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= oO ~ MINUTES OF THE @ RECEIVED soarp or pirectors FEB 2 5 1967 Huntington Beach NATIONAL SURF LIFE SAVING ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA Division of Beaches and Parks (DARE: January 30, 1967 (SPECIAL MEETING CALLED IN LIEU OF 2/2/67 MEETING) LOCATION: Los Angeles County Lifeguard Headquarters 1101 Strand Avenue, Redondo Beach, California Prior to the meeting, Vice President Phil Stubbs presented a fifteen minute film prepared by ABC WIDE WORLD OF SPORTS on the 1966 National Dory Championships st San Clemente, California. The film was throughly enjoyed by all. President Burnside then called the masting to order at 8:15 PM those in attendance THOSE IN ATTENDANCE P. Stubbs - M. Stateley B. Belahe ~ P, Reed Jo Buck - J. Buck (proxy for K, Temple) ‘M, Bowman = R. Bray T. Dorsey Be Burnside = H. Lee J. Richards (proxy for G. Merritt) « D. Rohrer - D. Heineman + Pe Hodgert = P. Hodgert (proxy for J. Steinmann) Steering Committee Chairman... Director of Harbors and Beaches City of Huntington Beach.... Le Ae County Associations... Jo Cunninghom - Vincent G. Moorhouse «208 Steve Voorhees : ‘The President called for a reading of the Dacenber 200 Board of Directors Minutes. MOTION =‘ Mr. Rohrer moved approval and acceptance of the 12/20/66 minutes. Motion seconded by Mr. Hodgert. MPU. Relative to the minutes of the Special Meeting of January 5, 1967, Mr. Bowman pointed out the following corrections. Page 3: Change Huntington Beach's contributions to $1,786.50 and sub total then to read $8,709.90 Page 3: Decrease amount received from J. Murray's Column to $1,040.00 with grand total then to read $12,711.71. a “ NATIONAL SURY LIVE SAVING ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA = January 30, 1967 MORION Mr, Stubbs moved the minutes of 1/5/67 be approved as corrected. Motion seconded by Mr. Rohrer. MPU. SECREFARIES REPORT ‘The Secretary reported the following communications mailed during the period: af 6/67. 1/14/67 3/17/67 1/23/67 1/23/67 1/23/87 3/23/67 3/27/67 1/28/87 1/28/67 PS Director Vynn, City of San Diego re: NSLSA membership. ‘The Honorable Governor Ronald Reagan re: Australian Tour, K, Watson, SLSA of Australia requesting names of persons/elube to be honored on tour. President Seal Beach Chapter re: delegates attendance. Chief Stevenson, LeA COUNTY extending official tour invitation ex adainistrative representatives Chief Cox, L. As CITY extending official tour invitation ag administrative representative. Captain Richards, SANTA MONICA, extending official tour invitation as administrative representative ‘Telegram to Chairman, Local Board 134, SA requesting teuporary deferment for Joseph Metzger Official invitations to team menbers: L. Hanes, B. Gerold, P, Cohee, S- Beck, R. Bray, Bs Arneson, He Henderson, G. Loverre, and Mo Bryante Col. Tele Jensen, Selective Service Hégtrs. Sacto re: deferment for J. Motzger. 1/30/67 Official invitations to team menbers J. Bennette, D. Jenson, and A, Nordholm MOEION Mr, Rohrer moved the Secretaries Report be approved 20 submitted. Motion seconded by Mr. Stubbs. MPU. ‘TREASURERS REPORT ‘The Treasurer reported the following additional Australian contributions received at this meeting: Newport Beach Chapter $ 69.00 California State 50200 Los Angeles County 26.00 = NSLSA CERTIFICATES Chairsan Cunninghas related that Mr. Kroon had not forvarded the Chapter recommendations pertinent to the qualifications required for issuance thereof and would report on same at the next mecting. CALIFORNIA LIFEGUARD CHIEF'S ASSOCIATION President Burnside briefly reviewed the material discussed at the last meeting of January 6, 1967 advising that either the NSLSA Prosident or a designated represenative would attend any future meetings. President Burnside again expressed his interest in soliciting Chapter moubership for the Cities of Long Beach and San Diego. AUSTRALIAN TOUR Mr. Belghe related the 22 foot Schock Dory had been shipped via Matson Lines on the Vessel Sierra and presented « dock receipt