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i Utah Teaching Observatircn

i District: Murray School District

School: Longview Elementary

Teacher: Brittany Garner
i Department: Elementary
i Grade: t
i Last Modified: 2O14-12-03 22:49;32
i School Year: 2014-2015
i Obseruer: Chad Sanders


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About this Tool
The Utah Teaching Observation Tool:

Serves as a rrEasurenEnt of perforrnance for individual teachers;

Serves as a source of lnfonrEtion for teacheis annual rating;
Serves as a guide for teachers as they reflect upon and inprove their effectiveness;
Serves as a basis for instructional improverEnt;
Provides infonrEtion for professional developnEnt planning;
Guldes fonmtive assessnnt and support of teachers; and
Enhances inplenEntation of the Utah Core,

Excellent instructional practice lncludes nEny activities perforrred by a teacher as part of his/her professional work. The Utah Teaching
Obsen ationTool includes iten6 that rnay be obseNed both fornrally and infonmlly. Teaching practice rnay be observed iteratively in
the classroom, at professional nEetings, at grade or departnEnt team rEetings, etc. Effective practice rnay be observed when teachers
are interacting with students Inside and outside of the classroom and during fonnal and infonrEl interactions with parents, colleagues,
and conrrunity rnernbers, Each item rroy be obseNed and recorded on rDre than one occasion during the rating period.

The rating rubric includes four levels, the levels are cumulative for the rubric. An Emerging Effective teacher exefiplifies the skills
expected of a teacher who. is new to the profession (Level 1) or an experienced teacher who is worklng in a new content area or grade
level. An Effeetive teacher rillst exhibit the skills and knowledge described underthe Emelging heading as well as those underthe
Effective heading. Likewise, a Highly Effectiva teacher exhibits all of the skills and knowledge described in that elenEnt and the
Emerging and Effective elenEnts. Ratings are intended to support professionalism, Instruction becones qualitatively better across the
scale, An experienced (Level 2) teacherwho scores at the Minlmally Effectlve level rnlst have access to fonrEtive support to correct
deficiencies and achieve the Effective level within a reasonable period of tinE. The Not Effective rating should be used when a teacher
is pefoFring below expectations and not rnaking adequate growth towad beconing Effective on the item,
Evidence provides confimlation that an item has been achieved at a particular level of effectiveness. Evidence nEy be introduced by the
teacher or the evaluator and rrust be reviewed durlng the conference. Evidence rIEy supply infonrEtion and verification to itenE already
observed and to itefiE not yet observed. Evidence should be specific to the standard and the ltenL and nilst provided clear infonrEtion
supportive of the rating, General or unrelated data or exanples will not be accepted as part of the assessnEnt record and will not be
added to the body of supportive evidence.

Teacher Information
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Dat6:3 2014- 12-03

Evaluator Positionr


Section 1: The Learner and Learning

Teaching begins with the leaming. To ensure that each student learns new knowledge and skills, teachers nxJst-understand that leaming
and developnEntal pattems vary arDng individuals, that leamers bring unique individual differences to the leaming process, and that
leamers need supportlve and safe leaming envlronn6nts to thrive.

Standard 1: Learner Development

The teacher understands cognitive, linguistic, social, ernctional and physical areas of student developnEnt,

1.1: Creates developnrentally appropriate and challenging 2 Effective

learning experiences based on individual students' strengths,
interests, and needs (1a, 2e).
1,2: Collaborates with families, colleagues, and other
professionals to pronnte student growth and developnent

3 Highly Effective

Evaluator Comments: (Required for rdtings of "Not Effective" or "MininElly/EryErging Effective" and recofirrEnded for all rating levels.
Please specify the itemforwhich the conrnent applies if not forthe standard as a whole.)
Item 1.2: Collaborates...


.""d Iour

t:am d:


job collaborating with each I also know tl]at you reach out to parents often as well; great job!

May be used to provide clarification and support or substantiation of performance not observed.

Describe the confirmation of perfomance provided by evidence:

Standard 2: Learning Differences

The teacher understands individual leamer differences and cultuml and linguistic diversity.

2.1: Allows hamers multiple ways to dermnstrate


2 Effective

sensitive to diverse experiences, while holding high

for all (2a, 2b, 2c, 2d).

Evaluator Comments: (Required for ratings of "Not Effective" or"Mininnlly/Ernerging Effective" and reconrrended for all rating levels.
Please specify the itemforwhlch the cornrEnt applies if not forthe standard as a whole.)
May be used to provide clarification and support or substantiation of performance not observed.

Describe the confirmation of perfo]mance provided by the evidence.

Standard 3: Learning Environments

The teacher works with leamers to create environnEnts that support individual and collabordtive leaming, encouraging positive social
interaction, active engagenEnt in leaming, and self-nDtivation.

