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Intersecting Lamina
Set up Elevations and plans of co ordinates
Find DIHEDRAL angle between 2 lamina.
Use of cutting planes to locate the LINE OF
Be able to use multiple Auxiliary views
How to find the shortest distance between a point
and a Lamina

Skew Lines

Find shortest PERPENDICULAR Distance between

2 skew lines
Find shortest HORIZONTAL Distance between 2
skew lines
Find shortest ANGLED distance between 2 skew

Intersecting Lamina
Finding Dihedral
angle between 2


Skew Lines

Shortest perpendicular

Shortest Horizontal

Shortest distance
at a
Given angle (eg 30

Skew lines
Shortest distance
from a point to a

Conic Sections
Sections of a cone for: ELLIPSE, PARABOLA &
HYPERBOLA (2 methods cutting planes/Generators)
How to draw each curve inside a Rectangle
Use of Eccentricity method
Tangents from a point both on and outside the above
Centre of curvature for all
How to draw a hyperbola using the ;compass
,Asymptote, Generator and Box method
How to locate and draw Asymptotes (Hyperbola)
How to draw the above curves given limited

Solids in Contact
Elevations, plans, end-views of: SPHERES,
Points of contact between all solids
Oblique plane resting against 2 or more solids
Auxiliary views of above solids
Finding the locus of a point

Oblique/simply inclined
Project point from plan to elevation using VTH
Find true angle between Vertical & oblique plane
Find true angle between Horizontal & Oblique
Auxiliary views showing edge view of oblique
True shape of cut solids: Aux view & rebatment
Use of cones in finding VTH

Intersection of solids
Set up Elevations and plans
Use of Auxiliary views to find points of
Use of cutting planes to find same points

Axonometric projection
How to set up the planes for: Isometric, Dimetric
and Trimetric projection
How to draw curves in 3-D
Understand oblique planes resting against
surfaces and how to find their traces VTH

Perspective projection
Know how to find:
Picture plane
Ground line
Horizon line
Vanishing points
Auxiliary vanishing points
True heights in perspective
Curves in perspective

Geological Geometry
Road Geometry
Be able to:
Find outcrop points on a level road (both straight and curved)
Use cut and fill ratios
Find outcrop points on a rising/falling road
Use gradient ratio to solve for cut and fill
Draw profiles

Mining Geometry
Be able to:

Determine Dip, Strike and Thickness of stratum

Find Headwalls and footwalls
Find outcrop points for headwall and footwall
Use Skew lines to determine Dip, strike and thickness of stratum
Determine apparent dip in a given direction

Structural Forms
Be able to:
Draw a hyperboloic paraboloid structure.(by drawing equally
spaced elements)
Draw a Hyperboloid of revolution ( using elements, asymptotes
and rectangle method: refer to chapter on conics/hyperbola)
Draw a paraboloic shell structure (parabola by translation)
Use skew lines to solve for a plane director.

Revise all areas of conics for this option area

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