in evidence ‘thereof. Tosm member Ray Bray displayed the official uniform and clothing apparel issued to each menber and the quality of said garmets was favorably noted by members of the Board. President Burnside introduced the subject of liability insurance for the NSLSA Team during the Australian Tour (excepting the actual flight time) quoting a preniun from $150.00 to $180.00. MORTON Mr. Heineman moved the insurance be purchased. Motion was seconded by Mr. Bray, MPU, ‘The matter of emergency trip funds was discussed. The treasurer reported a total of $432.27 had been expended from the NSLSA Treasury in the promotion of this Tour and recommended reimbursement of thase costs. a A NATIONAL SURF LIFE SAVING ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA ~ January 30, 1967 Mr, Rohrer moved the Team Manager and Team Coach be jointly alloved a total of $800.00 for expenses incurred while on this trip ‘and that a complete accounting and justification be returned for any monies expended. Motion was weconded by Mr. Bowman. MPU. Relative to the matter of Joe Metager's draft status, President Burnaide recoumended an alternate be selected to replace this tean member in the event appeals for his deferment were denied. Mr. Bray moved that in the event Mr, Metzger could not accompany the ‘team, Mr, Lowerre be moved to the paddle position, Mr. Graham be placed in the Iron Man position and should Mr. Graham not be available by Wednesday (February 1, 1967), Mr. Mathees be appointed to the ‘team compliment. Motion was seconded by Mr. Bowman. Motion carried. NEW BUSINESS The Secretary reported the following communications received during the period: MOTTON 1/12/67 President Stanley Miles, SLSA of Great Britain in response to our letter of 12/23/66. 1/27/67 Chief Bud Stevenson, Los Angeles County Lifeguard Service accepting invitation. 1/27/67 Captain Jim Richards, Senta Monica Lifeguard Service accepting invitation. 1/28/67 Director Mocrhouse, Huntington Beach Harbors and Beaches Department requesting permission to speak at board meeting ef 1/30/67. 1/28/67 President S. Voorhees, L. A. County Chapter requesting permission to speak at board meeting of 1/30/67 Hr. Rohrer moved acceptance of letters from Moorhouse and Voorhees. Motion seconded by Mr, Dorsey, MPU. 1/30/67 Cappy Sheale, L. A. County Chapter requesting authorization to compete in open events during the Australian Competitions. Mrs Stubbs moved Mr. Sheeley be granted such authorisation. Motion seconded by Mr. Hodgert, MPU, 1/30/67 Honorable Sec. K, Watson SLSA of Australia re: Tour; cc of letter dated 1/16/67, frea Sir R. Scholls ce of letter dated 1/26/67 to B, Burnside re: tour. 1/30/67 Telegram dated 1/11 from Speedo,Auctralia ret R & R uniforms. 1/30/67 Telegram dated 1/12 from K. Watson, SISA Australia confirming Speedo order, “6 WATTONAL SURF LUPE /PVIRG ASSOCIATION ~ OF AMERICA = January 30, 1967 1/30/67 Telegram dated 1/23 from K, Watson, SLSA Australia re: uniforas. 1/30/67 Brown Shoe Co. Missouri, declining promotional offer 1/30/67 J. Dunlap, Aquatic Service Inc, Florida, requesting information on dory and equipaent. Me. Stubbs moved acceptance of the above correspondance. Motion seconded by Mr. Richards. MPU. President Burnside appointed Bud Belshe to organize, coordinate, and develop an information packet describing the NSLSA goals, services, and membership advantages. Tim Dorsey was also appointed to assist Mr. Belshe in the formation of this pamphlet. Ur, Rohrer moved all business not pertaining to the Australian Tour be deferred until the next meeting. Motion seconded by Hr. Lee. Vote called: % in favor, 10 opposed. Motion defeate Mr, Buck moved Mr, Bowman be appointed to replace Mr. Shoemaker as Publicity Committee Chairman, Motion was seconded by Mr. Stubbs. MPU, President Burnside instructed the Secretary to correspond with Mr. Shoemeker thanking him for hie fine assistance and advising him of this change. Mr. Bowman requested the following address be noted in ‘the minutes: NSLSA Publicity Chairman P, 0, Box 2ka Huntington