage students to
think in images and to notice details.

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