3.1; Develops leaming experiences that engage and support 2


students as self-directed learners who intemalize classroom

foutines, expectations, and prccedures. (3a)
3.2: Collaborates with students to establish a positive
learning clirnate of openness, respectful interactions,
suppot, and inquiry.' (3b)

3 Highly Effective

3.3: Utilizes positive classroom rnanagernent strategies,

including the resources of tine, space, and attention,
effectively. (3c, 3d)

2 Effective

Evaluator commentsi (Required for ratings of "Not Effective" or*MinirElly/EnErging Effective" and reconfiEnded for all rating levels.
the item for which the corffrEnt applies if not for the standard as a whole.)
Item 3.1: Develop leaming experiences that engage...
As you indlcated prior to the lesson, your lesson was full of engagenEnt opportunities! It's awesonE!
Please speciFy

Describe examples of evidence that may be used to provide cladfication or substantiation of performance not observed and
provide a description of the confirmation provided by the evidence.

Describe confinrEtion of perfonrance provided by the evidence.

Section 2: Instructional Practice

Effective instructional practice requires that teachers have a deep and flexble understanding of their content areas and be able to draw
upon content knowledge as they work with leamers to access infonrEtion, apply knowledge in real-world settings, and address nEaningful
issues. They rust also undeFtand and integrate assessnEnt, plannhg, and Instructional strategies in coordinated and engaging ways to
assure leamer nEstery of content,

Standard 4: Content Knowledge

The teacher understands the central concepts, tools of inquiry, and structures of the discipline.

4,1: Bases instruction on accurate content loowledge using 2 Effective

mrltiple representations of concepts. (4a, 4ct 4d, 7c)
4,2: Supports students in leaming and using
language accurately and nEaningfully. (4e)


3 Highly Effective

Evaluator Comments: (Required for ratings of "Not Effective" or "MininElly/Ernerging Effective" and reconrrEnded for all rating levels.
Please specify the item for which the conrrEnt applies if not for the standard as a whole,)
Item 4.2: Sup.ports students in leaming...
It's anEzing what your students are able to do when they write the words on their white boards and really break them down!
Describe examples of evidence that may be used to provide clarification or substantiation of perfomance not obselved and
provide a desription of the confirmation provided by the evidence.

Describe exa[ples of evidence that nEy be used to provide clarification or substantiation of perfornance not observed and provide a
description of the confinmtion provided by the evidence.

Standard 5: Assessment
The teacher uses nultiple nEthods of assessrnsnt to engage learners in their own growth, nt}nitor leamer progress, guide planning and
instruction, and detenrine whetherthe outconEs described in content standards have been nEt,

5.1: Uses data sources to assess the effectiveness of

instruction and to rnake adjustnents in planning and
instruction (5a, 5c, 5d, 8a).

2 Effective

5,2: Engages students in understanding and identifying the

elerrents of quality work (5b).

2 Effective

5.3: Docurnents student progress and provides descriptive 2 Effective

feedback to student, parent, and other stakeholders in a
variety of ways (5e).
EvaluatorComments: (Required forratings of "Not Effective" or'MininElly/EnErging Effective" and reconrrended forall rating levels.
Please specify the item for which the conrrEnt applies if not for the standard as a whole.)

Describe examples of evidence that may be used to provide clarification or substantiation of pefformance not obsetYed and
provide a description of the confirmation provided by the evldence.



Describe exanples of evldence that rnay be used to provide clarification or substantiation of perfonrEnce not observed and provide a
description of the confinrEtion provided by the evidence.

Standard 6: Instructional Phnning

The teacher plans instruction to support students in nEeting rigorous leaming goals by drawing upon knowledge of content areas, Utah
Core Stanndards, practices, and the coffrunity cqntext.

6.1: Dermnstrates knowledge of the Utah Core Standards 2

and references them in short- and long-term planning, (6a,


6,2: Integrates cross-disciplinary skills into instruction


1 Enrerging Effective

MininElly Effective

purposefully engage leamers in applying content loowledge.

(6b, 6e)

Evatuator Comments: (Required for ratings of "Not Effective" or "MininElly/EnErging Effective" and rcconrrended for all rating levels.
Please specify the item for which the coffyrEnt applles f not for the standard as a whole.)
Item 6.2: Integrates cross-disciplinary skills...
During this lesson I didn't see any cross-disciplinary concepts being used or introduced to support the understanding on content.
Describe examples of evidence that may be used to provide clarification or substantiation of performance not observed and
provide a description of the confirmation provided by the evidence.

Describe exanples of evidence that nEy be used to provide clarification orsubstantiation of perfonnance not observed and provide a
description of the confin'nation provided by the evidence.

Standa rd 7: Instructional Strateg'les

The teacher uses various instructional strategies to ensure that all leamers develop a deep understanding of content areas and their
connections and build skills to apply and extend knowledge in nEaningful ways.

7.1: Practices a range of developnrentally, culturclly,


2 Effective

linguistically appropriate instructional strategies to rneet the

needs of individuals and groups of leamers (2b, 2e, 6c,7a,

7.2: Provides rultiple opportunities for students to

higher-order and rneta-cognitive skills (3f, 6d, 7e).


7.3: Supports and expands leame/s conmunication skills

through reading, writing, listening, and speaking t3f,


Uses a variety of effectlve technology and resources

2 Effective
2 Effective


2 Etfective


2 Effective

support leaming (3e, 7f).

