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Emerging Technology in Education

Lauren Miller
Corrine Blake
EDU 214-5001
March 12, 2015


Emerging Technology in Education

Technology has been used for educational purposes since the early 1900s when it
became present, however, it has evolved tremendously since then and now can encompass almost
every aspect of teaching and learning. Some technologies that are used for educational purposes
were designed specifically for that purpose; others have been adopted by educators and used in
the classroom, even if that was not what they were originally designed for. Educational
technology can be thought of as the hardware, software, and thinkware of learning, as well as
related research theory that guides these efforts (Carliner, Ribiero, & Boyd, 2008, p. 264). Some
of the new and emerging educational technologies I am interested in researching are 3D printing,
virtual classrooms and labs, classroom tablet use, educational computer games, mobile
technology and apps, and MOOCs.
3 dimensional printing is a fairly new concept, especially in terms of education.
According to, the first step in creating a 3D image is making a virtual design of
what you will print, using computer aided design (CAD) software. The software that prepares the
image for printing, will then cut the image horizontally or vertically into many very thin layers
that will be used to create the 3 dimensional object. Three-dimensional printing can be used in
education to allow students to visualize and actually create their own models. Rather than having
a printed graph on a sheet of paper, you can create a physical model for students to manipulate,
encouraging different types of learning.
Virtual classrooms are becoming more and more popular in schools. Virtual classrooms
can range anywhere from having a set of 30 computers to fill a classroom, where students will
filter in and out during different class periods just as if a real teacher were teaching, to complete
school programs that can be done online from home. According to WizIQ, a virtual classroom


development company, an objective of virtual classrooms is, To make teaching and learning
easier for everyone (Virtual Classroom, 2012). I agree and also disagree with this statement.
Although one teacher can be used to teach a very high volume of students, making virtual
classrooms more efficient, some learners like myself, do not do well when working at their own
pace and trying to get through a lesson that is solely based on computer use. Different types of
learners have different needs, and if you are a hands-on learner, you should probably steer clear
of virtual classrooms. In my opinion online classes are more geared towards audio and visual
Classroom tablet use pairs with gamifying learning, as well as mobile technology in
many ways. It is becoming popular among schools to provide each student, or classroom sets, of
iPads or other brands of tablets or personal computers, laptops, etc. These can be very useful
tools in the classroom, as they are very versatile. With a tablet, you can download educational
apps, conduct research, take notes, share and collaborate information, and calculate data. To have
all of these tools in one is proving to be very cost effective and beneficial in classrooms.
Game based learning is not a new technology per-say, but is definitely emerging into the
technological era. Though the original purpose of games is purely recreation, their purpose has
been redefined in the field of education. Integrating digital and online games into school
curriculum has lead to a more engaging learning experience (Emerging Technology, 2014).
Game based learning is a great motivation tactic for students, but games are more of an enforcer
for what has already been taught, rather than a learning tool. That being said, I think that the
overview of material is important, and if it can be made fun by putting it in a game, then by all
means it should be.


The acronym MOOCs, stands for massively open online courses. Anyone can access
these online courses, as long as they have computer and Internet access. MOOCs are intended to
Help people acquire new skill sets at no cost (The 5 Emerging, 2014). I think that these
massively open online courses are really going to skyrocket in popularity in the near future.
These courses can range anywhere from tutorials that teach typing, to courses on learning a new
language. For a list of many different MOOCs available for free, try
All of these various technologies that are emerging in todays education system seem to
be very well rounded, and all can facilitate and accelerate the teaching and learning process.
The specifics of an emerging technology as it is finally formulated may be unclear in the
present, but its potential to change education in the future must be taken into account today
(Duffy and McDonald, 2003). All aspects of teaching and learning are encompassed by
technology, from grading and administrative software, to each child having his or her own
personal mobile device.


Carliner, S., Ribiero, O., & Boyd, G. (2008). Educational Technology. In N. J. Salkind & K.
Rasmussen (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Educational Psychology (Vol. 1, pp. 313-321).
Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications. Retrieved from
Duffy, J., & McDonald, J. (2003). Teaching and learning with technology. Boston: Allyn and
Emerging Technology in Education | ExamTime. (2014, July 29). Retrieved March 14, 2015,
MOOC List. (n.d.). Retrieved March 14, 2015, from
The 5 Emerging Educational Technologies You Should Know about. (2014, January 31).
Retrieved March 14, 2015, from
What is 3D printing? How does 3D printing work? (2015, January 1). Retrieved March 13, 2015,
Virtual classroom. (2012, 08). Digital Learning, Retrieved from
The 5 Emerging Educational Technologies You Should Know about. (2014, January 31).
Retrieved March 14, 2015, from


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