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Jace Funkhouser

Period: 5

A Very strange Day

I was watching tiny rain drops splatter on the only window in the room as the teacher
droned on and on when suddenly students started being called out of class one by one. I
wondered why they were getting pulled out of class in the middle of math. It wasnt just in my
class. I walked up to the door and peaked out to see other kids walking out of their classrooms.
When I walked back to my seat, my teacher was there tapping her foot faster then a tiger could
run. What were you doing up and out of your seat? she demanded to know. IIIm
checking on why all the students are leaving school, I said. Theyre just getting a jump start on
their day, so drop it, Ms. Pool answered. Then she walked back to her desk. Soon enough, Jack,
Ms. Pool, and I were the only ones left in class. It was scary. Jack and I looked at each other
with trepidation, and then looked back at the teacher.
Okay class Im going to go get some worksheets that I just printed off, she explained to
us. Jack this is our chance, I said. Our chance for what? Jack asked. I rolled my eyes, to get
out of here and find out why everyone is being pulled out of class! We slow walked out the door
and peered down the hall to see if anyone was there. No one was there. As we were walking
down the hall, we heard faint whispers coming from room 21, which is the printer room. Faint
and throaty, the voices whispered, they have no idea about the plan. Jack and I believed one of
the voices belonged to Ms. Pool. We should go back to the room before something really bad
happens! Jack said with a shivery voice. Something bad already happened. Besides if we do,
well just be waiting for their plan to get into place, I said in a stuttering voice.

Jack headed down the hall and I followed himcrack! We stopped in front of the
lunchroom. Did you hear that? Jack looked at me. Yeah, I replied while a chill went up and
down my spine. Come on, lets go! Its getting creepy, I urged Jack while tugging on his
shirtsleeve. As we started to tip-toe in the opposite direction, we heard what could have been ten
footsteps, but sounded like twenty, following us. A voice rang out, youre not going anywhere.
Then four people grabbed Jack. Each person grabbed an arm or leg while six others surrounded
me with bats and sticks. Right as the bats and sticks were coming down on me, I found myself
staring at a puddle of drool on my desk. I looked up and around me. Everyone was in class and
alive. My heart clenched, and I turned to look at Jacks desk. He was yawning and stretching. I
stood up to walk over to his desk. Did you have the same dream as me? Jack blinked a few
times, and replied, Were we the only students left in the school? Did we get chased? If so,
yeah, I had the same dream. From now on Im staying awake in class, Jack said. We both
laughed, although it was a bit of an uneasy laugh. Then Ms. Pool called us over and gave us
detention for three days for sleeping in class. We werent laughing anymore. After that the whole
day went off without a hitch.


Coby: The ending was nice.
Mykyle Lewis this was a good story, but I did not like that YOU DIDNT FINISH

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