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Kelsey Middleton

Big Has Always Been Small

But the rabbit repeated softly over and over, He gonna leave
you, ya crazy bastard. He gonna leave you all alone. He gonna leave
you, ya crazy bastard.
Lennie dropped to the ground, hugging his knees. The rabbit kept
taunting him. The big man tried to make himself as small as possible.
He started to rock back and forth, crushing the soft grass below him.
The sun broke through the line of trees, casting odd shaped shadows
onto Lennies shaking body. The hot breeze made the reeds that
bordered the pond collide, making a soothing noise that didnt match
the tension in the air. The rabbit continued to scof at Lennie.
The leaves from the bushes behind Lennie rustled. A small,
defined man stepped through the plants. Anger laced his expression.
The only sound was the calm noise of plants. The rabbit was gone.
Lennie slowly turned around. The standing mans over-all clad legs
were the first things Lennie saw. Lennie recognized the legs and
shuffled to get up. Lennies face was filled with excitement.
George! Lennie breathed hard. The two men met gazes. Lennie
dropped his head, staring at their feet. Lennie dominated in size, but
under the belittling stare coming from George, he felt like a sordid
What did you do Lennie? There was no point in asking. George
knew exactly what Lennie had done. Lennie mumbled incoherently.
Speak louder, Lennie. Georges face grew more irate with
every word.
I done something bad, George, Lennie had started to wring his
hands together and shuffle his feet.
Yes. You have, George stared daggers at Lennie, who towered
over him. Lennie lifted his head to reveal an entranced look.

Butbut thats okay, George, Lennie sounded like a child

asking for candy. We can just run away. Like last time I done
something bad.
Run away? George raised his voice. His arms flew into the air.
We were cowards to run away like that! George pointed to himself
and added, Im no coward.
Lennie saw flashes of the two running and hiding behind bushes.
The sound of the men yelling in the distance was so ingrained into his
memory; he could almost hear them now.
George huffed and knocked Lennie out of his daze.
Youre a nuisance, always messing up. Always messing up
things for me! You just had to touch her dress; you just had to touch
her hair. Whats next, Lennie?
Im sorry, George. Lennie hung his head again. His shoulders
Touching isnt enough for you, is it? You just had to kill her.
II didnt mean to, George, honest.
Theyre going to kill you, Lennie. An eerie silence consumed
the two men. The breeze had stopped and the sun was starting to set.
Both men stayed reticent.
Youre going to die, George shattered the odd silence. He
paused. You need to die.
I know. Lennie finally concurred, quietly. Very soft, muffled
yelling came from beyond the line of trees surrounding them. George
reached behind him and slowly pulled out a gun. Lennie noticed what
George was holding and his face contorted into a mortified look. He
started to shake. Tears slid down his cheek, making his face glisten in
the minimal light they had left.
Get down. George exclaimed with no emotion in his tone.
Lennie obeyed. His hands trembled on either side of his body. George
placed the barrel of his gun on Lennies forehead. The cold metal on

Lennies hot skin made him shiver. George and Lennie met eyes briefly
before Lennie looked down.
George appeared out of the bushes to see his best friend
kneeling on the ground with his gun against his head. George stopped
in his tracks tears streaming down his face.
Im sorry, George. Lennie says in between sobs.
Be quiet. He continued in a much tougher voice that George
recognized instantly as his own. Suddenly, a loud shot bounced off the
trees. George tried to avert his eyes, but failed. George stayed frozen
as a throng of men appeared behind him.

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