Beach, California President Burnside advised that all matters pertaining to Publicity of the Australian Tour would be directed to the above address and for~ warded to the respective news media by the Publicity Chairmans Rex Odell was noted as preparing @ report pertaining to the acknowledgement of the Australian Contributions. Mr. Buck urged consideration be given in our Annual Report for the large donare. President Burnside requested entertainment expenses for Mr. C. Small, Liason Officer froa Air New Zealand who was ocheduled to arrive from New Zealand; in the amount of $25.00, A vote of confidence was so given for the requested amount, ‘The President requested each Chapter to consider an increase of NSLSA dues back to the original amount as serious financial limitations were being experienced by the National Board, oO oa NATIONAL SURF LIFE SAVING ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA = January 30, 1967 The next regularly scheduled meeting was established as follows: MARCH 7, 1967 (TUESDAY) 8:00 PM Huntington Beach Lifeguard Headquarters 103 Ocean Avenue Huntington Beach, Califernia MOTION Mr. Buck moved the meeting be adjourned at 12:45 PH. Motion was seconded by Mr, Stubbs. MPU. Respactfully submitted, 5B/ $b CC: All delegates ALL Chief Ligeguards *- a A NATIONAL SURF LIFE SAVING ASSOCIATION OF aMERICA BOARD OF DIRECTORS MESTING AGENDA March 7, 1967 Huntington Beach Lifeguard Headquarters 8:00 PM Ie Ie I, Ve ve VII. viIt. Call Meeting to Order and Flag Salute Roll Call Approve Minutes of the Last Meeting Secretar: spondance mailed Treasurer's Finsctel Satecont re hustralian Tour and Submission of current 2ills. Committes Reports ‘ae Steering Committes - Mr. Cunningham be Ways and Means Committee = Mr. Stubbs ee Publicity Coumittee = Mr. Bowman 4, Competition Committee = Chairmen Pro-tem. 01d Business 8. Incorporation = Mr. Bowsan b, Certificates = Mr, Cunningham c. ARC Text Revision - Mr, Heineman 4. Annual Report = Mr. Cunningham e. California Lifeguard Chief's Neeting = Mr. Stubbs £2 Other NEW BUSINESS ‘3, Correspondance received be Other Retablish next meeting Adjourn a bie co Cc a ~ MINUTES: LIFEGUARD CHIEF'S ASSOCIATION MEETING 4 NSUA Bot Lag FEBRUARY 10, 1967 SAN CLEMENTE 10:00 A.M. ‘The meeting was called to order at 10:20 A.M. by Chairman Moorhouse Mike Henry State-District 5 Bob Crane Ventura Jim Richards Santa Monica Myron Cox Los Angeles City Bud Stevenson Vince Moorhouse Dick Hazard Los Angeles County Huntington Beach San Clemente 1. Bob Isenor State-District 6 Phil Stubbs, Vice President, National Surf Life Saving Association. Mr. Moorhouse commented that according to Mr. Isenor Director Reed of Newport Beach Marine Safety Department would submit a letter to the Chiefs Association requesting reinstatement in the near future. Discussion was held regarding television coverage of N.S.L.S.A. Lifeguard Events. It was noted that the National Board is to make a decision at their next meeting. After lengthy discussion it was reiterated in a motion by Mr. Hazard, seconded by Mr. Cox and unanimously carried that: ‘Any chapter holding televised events in which there is financial gain should, at the present time, retain all funds from the event." A discussion was held of the 225 man day requirement for any member of the National Board which had recently been passed by the National Board. Mr, Henry stated that State of Calif. recurrent personnel can work only nine months or 198 man days. It was the consensus of the Chiefs that they preferred to see permanent lifeguard personnel on the Board rather than recurrent personnel. Mr. Cox expressed the hope that the State would be able to progress and hire additional permanent personnel in view of the fact that many small cities (14,000 population and under) are able to support and maintain Permanent Lifeguard Departments. The Chiefs reaffirmed the 225 man day requirement for a National Board member. A discussion was held re raising of funds for competitive events and other activities. 1, Should the National assess each chapter for these events? 