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Electrical/Electronic Engineering
Carrer Field Description.
Jaime Lopez

General Description of Electrical/Electronics Engineering
Positions in Austin, Texas
Entry level Position:
Mid-level Position:
High level Position:
Summary of Jobs in << your engineering field here>>

General Description of Electrical/Electronics Engineering

Electrical engineers do many projects like design, and check electrical equipment.
They work on Electrical motors,radar and gpss,communication systems,and
generators that can generate power. Electronics engineer design and develop
things such as communication systems and chips. From portable music players,to
phones,tablets and gps software they use customer reviews to improve the product
and make it more affordable.They work primarily on researching and making
technology better.They can work for many companies, Samsung, Apple,
Dell,Microsoft, and Sony. The annual average salary is about 95,000. Engineering is
one of the biggest growing careers.

Positions in Austin, Texas

Entry level Position:
Company Name

MET Laboratories. inc

Job Title

Product safety engineering



Required Education

A BSEE or something similar

Required Experience

Entry level and experienced product safety engineers

Job Description

be able to manage many assignments at the same time.

Other Information

some travel and flexible work hours, be able to do verbal and written
communication, must be able to use microsoft programs.

Mid-level Position:
Company Name


Job Title

Engineering Technician



Required Education

Associates degree in electronics

Required Experience

1-10 years experience as an engineering technician

Job Description

Must have electronics experience, most important skill is the board level

Other Information

exposure to manufacturing be able to do hands on work, have both mechanical

and electrical background

High level Position:

Company Name


Job Title

Principal hardware Architect



Required Education

10+ yrs Bachelors in electrical engineers

Required Experience

Electronic design experience

Job Description

Designing and making working demos and finalizing them

Other Information

Programming is a plus,develops ideas by brainstorm, create demos, checks

and reviews benchmarks from products. also needs to be able to finish projects
on schedule and within the budget. Electrical voltage experience.

Principal hardware Architect

Summary of Jobs in Electrical/Electronics engineer

What are the duties, responsibilities, and common work activities? On hand work is
one of the most used skills on this jobs.This types of engineers like any other engineers should be able to
do projects on time and on budget. Their duties are to be able to manage a team at specific times and
understand the people inside the group. Electrical engineers are responsible for anything that contains
electricity and innovate new things to improve lives.

What is the working environment, including conditions, setting, and geographic

locations? Electrical engineers work both outside and inside. Indoor work can be like in a production
factory or in a development office.Working inside a building on a prototype or a model in the computer.
Outside work could be like checking the area where they are going to build electric motors or a dam to
produce electricity. It may also be them checking on a project that could be being build by other
engineers and check the progress and effectiveness.

Is this field very specialized or is it very general with many options for
specialization? Explain
It is a very general field electrical engineering could be categorized into many specific jobs. Electrical
engineers work in many jobs some are more factory like while others are more outdoor work. They can
work at an electrical facility or at any company trying to make electricity more efficient or less
consumable by a product or people.

Geographically, where are most of the jobs in your field? (Everywhere or just
some specific areas) Electrical engineers are all over the world changing everything everywhere.
Mostly anything you see to phones, tvs, radios or any kind of electronic device has been touched or seen
by an electrical engineer. Electrical engineers are needed everywhere because its one of the
fundamental keys for making objects work.

Principal hardware Architect
Product safety engineering
Engineering Technician

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