7,5: Develops leamets'abilities to find and use infomEtion

solve real-world problens. (79, 7f)
Uses a variety of questioning strategies to
engagenEnt and leaming. (7h)



2 Effective

Evaluator Comments: (Required for ratings of "Not Effective" or'Minirnally/EnErging Effective" and reconrrrnded for all rating levels'
Please specify the item for which the conrrEnt applies if not for the standad as a whole.)
Item 7,2: Practices opportunities to develop higher oder...
I did not see during this observation a chance for students to use higher order thinking skills. I know that this lesson was still in the
leaming phase, so it nEy not even be appropriate to ask such things at this point.
Item 7,6: Uses a variety of questioning strategies...
Although you were doing a great job of constantly questioning students and they were engaged rmst of the
of strategies used during this lesson,

tine, I didn't observe a variety

Describe examples of evidence that may be used to provide ctarification or substantiation of perfomance not obselved and
provide a description ofthe confirmation provlded by the evldence.

Describe exarTples of evidence that rnay be used to provide clarification or substantiation of perfornnnce not observed and Provide a
description of the confinmtion provided by the evidence.

Section 3:



Creating and supporting safe, productive leaming environnEnts that result in leamers achieving at the highest levels is a teacher's prirnary
rcsponsibility. To do this well, teachers nust engage in nEaningful, intensive professional leaming by regularly exanining practice thmugh
ongolng study, self-reflection, and collaboration. They nust be aware of legal and ethical requirenEnts and engage in the highest levels of
professional and ethical conduct.

Standard 8: Refbctbn and Continuous Growth

The teacher is a reflective practitioner who uses evidence to continually evaluate and adapt practice to nEet the needs of each leamer.

8,1: Adapts and improves practice based on reflection

leaming (8b, 8c, 8d, 8e).


2 Effective

Evaluator Comments: (Required for ratlngs of "Not Effective" or "MininElly/EnErging Effective" and reconrrEnded for all rating levels.
Please specify the item for which the conynsnt applies if not forthe standard as a whole.)
Describe examples of evidence that may be used to provide clarification or substantiation of performance not observed and
provide a description of the confirmation provided by th vidnce.

Describe exanples of evidence that nEy be used to provide clarification orsubstantiation of perforfiEnce not observed and provide a
description of the confinTEtion provided by the evidence.

Standard 9: Leadership and Colliaboration

The teacheris a leaderwho engages collaboratively with leamers, fanilies, colleagues, and conrrunity nEnbers
and supportive professional cukure focused on student growth and success,

to build a shared vision

9.1: Participates actively in decision-rnaking processes, while 2 Effective

bullding a shared culture that affects the school and larger
educational cormunity (9a, 9b, 9d, 9e).
9,2: Advocates for the learners, the school, the
and the profession (9c).

conrrunity, 2 Effective

Evaluator Comments: (Required for ratings of "Not Effective" or 'MlninElly/EnErging Effective" and reconrrEnded for all rating levels.
Please specify the item for which the comnEnt applies if not for the standard as a whole.)

Describe examples of evidence that may be used to provlde clarification or substantiation of peilo]mance not observed and
provlde a descrlption of the confirmation prcvided by the evidence.
Describe examples of evidence that ,rEy be used to provide clariflcation orsubstantiation of perfornrance not observed and provide a
description of the confinrEtion provided by the evidence.

Standard 1O: Profess'ronal and Ethical Behavior

The teacher dermnstrates the highest standard of legal, nnml, and ethical conduct as specified in utah State Board Rule Rz77-5L5.
1O.1: Is responsable for compliance with federa! and state laws, State Board of Education administlative rules, state assessment
pollcles, local board pollcles, and supewisory directives (10a, 5f).
UndeBtands, adheres to and upholds federal and state laws, State Board of Education rules, state and local policies, supervisory.
directives, professional rrcral and ethical conduct and holds others accountable to do the sarne.

1O.2: Is rsponsible for compliance with all requirements of State Board of Education Rule R277-53O at all levels of teacher

deYlopment. (10b)
Avoids actions that nEy adversely affect ability
role-model responsibilities.

to perform assigned duties and cany out the responsibilities of the profession, including


Takes responsibility to understand professional requirernents, to rnaintain a current Utah Educator License, and to complete license
upgrades, renewals and additional requirenEnts in a tirnely way,

Maintains accurate instructional and non-instructional records.

Maintains integrity and confidentiality in matters concerning student recorts and collegial consultation.
Develops appropriate student-teacher relatlonships as defined in rule, law, and policy.

Maintains professional denreanor and appearirnce as deflned by the local education agency (LEA),

Evaluator Comments: (Required for ratings of "Not Effective" or "MininElly/EnErging EFfective" and recornnEnded for all rating levels.
Please specify the itemforwhich the cornnEnt applies lf not forthe standad as a whole.)

yoursignature indicates that you have seen this report.


does not signify youragreenEnt with it. You nEy attach

the report.





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