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Submitted By :
Chetan Ahluwalia
SID 104318

The course of O.B has been an Odyssey of knowledge and self analysis.
Overall learning from the course has been tremendous. Some points have
really hit me hard and I have tried to apply them practically. Same have been
listed below:
1. Effectiveness and efficiency: I had always thought that these two
terms are same as far as management is concerned. But it was a
revelation that most of the times we may be efficient but may not be
effective. At the end of the day a manager has to achieve the results
appropriate to his/her position. In actual life situations sometimes we
work very hard and to our full efficiency but still are not able to
achieve the desired results. We may be doing all the things right but
may be missing some right things.
2. Managers get things done through other people: This point was
discussed while defining a manager. I am from manufacturing sector
and working in machine maintenance. Most of the time when my
subordinates come to me with some problem instead of helping them
to reach to a solution, I get totally involved in the problem personally.
So, after some time I am the one who is solving the problem and the
other person is simply enjoying. Most of the times these problems are
solved by following some or the other procedure. So, now I have
initiated a learning folder where all the important procedures are listed
and stepwise defined. So, now when a problem/breakdown comes the
person has to first refer the learning folder and he approaches me only
if he is unable to find the solution from the folder.

3. Learnings from movie LAGAAN: The concept of leadership was

very effectively in this movie. The main learning was that you should
not try to convince all the persons at the same time. Start with one
person and rest will follow. At my workplace I am facing regular
problems from the union people. After formation of the union most of
the workmen have misaligned and tend to go against the staff
members. Now, I have started to interact with the union leader on
almost daily basis and I am trying to convince him that we are one
team. In the process I am also able to understand their problems and
try to solve them if possible. By doing this I have being able to rope in
a couple of more persons. I am sure I will be able to join the broken
pieces once again to form an unbreakable chain.
Learning is a continuous. The one who stops learning is no more than a

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