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Ilse Serrato

9555 Viva Lane

Castroville, CA 93905
April 16, 2015
Peacock Acres Main Office
838 South Main St. Salinas, CA 93901
Dear Hiring Professionals,
My name is Ilse Serrato and I am interested in becoming an Afterschool Program
Coordinator at Peacock Acres. I learned about the position through a friend, Jasmine Flanagan,
and I feel I am the right candidate for your team. As a program teacher at the NSA Child
Development Center, I have gained experience working with young children, which has made
me a responsible, attentive and patient person. This job has made me organized since I have
scheduled daily activities for children to meet and goals to accomplish for the week. I also
understand that each person is different and I have learned to move on each childs own pace. I
want to radiate a positive energy to the adolescents in Peacock Acres by being interested in their
lives and being a person they can count on.
I will be graduating with my B.A. in Psychology in May of 2015 and my goal is to
inspire an adolescent. I want to show them there is hope in life and that not everything is as
horrible as it seems. I understand many of the children in foster care are experiencing hardships
because it is hard to be separated from their parents, but having a positive and reliable support
system can make a difference in that persons life. I want to be that positive adult to help guide
and encourage them to strive for higher education and a better future. I am observant and detail
oriented and always try going above and beyond what is required because I am a passionate
worker and care about what I do.
Thank you for your consideration,
Ilse Serrato

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