2, Should individual chapters collect or raise their own funds and make their own disbursements? CHIEFS PRESENT CHIEFS ABSENT OTHERS PRESENT NEWPORT BEACH DIRECTOR OF MARINE SAFETY ‘TELEVISION COVERAGE OF NSLSA EVENTS: MAN DAY REQUIREMENTS FOR NATIONAL BOARD MEMBERS POLICY OF NATIONAL Re: Funds for lifeguard activities see ao ~ MINUTES (continued) FEBRUARY 10, 1967 LIFEGUARD CHIEF'S ASSOCIATION MEETING Page 2 The consensus of the Chiefs is that individual chapters assume the full responsibility for all of their competitive events and other activities, and that the National be encouraged to raise funds for promotional purposes, National and Inter-National Business through means other than dues. A question was raised by Mr. Stubbs - should standards be STANDARDS FOR NEW set for new chapters seeking admission to the S.L.S.A.? CHAPTERS COMING IN The Chiefs recommended that the National establish an TO S.L.S.A. investigating committee to formulate a set of standards which could then be reviewed by the Chiefs Association. Mr. Richards reported that in the water safety class PARTICIPATION OF held in Santa Monica, his department had been providing LIFEGUARDS IN PUBLIC a lifeguard to instruct in Beach Safety Procedures. Mr. WATER SAFETY CLASSES Richards asked if other cities were doing this. Almost every city represented stated that they had been providing lifeguards for this type of instruction as part of their public information and public relations programs. Mr. Crane asked if a possibility existed of making up a BEACH WATER SAFETY Beach Water Safety Manual. He stated that he had a ‘MANUAL pressing problem with military personnel having three (~ -‘Miitary installations within his area. Mr. Henry stated that he had been asked by the San Francisco office of the American Red Cross if the S.L.S.A. bad a manual of Beach Water Safety or if it would be possible to make one up. The Chiefs reconmended that the National pursue the project of a Beach Water Safety Manual designed for laymen and include a directory of all lifeguard services. The next Chiefs meeting will be held at Los Angeles County NEXT CHIEFS MEETING Lifeguard Headquarters , Redondo Beach, 10:00 A.M., Friday, April 14. ‘The meeting was adjourned at 12:15 P.M. ‘ADJOURNMENT RICHARD H. HAZARD ACTING SECRETARY All Chiefs All N.S.L.S.A. Delegates o a DATE: March 2, 1967 NEWS REALBASE NSLSA CHAPTERS Max Bowman RESULTS: Portsea Open Carnival SENIOR MEN SWIM First > Jerry MeGrav JUNIOR MEN SuTH First © Paul Cohee ‘TEAM PADDLE, ‘First = USA ‘TEAM SWIM First = USA PADDLING Second ~ George Loveree RESULTS: RROVE, Victoria Re SUD First © Paul Cohee PADDLE First George Lowerre SENIOR TRAM SWIM iret < JUNE BRACE SWIM (2 Members) int-& SURF_SKE ‘Second = USA mn ‘Thira - USA Due to the fact that there was not enough information for a press release te the nev sedia these results are being forward:4 te Chapter delegates only. If you would like any one else to receive this information, please forvard from your chapter. Vito Brecraco—— Bax Bowman, Publicity P. 0, Box 242 = Huntington Beach — DATE: LOCATION: oO ~ Co MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS NATEONAL SURF LIFE SAVING ASSOCIATION OF AMERI‘A March 7, 1967 Huntington Beach Lifeguard Headquarters 103 Ccean Avenue, Huntington Beach, Californie In President Burnside's absence, President Pro Tem, Phil Stub.s called the ueeting to order at 8:12 PM, Upon comuencemant Mr. Stubbs ied the Pledge of Allegiance. THOSE _IN ATTENDANCE MOTION San Clemente oe... P, Stubbs « M, Stateley Newport Beach 2 B, Belshe = P, Reed California State = J Buck Huntington Beach .