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Chaska Cobalt

Hilary Castaneda
January, 18th 2015

Play Project Proposal

Group Name and Specific Role
Hilary (Storyboard)
Chaska (Writer)

Social Issue
Undocumented Immigrants crossing the border that connects the United States and Mexico.
This issue shows the struggles of undocumented immigrants looking for a better future for them
and their families. We will show how undocumented immigrants get treated in a all white
community and how they live in constant fear.

Plot Outline

Setting: Southern California (San Diego) 2014


A. Main Characters: Jose is an illegal immigrants. Jesse is the main
bully who torments Jose and Maria for being Mexican.
B. Supporting Characters: Juan is Jose father. Ryan is another bully.
Michael is the last bully. Rosa is Jose and Maria's mother. Mr. Berk is the math
teacher. Mr. Morton is the school principal.

Central Conflict: Jose (thinking he was born in The United States is an illegal
immigrant who was born in Mexico but does not find out until the beginning of the story
when his parents tell him. He is also getting badly bullied by the kids in his school.

Conflict Resolution (tragically):

A. First idea: Jesse (main bully) is jealous of his valedictorian and
decides to plant pot in Joses backpack the police find the pot and find out Jose
and his family are undocumented and deport them and their entire family back to
Mexico. Jose and Maria are unable to graduate and finish high school in the
United States. Jose kills himself out of guilt for getting his family deported. Maria
sends his death note to Jesse to have him be aware of what he did. Jesse kills
himself an hour later out of guilt.
B. Second idea:

Central/Moral Message (Theme): All humans have value regardless of their legal
status and race. All races have purpose and we should be helping them gain a better

Human Flaw: Jealousy, hatred, and ignorance


How to Incorporate the Chorus: After three main scenes

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