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Brooklyn Holmes
Ms. Parker
February 17, 2015
Uncle Toms Cabin Essay 2
When Harriet Beecher Stowe wrote Uncle Toms Cabin in 1852, slavery was a
huge problem in America. African Americans and people of other minorities were being
kidnapped from their homes and brought to America to serve as free labor for white plantation
owners. While some slaves were treated well, others were treated like animals. They were often
forced to work strenuous hours in the blistering heat while starved and dehydrated.
Unfortunately, many people, in both the north and south, were ignorant to the issue of slavery
and Harriet Beecher Stowe wanted to change that. By writing Uncle Toms Cabin, she was able
to inform the American people of the harsh realities of slavery, attempt to open the hearts of the
cold slave owners, and show how human slaves really were. To do this, she portrayed Tom, a
black slave, as a fatherly, Christ figure that would be able to capture the hearts of the readers
through his good deeds and strong Christian character.
By presenting Tom as a constant Christ figure, Stowe was able to help the reader feel
empathy and respect for Tom and the terrible circumstances he was forced to live in. No matter
what situation he was in, Tom always kept his standards and never let the terrible acts of others
bring him down. Stowe shows this through his thoughts and actions. No, Masr Ill hold on.
The lord may help me, or not help; but ill hold on to him and believe him to the last. No matter
what happened to him, Tom would never stop believing in God. By creating Toms character like
this, Stowe was able to really help the reader-whether it be a northern abolitionist or a southern

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slave holder- empathize with Tom and relate with his thoughts and ideas. Also, by presenting
Tom as a Christ figure, Stowe was able to humanize the slaves and their situation. Every time
Tom with beaten or threatened he never fought back or retaliated with anger. This constant
example can show that anyone, black or white, can be a respectable person who is an example
for everyone.
By presenting Tom as a Christ figure, I can learn that despite how other act towards me, I
should always strive to follow Toms example and live like Christ. One example of Tom being
acting as a Christ figure is when he says, Masr, if you was sick, or in trouble, or dying, and I
could save ye, id give ye my hearts blood; and, if taking every drop of blood in this poor old
body would save your precious soul, id give em freely, as the lord gave his for me. Even when
Tom was being threatened with his life, never once did he stop trying to help others. This quote
really shows just how unshakable his faith is. Which then adds to our love and respect for him,
when then helps us sympathize with his situation. Never once did he stoop to the level of the
cruel, cold-hearted slave owners that treated him like scum. Because of his example, I want to be
an example to those around me and I understand better the life of a slave.
Because of my encounter with Toms Christ like character in Uncle Toms Cabin I now
have a better understanding of how much of an impact an individual can have on a society, even
if they are just fictional. Through his example I know that I, too, can be an example for those
around me. I can try to live like Tom in all things and in all places and always keep my standards
no matter what the circumstances.
Overall, by presenting Tom as a Christ Figure in all things Stowe was able to help the
reader understand another perspective on slavery and to inspire them to live more like Tom.
Through his consistent Christ like behavior the reader was able to empathize and understand

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what was really happening in the south, concerning slavery. She was able to change the minds of
many people and helped begin the fight to end slavery once and for all.

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