«, 2 Me Bowman - M. Bowman (Proxy for Bri-) Seal Beach see T. Dorsey Ly Ac County « L. A. City Central Coast Lee « H, Lee (Proxy for Cunningham, Rohrer Hodgert = Ps Hodgert (Proxy for Stie.yann) Santa Monica In view of the vording contained on said proxies, the Secretary requested said documents receive approval from those present. Hr. Rohrer moved those proxies for R. Bray, Jo Cunningham and Je Stienmann be accepted as official proxies and they be valid for any business so conducted at this meeting. Motion seconded by Mr. Stateiey. MPU SECRETARIES REPORT ‘The Secretary reported the following communications mailed during the period: 2/:2/67 J. Shoewaker in appreciation of his efforts on the Publicity Committees 2/11/67 J. H. Dunlap, Aqte. Service Inc., Fla. im responsé to queries pertinent to West Coast lifesaving methods and information on Shock Dory's. 2/13/67 D. A. Sleeper, American Red Cross, Regional Office, SF in clarification of the NSISA and in response to queries for safety literature. NATIONAL o SURF LIFE SAYING ASSOCIATION c OF AMERICA = Narch 7, 1967 Boaré of Directors Minutes MOTTON F OPTON, 2/13/67 Ne Rodis Dept. of State, Washington D, C, confirming details of Tour. 2/20/67 Hon. Col. Tele Jensen in appreciation of his efforts of Jy Metzger’s temporary deferment. Mrs Rohrer moved the correspondence be approved as written. Motion seconded by Mr. Dorsey. MPU Mr. Buck advised postage stamps were needed as were SLSA Decals, ‘and envelopes. Mro Rohrer moved the Secretary be allotted $25.00 for envelopes which shall bear no numeral address, only the name and insignias Motion seconded by Mr, Stubbs, MPU Mrs Bowman moved the Secretary be allotted $30.00 for postage, ‘the Treasurer be allotted $5.00, and the Publicity Chairman be allotted $10.00. Motion seconded by Mr, Rohrer, MPU Mr. Rohrer moved the Secretaries Report be approved as submitted. Motion was seconded by Mr. Stateley; MPU TREASURERS REPORT E Mr. Rohrer presented a brief report to members of the Board advising there was insufficient information to compile the accounting of funds received in connection with the Australien Tour, as he was instructed at the last meeting. President Pro Ten, Stubbs instructed the Treasurer to correspond with Air Nev Zealand and confirm the exact monies received in this connection end report at the next mesting. Considerable discussion ensued relative to this matter. It was decided te await the return of the Team Managers detailed list of expenditures before further discussion of the matter. Mr. Buck moved approval of the Treasurers Report be deferred until the next meeting. Motion was seconded by Mr. Hodgert. MPU ‘The following bills were presented to the Treasurer and members of ‘the Board: > Guy and Smith, in the emount of $113. incorporation. » legal expenses for NSLSA a a NATIONAL SURF LIPE SAVING ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA = March 7, 1967 Board of Directors Minutes MOTTON MOTION E s TON i MOTION Hr Hodgert moved approval and paywent, seconded by Mr. Stateleys in the atount of $6.08, night letter to R. Burnside in Australia. Mr. Rohrer moved approval and payment, seconded by Mr. Buck. MPU 3, California Chief Lifeguard Assn. payablo to San Clemente Chapter for luncheon expenses in the amount of $7.00. Mr. Bowman moved approval and payment, seconied by Mr. Dorseys.MPU A, Van Fe Joy Inc, in the amount of $150.00 for NSLSA Australian Team Insurance, Mr. Bownan moved approval and payment frou Australian account. Seconded by Mr. Stateley. MPU 5. Joyce Bouchal, secretarial services in the amow.t of $9.80. Mr. Bowman moved approval and payment, Seconded by Mr. Stateley MPU 6. Le Ae County Chapter, in the amount of $56.40 reimbucsing that cost of providing lapel pins for the Australien Toure Mr, Belshe moved payment of said expenditure be delayed umil the next meeting. Motion seconded by Mr. Bowman, Motion carried with two opposing. ” STEERING COMMITTRE AND CERTIFICATE COMMITTEE In the absence of Mr. Cunninghas, no report was givene Concern was displayed by members of the Board over the status of the annual report. Mr, Buck moved President Pro Tem, Stubbs contact Mr. Cunninghan and if no progress has been made, Mr. Stubbs be given a vote of confidence to re-assign the comittee to Mr. Henry for completion. Motion was seconded by Mr. Rohrere MPU MAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE. Chairman Stubbs related no action was pending before his committee. a a NATIONAL SURF LIFE SAVING ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA = March 7, 1967 Board of Directors Minutes PUBLICITY COMMITTEE HORTON MOTTON Chairman Bowsen related the flow of information from the Team Manager in Australia vas negligible, reporting that only two telegrams had been received, both of which vere addressed to L.A. County and contained little or no information, All members of the Board expressed considerable dissatisfaction relative to the absence of news concerning the tour. Mr, Bowsan moved an additional telegram be dispatched to Burnside directing him to telephone the NSISA Secretary, collect from Australia and the Secretary be instructed to relate this critical deficiency, Motion was seconded by Mr. Stateley. MPU. Mr, Bowman related that he would explore the possibilities of utilizing ‘the wire service in this regard. Mr. Rohrer moved the Publicity Committee Report be approved, Motion was seconded by Mr. Stately, MPU. COMPETITION COMMTTER MOTION Mr. Hodgert reported that the last scheduled meeting could not be held in that only four chapters were in attendance. Mr, Stubbs instructed the Secretary to show in the minutes the following Competition Committee Meubers absence: Noting that drives of over 200 miles were made by some members whom attended. California State Santa Monica Los Angeles County Seal Beach Los Angeles City Mes Buck moved upon Chairman Bray's return from Australia, that an analysis and evaluation be prepared relative to the overall efficiency of the current competition committee structure, Motion was seconded by Mr. Rohrer, MPU Mr, Hodgert pointed out that upon three different dates, bids had been requested for the NSLSA Championship events. Following discussion pertinent to this years selection, the events were awarded. c a ao NATIONAL SURF LIFE SAVING ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA ~ March 7, 1967 Board of Directors Minutes ORION Mr, Buck moved the Championship cvents be avarded to the following MOTTON chapters: San Clemente = Dory L, Ac County = Paddle Newport Beach = 1,000 Swim Central Coast = RunsSwim-Run and Iron Man Motion was seconded by Mr. Bowman. Vote called. 9 favored, 2 opposed. Motion carried. Mr. Rohrer moved the competition Coumittee report be approved as submitted. Motion seconded by Mr. Stateley, MPU INCORPORATION MOTION, Mr. Bowman submitted a written report advising that the National Surf Life Saving Association of America was officially Incorporated with the State of California as being legally authorized to grant charters. Mr, Bownan advised new procedures would be required under the new statutes and would report on these areas at the next meeting. President Pre Tem, Stubbs instructed the Seeretary to correspond with ‘the Santa Monica Chapter relative to the current status of Hr. Kroon's Director eligibility. Mr. Rohrer moved acceptance and approval of the Incorporation Report as submitted. Motion was seconded by Mr. Buck, MPU. CALIFORNZA LIFEGUARD CHIEFS ASSOCIATION Mr, Stubbs reported the CLCA had endorsed the present 4/5its voting requirement along with the revised-225 man day requirement for NSLSA Director eligibility. It was further reported that CLCA believed that monetary bids were at this point premature, The CICA recommended ‘that the NSLSA give serious consideration toward establishing some form of an international competitive fund for future team endeavors. oo a) a (> wrt0NAL SURF LIFE SAVING ASSOCIATION SOF AMERICA = March 7, 1967 Board of Directors Minutes NSLSA PHAMPHLET Mr, Belshe submitted his basic outline describing the organization. Mr, Belshe believed his one page piece of literature describing the advantages of purpose, membership, and organizational structure would be in rough form by the next meetings President Pro Tem, Stubbs instructed Hr. Reed to develop a questionaire to gather information, statistical background, and current standards of existing chapters. Mr. Reed in turn would recommend a dasic criteria around which Charter Meuberships would be granted in the future. AUSTRALIAN CONTRIBUTIONS ‘The subject of contributions received was again discussed at some lengths Mr, Lee submitted recoumendations for acknowledging said receipts. Mr, Bowman was assigned the task of having "Thank You" cards printed, the cost of which was to be deducted from the Australian Account. Mr. Bowman was to have said acknowledgements G by the next meeting for distribution to the various chapters. NEW BUSINESS ‘The Secretary reported the following communications received during the periods 2/ 4/67 De Ae Sleeper ARC, SF requesting info on NSLSA safety literature. 