Types of Variables

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Types of Variables

NAME: Christina Garcia


Concept Explored: Although a relatively simple concept, I will be discussing types of



Initial thoughts: At first it seemed pretty simple. If it has numbers, its numerical and
if not its categorical. But when the question What type of variable is a telephone
area code? came up I was definitely in a pickle. I assumed it had to be numerical,
discrete since it included numbers and it could not be continuous. However, after
discussion we came to conclusion that it was actually categorical.


Connection to past material: Yes in studies weve looked at in class, there have been
cases where we need to determine if and/or how one or more variables affect another.


How I attempted to correct the concept: After the discussion in class I understood
this concept. Just because you have a number, doesnt mean it quantitative. Although
an area code is numeric, it wouldnt make sense to find the average or median area
code. When I took my certification exam this question came up to haunt me. Although
this time is asked about zip codes. However, remembering the example in class I know
I got the right answer which was nominal.


Level of Confidence: 5


Final definition: Types of variables specifically categorical categorize data by

names and represent things like genders, race, states, colors etc.

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