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820 Commonwealth Avenue

Hagerstown MD 21740

Student Learning Objective (SLO) Form for Teachers and Principals

Principals Name:
School Year: 2013-2014
District SLO

School SLO


SLO Component

1. Summarize the long term academic goal for students.

Students will develop a piece of opinion writing that includes a topic
sentence stating their opinion, supporting details, examples, and a
closing sentence.

Data Review &


2. Describe and explain the process and information used to

create this SLO.


3. Describe and explain the student group(s) selected for this


The pre-assessment cold write was given on 3/11. I used a rubric to

score their writing. The rubric consisted of 9 different elements, and if
students incorporated 7-9 of the elements, they received a 3. If
students incorporated 6 elements, they received a 2, and if students
incorporated 5 or less on the elements, they received a 1. When
analyzing the cold write, 50% of the students were not approaching
the standard, receiving a 1. Five of the students were approaching
the standard, receiving a 2, and 4 students mastered the standard,
receiving a 3.

Because Pangborns school SLO is a writing focus, all students in the

class will be expected to show growth on their summative opinion
writing assessment.

4. Describe the specific content focus for this SLO.

The focus for my SLO is opinion writing. This genre of writing correlates
with the following Common Core State Standards of Writing:

820 Commonwealth Avenue

Hagerstown MD 21740

Student Learning Objective (SLO) Form for Teachers and Principals

2.W.1- Write opinion pieces in which they introduce the topic or
book they are writing about, state an opinion, supply reasons
that support the opinion, use linking words (e.g., because, and,
also) to connect opinion and reasons, and provide a concluding
statement or section.

5. Describe the instructional period for this SLO.


6. Describe and explain the expectations for student growth

for students included in this SLO.

8 days March 11-20th

Students will increase their rubric score by 1 point (4 point scale) by

the end of the unit.
Evidence of

7. Describe what evidence will be used to determine student

progress or growth.
A rubric score that indicates a 1-point (or more) gain on their
summative opinion writing piece.


8. Describe and explain the key instructional strategies

selected for implementation to support students in reaching
the growth target for this SLO.
a) Graphic organizer- students will organize their topic sentence,
supporting details, examples, and closing sentence in a graphic
Oreo Cookie Organizer.
b) Lucy Calkins mini lessons- students who received a 3 on the
pre-assessment will be challenged with a 3rd grade writing
component. These students will be taught this component using
a Lucy Calkins mini lesson.
c) Writing checklists- students will receive a checklist of
components they need to incorporate in their writing to receive a
3. Students will also receive an editing checklist to create
their final draft.
d) Rubric- pre- and post-assessments will be graded using a
e) County based electronic resources (aka PORTAL)

820 Commonwealth Avenue

Hagerstown MD 21740

Student Learning Objective (SLO) Form for Teachers and Principals

Leadership and

9. Describe and explain the leadership strategies and

professional development activities that will support
attainment of this SLO.
a) Routine Writing Workshop County Level PD- I attended a
writing workshop at the Board of Education which focused on
incorporating writing into all subjects.
b) Collaboration with mentor teacher- my mentor teacher and I
collaborated throughout this unit to discuss various strategies
and assessments to use while teaching this unit.

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