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Bond 1

Tyler Bond
Mr. Phillips
English 3 Honors
1 May 2015
The Iranian Nuclear Deal
A recent deal has been brought forth between the US and Iran to limit
the amount of nuclear materials produced and, hopefully, will prevent Iran
from being able to produce a nuclear weapon without the world knowing it
ahead of time. The original deal that was proposed earlier this year limited
the percentage of enriched uranium to below 5% and the building of a heavy
water nuclear reactor in the southwest Iran nuclear factory, as well as being
inspected by the International Atomic Energy Society(Klein). After a series of
nuclear talks in Geneva, outlines of an updated deal are becoming clearer
and aim to ensure that Iran wont be able to build a nuclear weapon without
spending a year to build it because of the limiting of Irans enrichment of
uranium for the next ten years to only 5% which would be monitored by
international inspectors(Economist). The implication of this new deal could
lead to a large percent of unemployed Iranian workers due to the new
limitations that have been placed on their nuclear program.

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Although this deal is still under negotiation and has yet to be confirmed
as a done deal(Too soon), it is planned to be finished by the end of June
2015 deadline that has been set after a twelve year standoff between the
two countries to compromise on a nuclear agreement when the final meeting
between the US and Iran is held(Too soon). The overall goals hoped to be
reached by this meeting for the United States is limiting the amount of
nuclear materials being produced in Irans nuclear plants as well as the use
of international inspectors hired by the United Nations to inspect the
factories for proper enrichment levels, and for Iran, the lifting of all sanctions
that are currently being held on the country. The Iranian government had
announced, in a recent report by National Review, that they planned to
operate advanced centrifuges and immediate and complete relief of all
sanctions after a deal is finalized before a deal was actually discussed. This
deal would also provide the ability for the US to have more time to forestall
the making of a nuclear weapon if Iran chose to undermine the deal. These
two main goals have been the limiting factor in the deal making process due
to both sides not wanting to give the other an upper hand on the
compromise they plan to reach in order to not lose any of their political
power. The United Nations have also been part of the negotiating process to
help make sure that a fair compromise is reached between Iran and the US
and that there is a beneficial outcome to this long awaited deal.
According to an article by The Economist, the United Nations, or Big
Six, have recently become a factor in the negotiation of a nuclear deal

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being reached between the United States and Iran. Due to the mutual
distrust between the two countries based on their long history of broken
promises and false accusations between one another, as well as past failed
negotiations(Distrust). Although the negotiation process has been
strenuous in coming to a mutual agreement that benefits both parties and no
end is yet visible, the path to peace and security for the world has to start
somewhere(Breaking). Even though both sides have distrust for one
another,and don't necessarily see the others points to be valid in
negotiating, they also want to cooperate in order to make a deal that is
beneficial to their countries well-being in the long run in order to create
peace with one another. Despite the previous history between the US and
Iran, they hope to put aside their differences and rebuild their relationship
with one other in order to move towards a brighter future.
The history between the US and Iran is not pretty, they both have had
their share of broken promises as well as conflicts between one another
throughout the years which has led to their tense relationship today,
especially when working on negotiations. This is because,in the past, Iran
has lied about the progress of their nuclear program as well as the purpose
for manufacturing nuclear materials without international
consent(Distrust). This is the reason that most countries are in favor of the
deal because many are fearful of what Iran might do if the are able to
produce a nuclear weapon and the prospect of a possible nuclear arms race
in on the worlds most dangerous region. The US on the other hand, has had

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their fair share of promises that were never fulfilled after being negotiated
with Iran. These examples of international distrust is the reason the steps of
this nuclear deal have been under much negotiation in the past months due
to the history between these two countries and has been under supervision
of the United Nations. This deal means a lot to Iran who would receive an
immediate lift of all sanctions currently held on their government, which is
especially useful for their current sanction they have on limited oil
Although less dependent on oil than some of the other Middle Eastern
countries, it makes up 42% of Irans revenues, the latest budget will lead to
an 11% cut after inflation(Fading) . Before sanctions limited the amount of
oil that Iran was able to produce, country was able prosper on the profits
they made on their huge oil industries that were the largest in the region. At
its height, Iran was exporting six million barrels a day, the highest amount
ever in the region which helps to support the Iranian economy(Rusty).
However now that the sanctions have been produced the Iranian economy
has suffered immensely with high unemployment rates and seen there pays
being eroded by inflation(Overcome). The unemployment rate has rose
20% and the value of currency is half of that of the dollar or
euro(Sanctions?). Which leads to why Iran is so dependent on this deal, the
lifting of all sanctions in order to get there economy back to being based on
the exporting of oil instead of making nuclear weapon materials. This could
help lower oil prices in the region and the world because of the higher

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percentage of exported oil coming out of the country. There may be other
options for dealing with the nuclear unrest in Iran such as peaceful
conferences or the bombing of all Iran's nuclear facilities and the threat of
another war, but none would be as effective or less destructive than the
other options that have been brought forth, this nuclear agreement, in
President Barack Obamas opinion, is the best bet by far in order to build a
lasting relationship with Iran(Briefing). With this new deal in place, there
would be a large number of factory workers that would lose their jobs due to
the limited resources available to expand the countries nuclear program. This
could cause the local economy to collapse due to the high unemployment
rates in the towns surrounding the nuclear plants. However, even though the
limiting of nuclear materials being produced in these factories will surely
cause Iranian workers to lose their jobs, the lifting of sanctions and the
increase in oil exports being able to be drilled will help to increase jobs and
hopefully get Irans head above water(Fading Hope). The once oil rich
nation will finally be able to reach their full profitable limit, not a limit set by
a international sanction. This event not only could change Iran's economy's
or the better, but the worldwide economy(Agreement).

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Works Cited
"Breaking the ice." Maclean's 20 Apr. 2015: 10. Global Issues in Context.
Web. 30 Apr.


"Briefing." Time 20 Apr. 2015. Global Issues in Context. Web. 30 Apr. 2015.
Calabresi, Massimo. "Diplomacy of Distrust in Iran." Time 30 Mar. 2015.
Global Issues in Context. Web. 30 Apr. 2015.
"Deal or no deal." National Review 4 May 2015: 12. Global Issues in Context.
Web. 30 Apr. 2015.
Dreazen, Yochi J. "Will Sanctions Work Against Iran?" National Journal 8 Mar.

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2012. Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. 30 Apr. 2015.
"Fading hope; Iran's economy." The Economist 7 Mar. 2015: 46(US). Global
Issues in Context. Web. 30 Apr. 2015.
Klein, Joe. "Nuclear Deal or No Deal." Time 13 Apr. 2015. Global Issues in
Context. Web. 30 Apr. 2015.
Not yet the real deal; The Iran nuclear talks The Economist 16 April 2015
Global Issues in Context Web 30 April 2015
"Nuclear agreement could transform Iran." Sunday Independent [South
Africa] 12 Apr. 2015: 3. Global Issues in Context. Web. 30 Apr. 2015.

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"Rusty taps; Iran's oil." The Economist 4 Apr. 2015: 62(US). Global Issues in
Context. Web. 30 Apr. 2015.
"Too soon to celebrate; Iran nuclear deal." The Economist 11 Apr. 2015:
42(US). Global Issues in Context. Web. 30 Apr. 2015.
"We shall overcome, maybe; Prospects." The Economist 1 Nov. 2014: 15(US).
Global Issues in Context. Web. 30 Apr. 2015.

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