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Aerospace Engineering
Career Field Description
Matthew Greb

General Description of Aerospace Engineering
Positions in Washington D.C.
Entry level Position:
Mid-level Position:
High level Position:
Summary of Jobs in Aerospace Engineering

General Description of Aerospace Engineering

Aerospace Engineering is any engineering involved in the manufacturing, designing, testing, and repair of
flying objects (missiles, airplanes, rockets, satellites, etc.). This is a very general type of engineering, as
there are many different specializations within Aerospace Engineering, specializing in everything from
aerodynamics, to controls, to navigation systems, to methods of communication between the earth and the
sky. In addition, one can specialize in a specific flying object, ranging from helicopters to space shuttles.
They are often the pioneers of new technologies in aviation, defense, and space travel. They are
sometimes employed in industrial complexes making aeronautic parts, and are also often involved in the
overall design of the planes, rockets, and missiles, working with the manufacturers. They are also often
involved in new military designs, in the NASA program, and in space programs around the world, using a
very high amount of computer-aided design software, and other assorted electronics.

Positions in Washington D.C.

Entry level Position:
Company Name

The Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Labratory

Job Title

Aerospace Engineer


Average of $94,000 per year

Required Education

Preferably a Masters, but may accept a Bachelors, in Aerospace Engineering

(in either case, a 3.0 out of 4.0 GPA is necessary for the job)

Required Experience

No experience required

Job Description

Someone with this job will be creating engineering designs, and providing
technical support, for military aircraft, air-launched weapons, drones, and
missiles. Also, they will be making advancements, and conducting tests, on
technology for new aircraft, especially technology concerning propulsion.

Other Information

Security clearance will be necessary for the position, and all aplicants must be
U.S. citizens.

Mid-level Position:
Company Name

Alion Science and Technology

Job Title

F-35 Aerospace Engineer Ld (Aero Performance SME)



Required Education

Bachelors Degree in Engineering

Required Experience

A minimum of 10 years of experience

Job Description

An employee will be leading in the design, and supervising the construction of

parts such as the airframe, communication equipment, controls, etc. They will
use, and provide insight on the result of, tests in the F-35 wind tunnel. They will
also write out instructions for other engineers, and will do so according to the
demands and timelines of one, or many simultaneous, projects.

Other Information

There will be a security clearance that any potential applicants will have to pass
before getting the job.

High level Position:

Company Name

Booz Allen

Job Title

Air Vehicle Support Engineer, Senior



Required Education

At minimum, a Bachelors Degree in Aerospace Engineering.

Required Experience

At least 20 years of experience

Job Description

An employee will be managing the programming and management of airframe

manufacturing support, mission systems, weapons systems, and vehicle
systems. They will be doing this to meet the demands of the contractors, and
will be creating the technicalities to give to other engineers on what they must
do, and how well they must do it, in order to meet the demands of the

Other Information

Prospective employees of this job will be subject to a security clearance, and

will need to know at least one of the following languages: Turkish, Dutch,
Danish, Norwegian, Korean, Italian, or Hebrew. Travel is involved with the job
(an employee will likely be traveling 20% of the time).

Summary of Jobs in Aerospace Engineering

Normally, the activities of an Aerospace Engineer are that of the design of different parts involved in the
manufacturing and maintenance of flying objects. However, they can also test said objects, be involved in
the overall design of the plane, make advances in parts, and calculate the requirements needed for a
plane that satisfies the contractors specifications. Senior engineers may have to travel in order to meet
with prospective contractors, and they may have to take new engineers under their wing in order for them
to be more efficient, and therefore help the company more.
Aerospace Engineering is usually within, or within the metropolitan area of, a major city. The most
plentiful jobs are usually for the government, or with companies contracted with the government. Travel is
rare among entry-level employees, but becomes more common as one gains more experience. Health
care is usually provided for. Engineers must work extremely collaboratively, rather than the typical
hierarchical relationships of other professions. They usually work in pretty good conditions.
The field is both generalized and specialized in separate ways. It is generalized because there are many
different responsibilities and jobs that can fall under its jurisdiction, however, it is also specialized, as the
average aerospace engineer will likely need to perform many of these tasks, and not many specialized
jobs are available, even if there are many specialized responsibilities.
There are specific areas where the job is far more common than others (Washington DC, Los Angeles,
Houston) but in general, the occupation is relatively spread out. It is, however, rare for the job to be
located outside of the metropolitan area of a major city, so its relatively unlikely that you will pass a
company that hires them on the road unless you are near such a place.


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