EEG-Based Brain Controlled Mobile Robots: Abstract

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EEG-Based Brain Controlled Mobile Robots

This is about a brain controlled robot that is completely based on Braincomputer
interfaces (BCI). Brain computer interfaces are systems that can bypass
conventional channels of communication (i.e., muscles and thoughts) to
provide direct communication and control between the human brain and
physical devices by translating different patterns of brain activity into
commands in real time. With the help of these commands a mobile robot can
be controlled. The main objective of this project work is to develop a robot that
can assist the disabled people in their daily life to do some work independent of others.
Here, brain wave signals were analyzed. Human brain consists of millions of small cells
called neurons that were interconnected with each other. These neurons can be interacted with
each other in a pattern and these patterns are represented as thoughts and emotional states. This
pattern will be changing with respect to the change in thoughts of human which they produce
different waves which are electrical. Normally a contraction in the muscle will also generate a
unique electrical wave signal. These electrical signals were sensed by the help of a sensor i.e
brain wave sensor and it will convert the data into packets and transmit through Bluetooth
medium. Level analyzer unit (LAU) will receive the brain wave raw data and it will extract and
process the signal using MATLAB platform. All the control commands are transmitted to the
robot module for processing. With this entire system, we can move a robot according to the
human thoughts and it can be turned by blink muscle contraction.
Existing system:
No remote control operation
Depend on others to operate
No muscle contraction sensing
Proposed system:
Brain wave analysis

Serial dataMODULE

Robot control
using Human thoughts
RF and
operated by self

Level Analysis Platform


Bluetooth communication

Raw data
extraction and processing unit
Motor 1


Motor 1

erial data transmission

Brain wave signal


Hardware requirements:
Brain wave sensor
DC motor
LCD display
Zigbee module

Software requirements:
Compiler (KEIL ARM IDE)
Orcad design
Flash Programmer (Flash Magic)
Languages: Embedded C, MATLAB Programming

Automotive Applications
Industrial Application
Home applications
Monitoring device applications
Remote control applications

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