2/ 6/67 Ke Watson, SLSA Australia, confirming final tour details. 2/ 7/67 The Honorable Governor Ro Reagan re: Australian Tour. 2) 8/6) He Krson, Sante Manica Chapter delicnating noted contributors ~ for the Tour 2/14/67 Cole ToLeJensen, Selective Service re: J. Netzger’s temporary = deferment « 2/15/67 He Henderson, CC Chapter accepting Australian Invitation. 2/15/67 Ez Arneson, CC Chapter accepting Australian Invitation 2/20/67 Ne Rodis, Dept of State, Washington DC re: Australian Tour. 2/23/67 Ke Watson, Int. Council of Surf Life Savers re: International seminar. 3/3/67 Dz Ae Sleeper, ARC SF, re: safety literature 3/3/67 “B. Richardson, HBSLSA submitting proxy for R. Bray in his : ‘absence. Cc 3/3/67 “Ae Velirath, requesting information for graduate thesis. 3/7/67 Mz Bowman re: matters of publicity & incorporation. 3/7/67 “J__Canningham submitting proxy for R. Burnside in his absence 3/7/67 ¥, Henry, CC Chapter submitting proxy for J. Steinmann. ao ao NATIONAL SUAF LIFE SAVING ASSOCIATION > OF AMERICA = March 7, 1967 Board of Directors Mimutes Moron, MOTION Mr. Rohrer moved the correspondence received be accepted and answered as necessary. Motion seconded by Mr. Bowman. MPU Mr, Rohrer advised L. A. City was currently conducting an analysis of retireuent status of the various services and submitted a questionaire to each chapter regarding same. It was related that attempts are being made to provide Safety Service status to L, A. City personnels Regarding the matter of SLSA membership Decals, the Huntington Beach Chapter volunteered to have the art work re-drawn and stock decals for distribution to member chapters. Mr, Buck moved permission be granted and that said decals be made available to member chapters at cost. Motion seconded by Mr. Lee. MPU Mr, Lee proposed that Chapters in a position of gaining revenue from National Championship Events be required to direct a portion of these reventes to the NSLSA. A rather lengthly discussion ensued on the subject, hovever, no action was taken. ‘The Next Meeting was established as follows: April 18, 1967 8:00 PH Santa Monica Lifeguard Headquarters 1642 Promenade, Santa Monica, California Mr. Buck moved the meeting be adjourned at 12:50, motion vas seconded by Mr. Lees MPU Respectfully submitted, Jack Buck, Honorary Secretary NATIONAL SURF LIFE SAVING ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA CC: All Delegates All Lifeguard Chiefs a ~ MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS NATIONAL SURF LIFE SAVING ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA April 18, 1967 Santa Monica Lifeguard Headquarters 1642 Promenade, Santa Monica, California President Burnside called the meeting to order at 8:15 PM and subsequent to the taking of the roll, asked for a reading and approval of the last Board of Directors Minutes. THOSE IN ATTENDANCE: San Clemente P. Stubbs = M, Stately Newport Beach > Belshe = P, Reed California State Je Buck = Ke Temple Huntington Beach M. Bowman = R, Bray Seal Beach T, Dorsey lug Ae County R, Burnside = H. Lee Santa Monica We Wagner Central Coast My Henry = P. Hodgert Los Angeles City Delegates Vincent Ge Meorhouse ~ Director of Harbors and Beaches City of Huntington Beach, California MINUTES OF THE LAST MEETING: Morrow: CORRECTION: Page 3, third bill submitted, should be $27.00 rather than $7.00 Page 3, under steering committee, Mr. Stubbs was to call and request Mr. Henry's assistance rather then reassign. Mr. Lee moved the minutes be approved as corrected, second by Mrs Bray. MPU, ‘SECRETARIES : c REPoR? The Secretary reported the following communications mailed during the period: = “ NACIONAL SURF LIFE SAVING Minutes April 18, 1967 ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA Page 2 SECRETARIES REPORT CONF. MORTON: 3/15/67; Telegram to R. Burnside, Aust. Res publicity material 47 3/67; ee A. Vellrath in response to request for research material. 