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Glenshire Commons and Lake Association Board Meeting April 7, 2015

Present: Clark Ahlden, Stephanie Brown, Paul Terrio, Judy Seyb, Susan Drozdz, Sharon Hecht
Recording: Judy Seyb
Call to Order: Clark called the meeting to order at 6:35 pm
Minutes: minutes from the November 11, 2014 meeting were read. Stephanie motioned to
accept the minutes. Sharon seconded. The minutes were accepted.
Treasurers report: Paul submitted the report. Stephanie motioned to accept the report. Susan
seconded. Motion passed.
Landscaping and commons: the mowing policy for the commons area went out in the
newsletter and is posted on the website. Judy will speak with Nick Bokszczanin about mowing
as needed and seeding the removed bed areas as promised. Stephanie will check on a
company to maintain the commons area.
Pond Control: Addling is scheduled for April 15 at 6 pm starting at the South Dock. Susan will
take the test for chemical application in Springfield on Monday. Susan will buy chemicals as
needed locally.
Neighbors: no new neighbors.
Scouts: Clark will deliver a check to them personally.
Website: Stephanie is posting pictures of the lake. She will post about egg addling.
Old business: none
New business: none
Next meeting date: Tuesday May 5, 2015 6:30pm at Sharons home.
Adjournment: Stephanie motioned to adjourn. The meeting was adjourned at 7:40 pm.

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