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6, Showed an understanding aad respect for che Faculty, studants and schoo! exsmamnatiey fways ___Almow Always ___Satisfaccory __Incunsistent __Unsatisfactory ‘7. Asked questions and sought to grow in knowledge of the teaching/learning process Always 6 Almost Always ___Snisfactory Inconsistent ___ Unsatisfactory 8. Demonsrated Iknowledge/skill fn utliving clasecoom management techaiques Always Xi Mmost Always tisfuctory ___Taconsisient __Not Observed 9, Demonstrated knowledge/ sills in wilising effective elasssoom i Almost Always 2 Satisfactory ___Incon rion techniques Abways Not Observed 10. Dernonstrated kacwrledge/sills in at _Absrays Almost Always ag effective informal assessment techniques factory Inconsistent YW" Not Observed 11, Demonsteated knowledge/sills fr usiizing effective formal assessment techniques Always __Almost Always ___Satisfactory ___Incoatistent X/ Not Observed 12, Please comment on any demonstrated commitment tw the teaching profession Lindasy was great about hrewry olsepuent Frew. r phere She waa Needed That is 2 kul yo cant treeh She 1g aloo CBaily Relatable 4 The Fede A rang delahorehis will be 2 Seangh ha bee ninae oe ‘concerns /saggettioas/paiitive experiences seativeto this teacher candidate Hegp werkung on berg on tmecy It hil on yoo treeugherr PR nebwork. ng “TNE upd ene vn any FeO hare. Keer tag ms much, EXpeREve as Possible 8 Clessecor, oF uae Om. ae tur eae ‘out this evaluation: ? Date: elanas Mth D 430115 of 2 pages

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