Whaling - Social Issue

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Abraham 1

Justin Abraham
20 February 2015

Should commercial whaling be banned?

Whale hunting or commercial whaling started in the 1700s and have been a big business
ever since. They were hunted so they could be used as a plethora of resources such as oil, meat,
and even clothing. Unregulated whaling continued for centuries and over a span of several years;
the industry has strengthened with new technologies such as the steam ship or harpoon. This
allowed hunters to conduct their hunts throughout the ocean and kill more efficiently. But
eventually whale populations became so miniscule that countries realized they needed some sort
of organization whose sole purpose was to provide rules to help conserve the whale population.
The result was formation of the International Convention for the Regulation of Whaling in 1946.
Even though there are rules made to protect whales, commercial whaling has diminished the
whale population to near obsolescence and should be hindered. (Dominion Post).
In the Faroe Islands, islanders go through loopholes in the ban and rely on whale meat as
survival. This tradition has been going on for over 1200 years (Ecott). Tradition is good and
should not be changed. Their economy is solely dependent on whales. If they are forced to not
hunt whales, then many citizens will languish. Poor families with little children will be upset and
starve to death. But this is for the greater good of the world and a bunch of miniscule islands are
When there are so many other food sources available, it is really not fair to go after the
animals that are at the end of extinction. Every year, Japanese whaling ships catch and often
times brutally butcher up to 17,000 small whales. They use explosive harpoons, which often

Abraham 2

injure rather than kill whales, causing them to suffer and deteriorate for several minutes to hours
before death (The Age 18). Whales are proven to be very intelligent animals and some say they
can feel pain like humans do.
We need whales in the ocean to eat plankton and keep the biodiversity in the ocean
balanced. If whales do become altogether extinct, it leads to big problems in the fragile
ecosystem. Take, for example, the blue whale. Blue whales keep plankton and krill populations
in check. Without blue whales, plankton and krill numbers will increase exponentially because of
nothing hindering them and that could lead to numerous issues like the extinction of other
species. So it makes logical sense to stop commercial whaling because of the looming
complications it comes with.
Even though there are rules made to protect whales, commercial whaling has diminished
the whale population to near extinction and should be hindered. Whales are highly intelligent
animals, and very beneficial to the environment and as such should be greatly appreciated and
not harmed or molested (Target News Service). All the products that we needed many years ago
from whales can be obtained today by other means that do not undermine the native wildlife.

Abraham 3

Works Cited
Ecott, Tim. "Let Them Eat Whales." The Spectator (London). 01 Feb. 2014: n.p. SIRS Issues
Researcher. Web. 20 Feb. 2015.
"Japan's Whaling Must End Entirely." The Age. 02 Apr. 2014: p. 18. SIRS Issues Researcher.
Web. 20 Feb. 2015.
"U.S. Declares Iceland in Defiance of Global Trade..." Targeted News Service. 06 Feb. 2014: n.p.
SIRS Issues Researcher. Web. 20 Feb. 2015.
"Whaling's Grisly Reality." Dominion Post (Wellington, New Zealand). 10 Jan. 2014: p. A.10.
SIRS Issues Researcher. Web. 20 Feb. 2015.




Abraham 4


Clear argument

and Ideas

Support uses ethos, logos, and pathos

4 or more credible sources used

Antithesis addressed and refuted



/10 Brandt Baldwin- Argument is clear

throughout the entire essay except for the
paragraph including the counterargument.
The point of the actual essay isnt argued,
and can be very confusing for the reader.
/10 Jack Anstine - very good thesis
10/10 Self grade
/10 final grade from teacher


Effective introduction and hook

Paragraphs are organized around claim


= 10


Transitions are used between

/10 Brandt Baldwin-


/10 Jack Anstine - I like the way you

Sequence is logical

organized your essay but try to make sure

Conclusion leaves reader with powerful final statement

conclusion matches your first pargaraph

10/10 Self grade
/10 final grade from teacher


The writer connects with the audience

through the intriguing focus of the topic,



selection of relevant details, and the use of

natural, engaging language, including the

/10 Brandt Baldwin- Great voice and

use of vocabulary.

makes sure the audience feels for the

/10 Jack Anstine - write a comment
10/10 Self grade

Abraham 5

/10 final grade from teacher



naturally and effectively.


Writing is all in 3rd person .

Quotations are embedded and cited.

/10 Brandt Baldwin- Great use of

0-3 Errors in grammatical structure


Five vocabulary words are used



/10 Jack Anstine - good job

10/10 Self grade
/10 final grade from teacher

typed and double-spaced


Times New Roman; 12 pt.

proper MLA formatting; heading that



includes student name, instructors name,

/10 Brandt Baldwin

class, and date

/10 Jack Anstine - write a comment

10/10 Self grade

works cited page is included.

/10 final grade from teacher

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