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Catcher in the Rye Test Questions

Directions: Copy your 20 original test questions into the graphic organizer below. Be sure to
organize your questions based on their level of questioning according to Blooms Taxonomy.

Level of



1. Phoebe says, You dont like anything thats happening. What

does Holden say he likes in return?
a. James Castle
b. Allie
c. The nuns
d. D.B.

2. Where did Salinger get the title of the book from?

a. The title of a song Holden likes
b. From a dream
c. A poem by Robert Burns
d. A game Holden liked to play
1. What quote best shows Holdens impatience?


a. Whatd she say? Did you ask her if she still keeps all her kings in
the back row.
b. Cut it out. Whose car?
c. Why the hell not?
d. I really would, but the thing is, I have to get going.

2. How does Holden define Phony?

a. Disrespectful
b. Fake
c. hypocrite


Catcher in the Rye Test Questions

d. Selfish

3. What statement shows Holdens immaturity the best?

a. They kicked me out.
b. Grand. Theres a word I really hate. Its a phony. I could puke
every time
I hear it.
c. That isnt too far from this crumby place.
d. But I wouldnt visit that sonuvabitch Morrow for all the dough in
the world, even if I was desperate.
1. Whats the significance of bringing the ducks up multiple times?
a. It shows Holdens youth and innocence
b. Shows that some things arent permanent


c. Holdens just wants to have a conversation

d. It signifies freedom to Holden

2. It isnt important, I know, but I hate it when somebody has cheap

suitcases. Whats the point Holden is making during this
conversation considering the way he speaks?
a. He feels like he has to have expensive stuff to be respected
b. Its showing that everyone is guilty of prejudice
c. Proving that judgement is overthought
d. Holden pays attention to minor details, like wealth

3. What is the Catcher in the Rye symbolizing?

a. Innocence
b. Death
c. Prejudice

Catcher in the Rye Test Questions

d. Freedom

4. So what I did, I wrote about my brother Allies baseball mitt.

Why was this Mitt so important to Holden?
a. It was the only thing left of Allie
b. It had poems written over it, which he likes
c. He now uses it in his baseball games
d. All of the above

5. How would you apply the message you learned in this novel to
your daily life?
1. Why do you think Holden liked the mummies in the museum?
a. He likes that history never changes
b. It was nice and peaceful


c. It reminded him of his childhood

d. You could learn while still having fun

2. Allie, dont let me disappear. What conclusion can you draw

best from this scene where Holden was asking Allie to keep him
a. Holdens afraid he will get hit by a car
b. Holdens afraid he will fall if he continues down this path of life
c. Hes scared of dying
d. His mental illness is getting the best of him

3. How does Salinger NOT demonstrate the theme of alienation?

a. He has society reject Holden
b. He has Holden self-impose it

Catcher in the Rye Test Questions

c. He doesnt want to grow up
d. He has classmates team up against him

4. Compare and contrast Mr. Antolini and Mr. Spencer in the way
they help Holden.
a. Antolini gives more advice, while Spencer just yells at him
b. Antolini cares for Holden, while Spencer embarrases him
c. Antolini had Holden think in depth more, while Spencer told him
exactly what would happen to him
d. Antolini made Holden more depressed, while Spencer had to
cheer him up

5. How does Salinger show Stradlater as a secret slob?

a. He always wears cologne to smell good
b. His room looks clean, but his stuff is shoved in the closet
c. Hes compared to a razor, looks good on the outside but not the
d. He showers once a week


1. Can you predict the outcome if Holden were to not stay in town
with Phoebe? Did the way he spoke to her affect his decision?
2. Suppose you could rewrite the ending of the novel. What would
you change?
3. Can you elaborate on the reason why Salinger doesnt talk about
Holdens parents?
1. If you were to have met with Holden on his adventure, what
advice would you give him? Why?
2. Do you think writing this story, while in a mental institute, has
helped Holden to recover?

Catcher in the Rye Test Questions

Blooms level addressed in the question Number of questions


Knowledge Questions

4 pts

Comprehension Questions

6 pts

Application Questions

10 pts

Analysis Questions

10 pts

Synthesis Questions

6 pts

Evaluation Questions

4 pts

Skill addressed in the question

Number of questions

Word Choice

4 pts


4 pts

Rhetorical Elements

4 pts


4 pts

Compare/Contrast representations

4 pts

From the 20 questions total, 12 use

specific quotations or passages
from Catcher in the Rye

15 pts

Test typed in example format

Test contains answer key.
Test is printed on due date.

15 pts

Score on another peers test

10 pts

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