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After reading your selected case study, list at least 10 important facts that you gleaned from the

35 % of the school are currently identified and participating in PACE

someone at the school has dictated to teachers that they are not allowed to go over new material or test
when students are participating in PACE
some teachers are keeping students from attending PACE to complete makeup work and tests, which
shouldnt be possible if all teachers are following protocol
students who are missing class for PACE, are also more likely to be involved in other activities that
require class absences
a small percentage of families have vocalized that they are upset that their children are unable to
participate in PACE
a small percentage of families have vocalized that they are thrilled with their childs participation in
a few teachers are upset over the loss of instructional time
one teacher is concerned about other teachers discouraging children from attending and participating in
With PACE students averaged in, the school achieves greater than the 70th percentile on testing, but
without the average drops below 50 in reading and math
If the school is unable to improve ALL students scores in reading and math, a team from the state
department will step in and manage the school


If you have any questions that you feel must be answered before you move to Step 4, list them
Who is dictating that teachers cannot provide new material or test during PACE student
Shouldnt PACE work be instead of regular classroom instruction? Why are students
having to make up all of the work and tests?
Is the new material that the classroom teacher would present really new for all of the
PACE students?
How many students are there at the school? Are these complaints really a significant
What can students do during the PACE pullout, other than review?


Brainstorm many, varied, and unusual problems that you see as a result of this mess. A
minimum of 20 problems is required for full credit.
1. staff is divided, not good for morale
2. parents are upset, they want their child to be able to participate even
though they are not PACE
3. I havent heard from the PACE students, so I only have the parents word
4. I havent heard from the non-PACE students, so I only have the parents
5. it seems that students are expected to complete missed work/teststoo
much workload will discourage participation
6. PACE students are being forced to sit through material that is likely too
easy and boring for them
7. Students not in PACE are being given busy work or review while
waiting for PACE students to be in class
8. Gen ed teachers are frustrated with administration over policy
9. Gen ed teachers frustration over this policy and attempts to work around
are likely discouraging participation in PACE program
10. Some parents are happy, but we dont know how many because we have
only heard directly from three
11. loss of continued instructional time for PACE students
12. it seems like teachers are unclear on expectations-seems like some are
following a rule of not being able to
13. removing PACE students could stunt class discussion and flow (Mr.
14. those not included are developing low self-esteem/self-confidence
15. teachers feel pressured to raise scores/teach to the test
16. students feel pressured to perform
17. Parents feel students at the school arent being challenged enough
18. when data is manipulated, certain populations fall below in reading and
19. if scores arent increased in the next 3 years, state department will take
over running of school
20. teachers feel they are having to reteach instruction
21. lack of support for PACE teacher during collaboration, finding it easier
to collaborate with advanced teacher over gen-ed
22. PACE program dictated everyone elses schedule


23. the PACE program should be aligning curriculumexpanding upon


Narrow your list and combine ideas to create a problem statement.

How might we adjust the PACE program in a way that creates a more positive and
productive environment?




Problem statement: How might we adjust the PACE program in a way that creates a more
positive and productive environment?
Review the presentations on 12 research-based delivery models for serving gifted students.
Brainstorm many, varied, unusual solutions to this problem. A minimum of 30 solutions is
required for full credit. For each solution, you must cite its source (e.g., Rogers (2002),
Renzulli, FCS Procedures Manual, etc.)
1. Make PACE a before or afterschool activity
2. An at-home option (independent
3. Learning Contract with the Gen-ed
teacher. PACE kids know what they
are responsible for and can work
ahead at a faster pace, so Gen-ed
doesnt have to wait.
4. Pace as an Internship
5. Implement IB program
6. Acceleration through enrichment
7. Enrichment for all after school
8. Enrichment for all before school
9. Adding an enrichment period to
the day
10. have PACE be a scheduled class
period for those kids class with gen ed and
12.Differentiation within the
classroom via homogenous student
sub groups
13. Differentiation within the
classroom via heterogeneous student
sub groups
14. Group self-directed study within

Renzulli (The Autonomous Learner
Model; The Enrichment Matrix)
Renzulli (The Autonomous Learner
Renzulli (The Autonomous Learner

