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Shakespeare's Globe Theater

By: Celine Khalife

Performers in the Globe Theatre

It was rough for the performers. Because girls
could not act, young boys had to play girls. Yet, they
still would not change their outfit for each play. The
performers used big, flamboyant gestures so the
people in the back could see. The actors only
received their lines, so they had to rehearse in the
tiring house. This happened because back then, they
did not have copyright. They could not have the
whole script in one place or someone could make it
their own. Furthermore, the plays could not be
performed at night, because the globe does only use
natural lighting. If the audience did not like the
actor or the play, they would throw food at them. I
feel very bad for all of the actors back then. They
had it harder than most actors nowadays.

The Parts of the Globe


1. Flag
Says what play was going to happen
2. The Heavens
The Celling over the stage
3. The tiring house
The changing room for the actors
4. Upper stage
Used a bedroom or a balcony
5. Galleries
sit there if you pay extra
6. Main stage
Where actors act.
7. Inner stage
Indoor scenes
8. Open yard
Pay 1 penny to stand
9. Support Pillars
Holding the Heaves up
10. Trap Door
Surprise entrance
11. Entrance
Pay there
12. Brick Foundation
Needed to be built out of brick; ground

We are in Scotland; it is in the
Medieval era. He kills Duncan, the old
king. The witches prophesy that
Macbeth will be the new king. Because
Lady Macbeth convinced him to do it
all, she is very guilty. After that,
Macbeth goes back to the witches and
they say that he will be king forever
unless the trees move, and the person
who tries to kill him is not born out of
a woman.

Macbeth Scene 1
Macbeth and Banquo are going to see the
witches, and they prophesize that Macbeth
will be king.

At the Globe

The End!!!!

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