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Genre Analysis: The effects technology has on the development of children.

Genre Analysis: The effects technology has on the development of children.

Alyssa Veloz
University of Texas at El Paso

Genre Analysis: The effects technology has on the development of children.

The debate continues to go on about the effects technology truly has on the development
with children ages two to fifteen. In hopes of grasping the attention of all parents. They are the
true causes of either allowing their children to have screen time or none what so ever. Its very
important that parents become more alert and aware of the beneficial sides and damaging effects
of allowing their children to use electronics of any sort. For the following reasons, the following
genre analysis will be covering the scholarly article The Influence of Young Childrens Use of
Technology on Their Learning: A Review and a video news clip from Fox 6 Now News,
Technology and kids: Child development expert talks benefits, potential pitfalls to better
inform parents with this concern. Throughout, any parent interested in this topic will then get the
most detailed insight of these genres, by differing which is better suited for the individual. Each
genre will then be dissected into multiple parts, including a better understanding on the
rhetorical appeals which are the following of Ethos, Pathos and Logos with a crystal clear
outlook of the two genres as a whole.
Audience and Purpose: Scholarly Article & Video Clip
The intended audience is strictly for the parents of children between the ages two to
fifteen, and children who are capable of reading and or viewing the visual genre. Whether it be
taking the time to either read the scholarly article The Influence of Young Childrens Use of
Technology on Their Learning: A Review to truly dissect every aspects being brought up or to
sit back to watch the video clip Technology and kids: Child development expert talks benefits,
potential pitfalls which is located directly off the Fox 6 Now website, parents will definitely get
the scoop as to what technology has and will continue to do to the development of their children.

Genre Analysis: The effects technology has on the development of children.

These particular genres use three rhetorical appeals, to understand what each author was trying to
get at by being credible, showing emotion and logic, which will all be discussed in the next
Rhetorical Appeals: Scholarly Article
After taking the time to completely read the scholarly article The Influence of Young
Childrens Use of Technology on Their Learning: A Review, parents will then be able to notice
that the author is attempting to gain the trust and show their credibility by being a scholarly
article in general. These particular pieces undergo a long revision process, any false information
would not be accepted at any time. For that reason, this piece makes any reader know that what
they are reading will be the cold hard truth. The article then states Although many researchers
and educators have advocated for the importance of young childrens learning with technology
and devoted themselves to investigating and implementing technology-related practices, the
influence of young childrens use of technologies on their development is still controversial.
Some researchers believe that the use of technologies may impede these childrens social,
emotional, physical, and cognitive development (e.g., Armstrong & Casement, 2000; Cordes &
Miller, 2000), while others support the use of technologies in improving young childrens
development in the aforementioned domains (e.g., Clements & Sarama, 2003; Plowman &
McPake, 2013; Plowman & Stephen, 2003; Yelland, 2011)., it shows emotion on how teachers
then believe and feel the strong need incorporate such contemporary devices in the classroom.
The fact that they state technology can affect the social lives emotionally and physically as well
as cognitive development tells the audience that this is a very controversial topic. No parent ever
wants to know that their child is struggling. As for being very logical, the scholarly article The
Influence of Young Childrens Use of Technology on Their Learning: A Review, includes a

Genre Analysis: The effects technology has on the development of children.

numerous amount of typology charts, specifically on how technology has advanced how children
have been able to grasp certain concepts in the learning environment, to how not using
technology what so ever will effect these children in the academic setting. In comparison with
the traditional view of literacy, such new forms of literacy emphasize childrens abilities to
comprehend and create multimodal digital texts in order to communicate with texts or others
(Bawden, 2008; Lankshear & Knobel, 2008). Researchers have then discovered that in fact
technology has improved the way using technology has taking a positive turn in how they learn
and communicate.
Structure and Delivery: Scholarly Article
The article The Influence of Young Childrens Use of Technology on Their Learning: A
Review was very structurally organized. Everything was properly arranged and labeled
accordingly to what was about to be addressed. The charts of studies that have been done were
very strategic and done between the years 2003 until 2013. The way everything was delivered to
the readers was very easy to understand, even though it was a semi lengthy scholarly article. The
genre was approximately twelve pages long and would take about an hour to grasp what was
being addressed. The scholarly article was unbiased, and took in account all the perspectives of
what technology truly has to offer and what damages can be caused as well.
Rhetorical Appeals: Video Clip
To begin, the video clip Technology and kids: Child development expert talks benefits,
potential pitfalls is very credible due to the fact that it can be viewed directly off the Fox 6
Now News website, showing that what is being said is indeed truthful. Also, the expert begins
to use words like, balance benefits, pitfalls. She also states that children who use technology
excessively are at risk for depression, anxiety, underdeveloped social skills, obesity and type