Renzulli (The Autonomous Learner

Renzulli (IB)
Renzulli (Acceleration through
Renzulli (Acceleration through
Renzulli (Acceleration through
Renzulli (Acceleration through
Renzulli (Enrichment Matrix)
Renzulli (The Catalyst Method)
Renzulli (The Enrichment Matrix;
The Purdue 3-Stage Model)
Renzulli (Total School Cluster
Renzulli (Enrichment Matrix)


the classroom
15. the discover method, using
Renzulli (The Discover Method)
strengths to guide how they learn,
might make the parents of the gen-ed
16. adjusting curriculum to create
Renzulli (IB and Advanced
Honors classes
Placement; Total School Cluster
17. adjusting curriculum, creating
Renzulli (Enrichment Matrix)
PACE classes
18. creating a cross-curricular class
Renzuli (The School-Wide
Enrichment Model)
19. hosting a community night
Renzulli (The School-Wide
Enrichment Model)
20. creating a school governance
Renzulli (The School-Wide
Enrichment Model)
21. implementing international
Renzulli (The Autonomous Learner
exchange programs
22. host a parent-to-school day
Renzulli (The School-Wide
Enrichment Model)
23. have a yoga class to reduce stress Renzulli (Integrated Education
24. implement brain breaks
Renzulli (Integrated Education
25.implement meditation periods
Renzulli (Integrated Education
26. offer a coping with stress class or Renzulli (Integrated Education
seminar during advisment
27. out of school augmentation
Renzulli (Enrichment Matrix)
28.bus kids to a different school one Renzulli (Enrichment Matrix; The
day a week
Purdue 3-Stage Model)
29. cluster grouping evaluated yearly Renzulli (Total School Cluster
30. cluster grouping evaluated biRenzulli (Total School Cluster
31. cluster grouping evaluated
Renzulli (Total School Cluster
32. flexible grouping
Renzulli (The School-Wide
Enrichment Model)


Narrow and combine ideas from your original Idea Finding list down to the 5 best ideas.
Record the ideas with a brief description.
1. Learning Contract with the Gen-ed teacher. PACE kids know what they are responsible for
and can work ahead at a faster pace, so Gen-ed doesnt have to wait.
2. have PACE be a scheduled class period for those kids

3. adjusting curriculum, creating PACE classes

4. team-taught class with gen ed and TAG

5. Adding an enrichment period to the day

List the criteria that you will use to fully evaluate your top 5 ideas.
Time, Money, Effort, Impact on School Environment


Problem statement: How might we adjust the PACE program in a way that creates a more
positive and productive environment?





Impact on


Learning Contract







PACE class period

PACE classes
enrichment period

Describe the best solution:

For our best solution, we propose implementing team-taught classes that utilize a general
education teacher and a PACE-certified teacher. We are not proposing that every single class
would have two teachers in the room, but rather, much as inclusion/special education classes are
already run, there would be a PACE teacher in the room to accommodate classes that include
PACE students. This would allow parents of students who are not in PACE to opt-in, by
requesting their student be a part of these new inclusion or team-taught classes. This would
allow the two teachers to implement any of the team taught models as needed to best serve the
students, while still exposing those who might benefit to more challenge and exposure to the
PACE curriculum. This might mean that the teachers are one day parallel teaching, on another
utilizing small group pullout, and on another flexible grouping.


Develop an action plan to implement your solution. Consider the following:
Rationale for problem statement
Cite the research-based models used to develop the solution
Description of all audiences who must accept the plan and their concerns
Detailed description of gifted education services and delivery models included with rationale
for each
Description of Teacher Selection and/or Professional Development plan
data that will be gathered to assess the plan
Rationale: How might we adjust the PACE program in a way that creates a more positive
and productive environment?
When considering how best to formulate our problem statement, we considered all of the parties
involved. There were staff, students, and parents to consider; all were intermingled as part of
the problem. Therefore, it was essential that our problem statement be broad enough to
encompass all involved. For this reason, we thought the statement a more positive and
productive environment served as a catchall for improving the program as a whole for all
parties. Our chosen solution is to implement a team-taught class with a general education
teacher and a PACE teacher. Parents of non-PACE identified students will have the option to
opt-in, placing their child in the team-taught class to work with PACE students and teachers.
Citation of research in support of choice:
Team-taught classes: We adapted the Catalyst Model in which there is a gifted education
specialist who collaborates with a general education teacher with the purpose of supporting him
or her in better teaching and serving gifted students. According to the Catalyst Model, this
individual would provide support during planning and via professional development, but would
only enter the classroom at necessary times, when another teacher is needed to best support the
students. We felt that the students at Yogi Bear Academy would benefit from having this
presence full-time since about 35% of our student population is identified gifted; this would
also save the jobs of the current gifted education teacher. This still fits with the intentions of
The Catalyst Model since the idea is to pool expertise from both gen ed and gifted ed. In
addition, we plan to still utilize a gifted education specialist a.k.a. coach, who will provide
support for the co-teaching teams during planning and also provide team-teaching professional
Professional development: From the School-Wide Enrichment Model, we are proposing that
the teachers participating in the team-taught initiative receive additional training and support in
the areas of team teaching and curriculum modification and enrichment.


