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English 4CI

Business Letter - Persuasive

Peer Revision

Writers Name______________________
Readers Name _____________________

Directions: Read your partners letter through once. Then read it again, responding to the letter by checking
off information and answering questions regarding the writing. Read carefully. Respond thoroughly.
A) Capital letters and Punctuation
1) For the street name
___ Yes ___ No
2) A period for the street name abbreviation
___ Yes ___ No
3) Capital letter for city name
___ Yes ___ No
4) A comma after the city name
___ Yes ___ No
5) Two capital letters for the abbreviation of state name
___ Yes ___ No
6) Capital letter for the month
___ Yes ___ No
7) Comma between the day and year
___ Yes ___ No
8) Capital letter for the first word (Dear or Hello)
___ Yes ___ No
9) All words are spelled correctly
___ Yes ___ No
a. The month is spelled out completely
___ Yes ___ No
10) Are the addresses, and date, single spaced?
___Yes ___ No

A. Does the introduction include some background information regarding the topic? Yes ___ No ___
B. Letter Introduction:
1) Topic: Explain the topic in a few sentences: __________________________________________
2) Thesis: Explain the writers point of view. ___________________________________________
3) Is this point of view obvious? What needs to happen if it is not? __________________________


Body Paragraphs: Place check marks where evidence is found for each of the categories.
Para #1
Para #2
Para #3
A. Topic sentence
(Clearly identifies focus of discussion for the paragraph.)
B. Explanation of topic idea as needed
C. Provides Reader with information
D. Each Paragraph has clear diction
F. Concluding idea (per paragraph)
(This should return focus to reason for letter.)
Comments: Please comment here as to the overall effect of the persuasion. Is it clearly connected to the
topic idea in each paragraph? Were the transitions between ideas smooth or did the ideas seem to jump
around? Finally, comment on the argument you found particularly effective.



1) Formatting: Is there a closing comment? (Sincerely, Regards, etc)
2) Is there a capital letter for the closing? (Sincerely)
3) Is there a comma after the closing? (Sincerely,)
4) Are there 4 lines between the closing and the typed name?
5) Is there a typed name?
6) Is there a signature, signed in the correct space, in PEN

____ Yes
____ Yes
____ Yes
____ Yes
____ Yes
____ Yes

____ No
____ No
____ No
____ No
____ No
____ No

Make a comment regarding your overall reaction to the letter. Is it effective or not? Why? End your
comments with a positive observation regarding your partners writing.

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