Genre Analysis: The effects technology has on the development of children.

two diabetes. With that being said, it gives you a sense of concern. As for the logic behind the
video clip Technology and kids: Child development expert talks benefits, potential pitfalls
includes many facts from studies have been done, expert Jessica Lahner tells the viewers that
children between the ages two to eighteen should only have two hours or screen time a day
including technology use at school. She states children do not learn as much as when
technology is the primary source of learning. Overall, the video clip takes six minutes to watch,
but approximately ten to fifteen minutes to discuss and understand all that has been said.
Structure and Delivery: Video Clip
The structure used in the video clip Technology and kids: Child development expert
talks benefits, potential pitfalls was to be as straight to the point as can be. The news reporters
introduce the expert Jessica Lahner, she then goes into what technology has done for children
ages two to eighteen. Then she is quick to inform parents n alternative ways to allowing their
children to use technology for the better. They state that too much of anything is v=never a good
thing, it all goes down to how parents decide to raise their children.
Compare and Contrast
The two genres present two viewpoints as to what the research theyve done has made
them feel about what technology has to offer children of this day in age. The scholarly article
The Influence of Young Childrens Use of Technology on Their Learning: A Review then has
the more positive outlook on what technology has done for children in the educational setting,
the article leads the readers to believe that using technology is beneficial, and that children are
now able to communicate and adapt to the more contemporary devices this generation has to
offer. While on the other note, the video clip Technology and kids: Child development expert
talks benefits, potential pitfalls starts off immediately by telling the audience on how children

Genre Analysis: The effects technology has on the development of children.

between the ages two to eighteen overuse technology either at home or at school as well. Expert
Jessica Lahner states the horrible pitfalls that excessive screen time can come upon the
children of America. Depression, diabetes from lack of physical activity and underdeveloped
social skills from lack of face to face communication are all serious matters. All in all, both
genres are dealing with the same topic, which is what technology truly does to the development
of children. The scholarly article and the video clip both include what the parents of these
children can do in order to insure their children stay healthy as a whole, the following
statements will be gone into depth in the end conclusion.
To conclude, the two genres where very insightful. The scholarly article The Influence
of Young Childrens Use of Technology on Their Learning: A Review, was very informative to
parents with the concerns or who need to know about what technology has to offer and how it
can damage the development of their children. As stated previous, the scholarly article included
an abundant amount of facts, and charts with credible data. It was said to be a great impact on
children overall ages two to eighteen. On the other hand we have the video clip Technology and
kids: Child development expert talks benefits, potential pitfalls that views technology as a
damaging thing to bring upon the children of America, because of the amount of diseases that
can come about from the excessive intensive use of technology, from depression to the inability
to hold conversations from lack of social skills. The genre in which displayed its message most
efficiently hands down would have to be the scholarly article solemnly because of the fact that it
was written in a professional setting, had the proper evidence and credentials to show what was
being stated was very true. The scholarly article The Influence of Young Childrens Use of
Technology on Their Learning: A Review, was very easy to understand, it is straight to the point

Genre Analysis: The effects technology has on the development of children.

and has the understanding that technology indeed benefits the children of this era. Children ages
two to eighteen have now been able to grasp things easier through using technology. For that
reason the genre parents should go to should be the scholarly article The Influence of Young
Childrens Use of Technology on Their Learning: A Review.

Genre Analysis: The effects technology has on the development of children.

Scholarly article:
Hsin, C.-T., Li, M.-C., & Tsai, C.-C. (2014). The Influence of Young Childrens Use of
Technology on Their Learning: A Review. Educational Technology & Society, 17 (4), 8599.

Fox 6 Now News (2015, January 5) Technology and kids: Child development expert talks
benefits, potential pitfalls [video file] retrieved from

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