Grouping: From the Tag Total School Cluster Grouping model, we are implementing that
mixed-model classrooms will be formed comprised of gifted students, as well as those
identified by teachers and/or parents as needing a greater challenge. The grouping of gifted and
the challenge group will form our team-taught inclusion classes.
Improvement of School Community and Morale: With the use of the Catalyst Model, we are
likely to see positive spill-over effects for the entire school in the form of happier parents and
raised test scores. Also, teachers who are struggling with the pullout of students will no longer
have this to deal with. As dictated in the School-Wide Enrichment Model, we will be offering
parent orientation and training, as well as asking for feedback from staff, parents, and students.
Description of all audiences who must accept the plan/possible concerns with the new
Principal-Ms. Standish: Ms. Standish is concerned about raising test scores, so the state
department doesnt step in. Our proposed plan of team-taught classes will expose our on-level
students to PACE strategies, i.e. new strategies for thinking and learning. This plan should
increase critical thinking skills, which would raise test scores in both reading and math.
Parent and teachers comments and concerns:
-children arent given opportunity to attend PACE: students are given the opt-in option to be in
-parents are thrilled that children get to participate in PACE: students maintain access to PACE
teachers and curriculum
-teachers concerned over loss of instructional time: students are no longer being pulled out, so
there is no loss of instructional time
-general education teachers discouraging PACE students from participating in PACE: with no
loss of instructional time and likeliness of increased testing scores, which should eliminate this
LSAC President-Mr. Bright: Mr. Bright believes in the teachers and his children have enjoyed
participating in PACE. Our proposed plan will not remove his childs opportunity to work with
a PACE teacher on PACE strategies.
LSAC Vice President-Mrs. Middleton: Her son is not in PACE and she feels that he is not
always challenged to his fullest potential. He would be a great candidate to be opted-in to our
inclusive team-taught PACE classes, where he will be challenged more.
General Ed Teacher-Mr. Hardley: Mr. Hardley works closely with PACE teachers and
students and he misses the PACE students when they are out. He has on several occasions
invited PACE teachers into his room. Mr. Hardley would be a wonderful candidate to be a part
of the new team-taught classes, wherein he would get to work even more closely with PACE
teachers and students and would get to keep the students in his room full-time, so that all
students might benefit from each others contributions.
Gifted Program Teacher-Miss Soaring: Miss Soaring really enjoys teaching PACE children,
but struggles in working with non-PACE children and their parents. A pairing between Miss


Soaring and a general education teacher would likely help, since she and the general education
teacher, as typical in team taught classes, would have a separate roster. The general education
teacher would be responsible for parent contact with the parents on his or her roster, while she
would be responsible for the PACE roster. Miss Soaring would benefit from team-taught PD in
preparation for the implementation of this new program, which would give her strategies for
working with general education teachers and students.
General Education Teacher-Mrs. Stickler: Mrs. Stickler is a general education teacher, who
is concerned about test scores being low. When the PACE students are out of the room, Stickler
struggles because she wants to move forward without having to reteach the PACE students. Our
proposed solution would address Mrs. Sticklers concerns, because test scores are likely to
improve with this model. It would also mean that she is not having to wait while students are
out of the room, since this model does not require removing students from the room on a regular
Description of gifted education services and delivery models w/rationale:
We propose implementing team-taught classes that utilize a general education teacher and a
PACE-certified teacher. We are not proposing that every single class would have two teachers
in the room, but rather, much as inclusion/special education classes are already run, there would
be a PACE teacher in the room to accommodate classes that include PACE students. This
would allow parents of students who are not in PACE to opt-in, by requesting their student be a
part of these new inclusion or team-taught classes. This would allow the two teachers to
implement any of the team taught models as needed to best serve the students, while still
exposing those who might benefit to more challenge and exposure to the PACE curriculum.
This might mean that the teachers are one day parallel teaching, on another utilizing small
group pullout, and on another flexible grouping.
Description of Teacher Selection/Professional Development Plan:
Teacher Selection: PACE teachers would be participating in this team-taught initiative.
General education teachers would have the option to volunteer. We here at Yogi Bear Academy
feel that there would be plenty of general education teachers, like Mr. Hardley and Mrs.
Stickler, would readily volunteer to participate in the program.
Professional Development Plan: Participating teachers would receive professional
development and support via a team-teaching coach, whose responsibility it would be to help
facilitate and support the co-planning and implementation of team-taught lessons and strategies.
Data that will be gathered to assess the plan:
-Test score data to measure the progress-raising of test scores (such as STAR data, which can
then be assessed at frequent intervals throughout the school year).
-Since the new plan will not be implemented until the following school year, we propose
implementing a parent, student, and staff satisfaction survey, which would give us a more
complete view of overall satisfaction with the current plan. Then, we will intermittently (mid-


year/end-of-year) give the same parent, students, staff survey to assess the impact of the

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