4/ 3/67; Ke Watson, SLSA Australia. Re: Int‘1 Council of SLSA meeting of 7/67, and other correspondence received therefrom. 4/10/67; To SM SLSA advising of Director eligibility of Mr. Kroon. Mc, Bray soved the above correspondence be approved along with the Secretaries Report as submitted. Motion seconded by Mr. Lee. MPU. ‘TREASURERS REPORT: In the absence of Don Rohrer, NSLSA Treasurer, no report was given pertinent to the financial status. President Burnside called for ‘the submission of current bills and the following were presented: 1, Joyse Bouchal; for secretarial services in the amount of $7.35« by Bray for approval and payment, second by Bowman, MPU. 2. Jack Buck; reimbursement for purchase of Roberts Rules of Order oT in the amount of $3.90. by Stubbs for approval and payment, second by Bray. MPU. 3+ Jack Bucks reimbursement for telephone call to Australia and ‘telegrams in this connection in the amount of $39.70. by Lee for approval and payment, second by Stately. MPU. 4. Curts Printings in the amount of $46.75 for Thank You Notes, by Buck for approval and peyment, second by Bray. MPU. So Max Bowmany for publicity expenses and recording fees for NSLSA constitution and by-laws in the amount of $9.85. by Buck for approval and payment, second by Bray. MPU. 6» Guy and Smith, Lawyers: legal incorporation expenses in the amount of $13.00 plus previous statement. by Stately for approval and payment of additional $13.00 second by Bray. MPU. ji ~~ ) NATIONAL SURF LIFE SAVING Minutes April 18, 1967 ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA Page 3 ‘TREASURER'S REPORT CONT: ‘The President instructed the Secretary to correspond with Mr. Rohrer end request payment of past due bills along with current statements. Should the NSLSA Treasurer not be able to attend future meetings as the result of his present work assignment ‘then arrangements should be made for another officer of the Board to act in this capacity. STEERING COMMITTER: (ANNUAL REPORT) President Burnside officially removed Mr. Cunningham es chairman of thie comittee and appointed Mr. Paul Hodgert as the new Chairman, The matter of the annual report vas discussed earlier in the meeting hovever, is being inserted under this section for purposes of minute continuity. Mr. Henry releted his present vork load was quite excessive, hovever, he would accept assignment to the Annual Report Comittee with the understanding that he could only devote his free time towards this project. Cc President Burnside instructed er to subait to Mrs the folloving data for incluston into the annual report, J, A generalized synopsis of their Chapters significant activities for the past fiscal year. Material should be general in nature as the context would be centered on the National rather than individual chapters. 2, Five (5) action photographs which were reproducible in 8" x 10" glossy form. Mr. Henry wished to include at least one photo from each chapter in the National Report. Each Committee Chairman was instructed to provide a written report to Mr. Henry within tvo weeks on the activities and accomplishments of their committee for use in the National Report. CERTIFICATE COMMITTEE: President reassigned this committee to Mr. Buck and requested a report be presented at the next meeting in this connection. Cc WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE: A written report vas submitted to all delegates by Chairman Stubbs requesting each Chapter to submit budget requests for the forthconing 67-68 fiscal year. Mr. Stubba also presented a recent salary survay conducted by their Department.

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