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Paragraph 1 My Name

1. DQ: what is the story behind my name?

The Quran was sent by god and he gave it to a prophet like

the bible was he sent it down to teach the prophets people
2. What do I already know about my name?
My name means a sentence in the Quran
3. What do I want to learn about my name?

Who named me? (Parents, grandparents)

Why did my parents give me this name?
Because it fit my personality
What is the origin of my name?
When was I named?
The time I was in the hospital
My nickname
Why does my name have a special spelling
Because not many peoples name that is ayah put an h

Sentence 1: The day I was born while I was in the hospital my parents
decided to name me Ayah
Sentence 2: My mom is the one who named me Ayah my dad wanted
to name me something else, but then he agreed with the name Ayah
Sentence 3: Most peoples name that is Ayah is spelled different than
mine because mine has an H
Sentence 4: my name means miracle it came from a book sent from
good like the bible
Sentence 5: my parents gave me this perfect name because they
thought it fit me perfectly
Sentence 1: Right after was born my parents decided to name me Ayah.
Sentence 2: My mom is the one who named me Ayah my dad wanted
to name me something else, but then he agreed with the name Ayah
Sentence 3: Most people named Ayah spell it differently than mine.
Sentence 4: Ayah means miracle it came from a book sent from good
like the bible.
Sentence 5: This name fit me perfectly that is why they named me

Life in Gods book

By: Ayah Al-Tabbal
Right after I was born my parents decided to name
me Ayah. My mom is the one who named me Ayah
my dad wanted to name me something else, but
then he agreed with the name Ayah. Most people
named Ayah spell it differently than mine because
mine has an H. Ayah means miracle it came from a
book sent from God like the bible. This name fit me
perfectly that is why they named me Ayah.

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