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Section A & B (core topics)

Descriptive geometry of Lines and planes

Lamina intersecting
Dihedral Angle
Skew lines, shortest distance

Conic Sections
Ellipse, Hyperbola & Parabola
Associated constructions

Solids In Contact

Elevations, plans Auxiliary views

Spheres, cylinders, pyramids prisms etc
Points of contact
Associated constructions (bisect angles, locus of a point etc)

Oblique Planes/simply inclined planes

Plan & Elevations of VTH
Associated constructions

Intersections of solids (interpenetrations)

Elevations, plans Auxiliary views
Use of cutting planes

Axonometric projection
Axonometric, Diametric & Trimetric
How to set up Axis

Perspective projection
Finding: Picture plane, Ground line & Horizon Line
Vanishing points
Method to find Auxiliary Vanishing points

Section C (2 options)
Geological geometry

Road geometry: level road, rising and falling road

Mining geometry: Dip, strike, thickness
Skew boreholes (skew lines)

Structural Forms

Hyperbolic parabolic structure

Hyperboloid of revolution
Parabolic shell structures
Plane Director (skew lines)

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